Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 195 Going to Wushan Together

Chapter 195 Going to Wushan Together

To be honest, I have already given Yixian the ring, so at this moment, it is normal to come to Yixian's room, at least for the bridal chamber wedding night, this is a must.

However, the question is, Helena, what does that look in your eyes mean?And Atlanta, what are you trying to do by looking like a scumbag?San Juan himself doesn't mind, why do you bother more?
At this moment, Lu Yanzhi was sitting on Yixian's bed, and Yixian had already gone to take a bath first.

Yixian's room is decorated in an antique style, and the agarwood dressing table exudes a faint fragrance, but I don't know whether it is the fragrance of cosmetics or agarwood. The mirror is not a bronze mirror, but a glass mirror. The retro style should also keep pace with the times, right?

Lu Yanzhi felt that he had waited for a long time, but in fact it only took [-] minutes. Man, he always seems impatient in this regard.

With soft hair draped behind him, Yixian was wearing a plain pajamas, his bare calves looked slender and powerful, and there was a faint blush on his face. I don't know if it was because of the steaming water in the bath or because he was shy. Even if his bust was not as good as that of Shanghai Luna is so plump, she is also one of the best among the light patrols, her neckline is unbuttoned, revealing a faint whiteness.

Seeing Lu Yanzhi staring at him, Yixian lowered his head slightly: "Admiral, I'm done washing, you can wash it, I'll tidy up your pajamas for you!"

Impatiently dragging his coat, Lu Yanshi rushed to the bathroom, took a shower, put on his pajamas, and in 5 minutes, it was all over.

After coming out of the bathroom, Yixian was already lying on the bed, wrapped tightly, only his head was exposed. Lu Yanzhi could imagine what the scenery was like under the quilt, and immediately jumped on it.

"Prompt, admiral, lamp!" Yixian spoke hurriedly, his chest heaving slightly.

Wouldn't it be less fun to turn off the lights?Lu Yanzhi was slightly reluctant, but seeing Yixian's firm eyes, he still gave in, and turned off the light as soon as he turned it off.

Climbing onto the bed, under the faint moonlight coming in through the window, Lu Yanzhi held Yixian's exquisite face, bowed his head and kissed it.

The warm tongue aggressively searched in Yixian's mouth. Yixian's soft tongue was like a frightened rabbit, and he fled in a hurry. As the range of activities became smaller and smaller, finally, the two's tongues became entangled. Xian snorted softly for a long time, parted his lips, followed by the moonlight, Lu Yanzhi looked at Yixian quietly, Yixian's eyes were slightly blurred, and his breathing was short.



The quilt had been pushed aside, Lu Yanzhi stretched out his hand, and slowly untied Yixian's pajamas, Yixian suddenly became nervous, and as the last button was unbuttoned, it turned out to be a pair of flawless jasper, if the alluring beauties can use beautiful jade To describe it, then Yixian is definitely at the same level as He's Bi, no, there is still a gap in He's Bi, Yixian is really flawless.The fair and slender beautiful legs and jade feet are entangled with each other, and the arms are hugged in front of the chest, and the arms are lowered all the time. As everyone knows, this kind of action is the most attractive.

"Admiral, don't look!" Yixian finally couldn't bear the shyness, and couldn't help but said to Lu Yanzhi.

Lu Yanzhi smiled lightly: "How can I not look at it? I can't get enough of Yixian's body in my whole life!"

"Admiral~" Yixian said coquettishly in a greasy tone.

The moon outside the window is rounder. I used to watch movies or fantasy novels. Werewolves are no different from normal people on weekdays, but when the moon is full, they will turn into irrational werewolves who only know how to kill. , without a trace of humanity, at this moment, in Yixian's room, there is a werewolf, but it is a pervert.

Lu Yanzhi had already taken off his pajamas, and he and Yixian were seeing each other frankly at this moment


Countless ancestors told us with bloody facts that the so-called sage's time, lighting a cigarette and thinking about life is pure nonsense. What women in this time need is a warm embrace and a warm love story. Naturally, Lu Yanzhi will not make mistakes, no matter whether Yixian San Juan, who is his wife, cares about it or not, at this moment, holding Yixian in his arms and enjoying the aftertaste of the incident will undoubtedly make the relationship between the two go further, According to the words in the game, the tenderness at this moment, the favorability will be at least from one hundred to one hundred and eighty.

Lu Yanshi was holding Yixian in his arms at this moment, and Yixian was lying on his side, Lu Yanzhi gently hugged Yixian from behind.

"Finally, Yixian is finally my woman, so happy!" Lu Yanzhi said affectionately after smelling Yixian's beautiful hair.

Yixian murmured softly, "Yatxian is also very happy!"

"My goddess Yixian, hehe!"

Yixian didn't speak, but curled up in Lu Yanshi's arms, stretched out his hand, and touched Lu Yanshi's face gropingly.The feeling of unreality in a trance, only when he really touched the familiar corners, did he let Yixian know the authenticity of all this, and he has become the admiral's marriage ship.

Feeling Yixian's hand poking back and forth on his face, Lu Yanzhi mischievously opened his mouth and put Yixian's light-white jade finger in his mouth.


"I really like Yixian!" Lu Yanzhi said vaguely.

"So is Yixian!"

"In this case, the long night is long, let's do it again?"

"Ah!" Yixian exclaimed.


When the first ray of sunshine in the morning shines on the bedroom.

"Admiral, stop making trouble, it's time to get up!"

"No, I want to hug for a while!"

"Admiral~ Since six o'clock, you have said that you want to hug me for a while, and it is already eight o'clock!"

"Well, I don't want Yixian to leave my embrace, hold for another half an hour!"

"Hey, I really don't know what Ning Hai Ping Hai will say about me today!"

More than half an hour passed, almost nine o'clock.

"Admiral, if you don't get up again, breakfast will be gone!"

"Well, it's so annoying, why is it dawning so soon!"

"Okay, get up!"

"All right!"

No matter how comfortable the bed was, Yixian had already got up first. What's the point of lying alone? After Yixian got up and tidied up, Lu Yanzhi also got up.

Of course, looking at Yixian wearing clothes is extremely tempting and makes people impulsive, but it feels a bit regretful to be stopped by Yixian, because after all, the day's plan lies in the morning.

 Well, I really like Yixian!Finally, pushed!
(End of this chapter)

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