Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 207 The Cat's First Impression of the North Residence

Chapter 207 The Cat's First Impression of the North Residence

On Tirpitz's side, he was serious with Tennessee. After all, the notebook he saw from the admiral's place that day was perfect. I still dismissed it, and the admiral tried to use a set of such books to make myself practice hard. Is this possible?
However, when I went back to my bedroom and looked at the book I bought in Haikou City, I suddenly felt dull. All I could think about was the one in the admiral's hand. It's so thick. I think it's enough for me to read it for a month. ?

Therefore, it was only then that Tirpitz realized that such a set of notebooks could really allow him to actively practice and practice hard, for no other reason than to strive to meet the requirements of the admiral, to achieve a practice level of fifteen, and then to get That set of notebooks.

Therefore, early in the morning, Tirpitz took the initiative to make an appointment with Tennessee. If he could win one game, he would naturally win two, three or even more.

However, it was really annoying outside. I felt sleepy as soon as I set up the formation. I wanted to admit defeat and go back happily to finish the job. In the end, Tennessee actually fired first?Don't give yourself a chance to react at all.

Is it the reason to be angry?What's the matter?Why does it feel like Tennessee's salvo is so poorly aimed?

Tirpitz, who easily escaped Tennessee's attack, tilted his head and thought.

However, since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous. Tirpitz raised his muzzle. Although it is just an ordinary cat cannon, it is absolutely impossible for Tennessee to be hit or even broken by a round of salvo.

Tirpitz is fully confident that his volley will not miss, because the cat gun feels good, and it is extremely simple to aim. Moreover, since the previous victory, Tirpitz feels that he has found a little touch, because he has I have experience, so I am somewhat confident.

Everything was normal at first, but a figure approaching not far behind Tennessee attracted Tirpitz's attention. Therefore, the muzzle in his hand subconsciously raised higher, and of course it hit the sea behind Tennessee On, just hit the waves.

"Who is this person? Why does it feel familiar?" Seeing the person getting closer, Tirpitz was puzzled.

"It's a taboo to be distracted on the battlefield! Tirpitz!" The visitor skipped Tennessee, walked up to Tirpitz, and said seriously.

Short brown hair, blown by the sea breeze, wearing a black military uniform, especially, the two tufts of cat-ear-like hair standing stubbornly on the top of the head, all of these are extremely familiar, and they are exactly the same as the image of my sister in my dream. , Tirpitz looked a little confused at the moment: "Sister?"

The woman in military uniform, that is, Bismarck, showed a slight smile at the corner of her mouth: "Yeah!"

"Sister sister?"

Tirpitz suddenly became excited, this is my sister?Sister came to see her?

"Well, but you should solve your current crisis first. Who is this ship girl? Do you want me to teach her a lesson for you?"

Bismarck glanced at Tennessee, then said to Tirpitz in a flat tone.

Tirpitz waved his hand happily: "No need, she is Tennessee, and she is also the ship's wife of our tutelary mansion. Now she is practicing with me to improve my training speed."


"Sister, don't worry, you're defeated! I can handle it easily!" Tirpitz didn't notice Tennessee's darkening face at all. At this moment, she only had her sister in her eyes.

"As expected of my sister Bismarck, she can defeat the battleship Tennessee with a training level of more than 60 at a level of five!" Bismarck nodded in satisfaction. Obviously, his first impression of Tirpitz was very good, and he could even To say it is good is going too far.

Tirpitz was about to say something, but Tennessee ran over a few steps: "Who are you? Tirpitz's sister? Bismarck? Are you talking so crazy?"

"Also, Tirpitz, that loss to you was just an accident. Haven't you forgotten that you won more than 30 games with me?"

After being ignored for so long, Tennessee is obviously very angry, especially, the two of them still talk about her like no one else, can this be tolerated?

Being so mixed up by Tennessee, Tirpitz immediately remembered the dark life he had been dominated by before. One drill a day, one hour at a time, was simply hell.

"Sister, help me avenge me, I was beaten so badly by her before!"

Not a trace of unfamiliarity, Tirpitz said cutely, pulling Bismarck's sleeve.

"Hmph, sad weakling, you are such a big man, and you still need Sister Meow to help you take revenge! Shameless!"

It was only then that Tirpitz noticed that Bismarck was holding a cute little loli in one hand, with pink mid-length hair, cat ear headphones on his head, and a fleshy little face. Judging from his appearance, Seven or eight points similar to myself.

"Sister, is this?"

"Oh, this is the little house, little Tirpitz"

"Little Tirpitz?" Tirpitz poked little Lolita's cheek curiously.

"Don't touch me, you bastard!" Little Lolita, also known as Xiao Zhai, slapped Tirpitz's fingers away, and said angrily, her voice was immature, which only made people feel cute.

"Others, wait until yours, the tutelary mansion, let's talk about it. Now, I will help you teach this arrogant guy a lesson!" Bismarck said, and came to Tennessee.

"Melee combat or shelling? If it's shelling, you have to stretch the battlefield far away. Therefore, when dealing with people weaker than me, I generally prefer hand-to-hand combat!"

Tennessee was extremely angry, Bismarck's ship outfit was always on, she naturally saw Bismarck's equipment, it was considered very luxurious, not to mention the cat cannon, this is the equipment that all Bismarck-class ship mothers are born with, but, the cat changed Where did the cannon come from?Didn't it mean that the cat-to-cannon is only available when the Bismarck-class ship girl grows up?Could it be that this guy in front of him has grown up?

But even so, you should be the one who is really defiant and arrogant, right?Isn't it great to have luxurious equipment?I am also equipped with the sister control 7 I borrowed from the prestige, melee?I'm a battleship anyway, right?I have also experienced countless battles in the war department of the Ship Girl Alliance. Is the minister Maryland there good enough?The training level is over 75, and the equipment is all sister control 6, but even so, there is no thought of hand-to-hand combat in the face of the deep sea.

On the one hand, Tennessee was really shocked by why Bismarck had such luxurious equipment. On the other hand, Tennessee was really annoyed by Bismarck. Therefore, even if the ship's equipment parameters were inherently inferior, he had to fight this battle. For nothing else, just to teach the arrogant guy in front of him a lesson.

 Chapter 1!Well, ask for a recommendation ticket every day!

(End of this chapter)

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