Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 208 Bismarck and the small house

Chapter 208 Bismarck and the small house

On Lu Yanzhi's side, as early as Shengfu saw Tennessee fighting with that strange ship girl, Lu Yanzhi urged Shengfu to rush over.

The battle has come to an end, Tennessee has a bruised nose and a swollen face, but still stubbornly refuses to admit defeat. Originally, if the bombardment was a drill, Tennessee would never end up like this. However, during the bombardment battle, his own salvo was easily dodged by the opponent , Then, what greeted him was the dense enemy's firepower, and Tennessee lost completely. Therefore, the unwilling Tennessee decided to fight Bismarck hand-to-hand, and then, it was the scene in front of him.

It is a bit of an exaggeration to say that Bismarck practiced military boxing, but after all, he practiced military boxing and other moves. The moves are terrible. How can Tennessee fight well? Especially, Bismarck has more fighting experience than Tennessee. How much, made Tennessee wonder for a while, this guy won't fight hand-to-hand when he meets an enemy, right?It feels easier to lose in hand-to-hand combat than shelling!

Regardless of Xiao Zhai's resistance, Tirpitz forcibly hugged the little Lolita in his arms, and then cheered Bismarck up, watching Tennessee being beaten, laughing heartlessly.

Xiao Zhai struggled a few times in Tirpitz's arms, but she didn't break free, so she didn't care. Compared to this, she obviously paid more attention to Sister Meow's battle!

"Hey, how did you get reputation?" Tirpitz quickly lost interest in the one-sided battle, and saw the reputation coming, so he ran over and asked, as for Xiao Zhai, he was naturally still hugged by her.

"Let me go, let me go, you nasty guy, let me go, if you don't let me go, I'll beat you!"

Xiao Zhai was held in Tirpitz's arms, his feet left the sea, like a cat being picked up from his waist, his limbs struggled violently.

"Hit me? Haha, is it up to you?" Tirpitz giggled, his expression was naturally full of jokes. In her opinion, how could such a small guy compare with herself in all aspects.

Prestige first saw that although Tennessee was beaten, but his life was not in danger, he was relieved, and then Tirpitz rushed over and asked: "Tirpitz, what's going on? Who is that strange ship girl?" Also, this is a destroyer in your arms?"


Stretching his arms straight, Tirpitz raised the small house, shook his head and said, "This is not a destroyer, this is Tirpitz Jr., and also a battleship!"

Poor Xiao Zhai, no matter whether he was kicking or grabbing, he couldn't touch Tirpitz. After trying for a long time, he lowered his head as if resigned to his fate, and then his limbs hung down weakly.

"What about the ship girl who played, uh, fight with Tennessee?" Renown originally wanted to talk about drills, but this was the first time he had seen this kind of hand-to-hand drills, so he didn't know how to describe it.

"That, that's Bismarck, my sister, the crystallization of German technology!" Tirpitz was triumphant, and felt that today was his lucky day. If the admiral could promise to give him that set of books, it would be perfect. Such a good book must be shared with my sister, but I wonder if my sister likes to read the book?Speaking of which, as her younger sister, she likes to watch it, so her older sister must also like it, right?
Tennessee finally saw the prestige coming, and with a dodge, he got out of Bismarck's attack range: "No more fights, no more fights, I admit defeat!"

Because his face was a little swollen, he spoke in a low voice.

Tennessee walked up to Shengfu, his red and swollen face seemed to be stung by a wasp, and he forced a grin: "Why did you come to Shengfu? Hiss!" The last hiss was because of the wound.

"The admiral saw you fighting that ship girl, and was worried that something would change, so let me come over and take a look!" Shengfu replied honestly.

At the end, he asked again: "Why did you suddenly start a fight with him?"

Asked by the reputation, Tennessee gave Tirpitz a resentful look. The reason why he has developed to this point is all Tirpitz's fault, and Tirpitz must bear the blame.

Following Tennessee's gaze, Shengfu glanced at Tirpitz, and immediately guessed something in his mind.

Walking in front of Bismarck: "Hello, I am the reputation of the ship's lady of the tutelary mansion in this sea area!"

Bismarck looked at the prestige and nodded: "You are better than that Tennessee, hello, I am Bismarck, the wandering ship girl!"

After a brief acquaintance, the prestige brought everyone back. Lu Yanzhi on the stage was restless. He was worried when he heard the prestige said that Tennessee was fighting with someone, until he saw the figure in the distance gradually enlarged and clear , Counted several times, and only after confirming that there are not many people can be completely relieved.


"Hello, I'm Lu Yanshi, the admiral of Tirpitz!" Then everyone walked to the tutelary mansion, and Lu Yanzhi introduced himself to Bismarck while walking.

For Lu Yanzhi, Bismarck naturally did not have a good face, causing himself to go around such a big circle without saying anything, and actually took Tirpitz back to the tutelary mansion. God knows, when he was in Berlin and heard the news about Tirpitz How happy, but, because of some trivial matters, I wasted a little time. As a result, when I arrived in Bundle City, after listening to Scharnhorst's explanation, I realized that Tirpitz had joined the tutelary mansion Well, when she first heard the news, her first reaction was to kill and win her sister.Now, the main reason for being able to hold back his refraining from doing anything is that his sister has a very close relationship with that admiral.

Tirpitz looked at his sister suspiciously, his admiral had introduced himself, why did his sister ignore her?

Seeing Tirpitz's appearance, Bismarck sighed slightly in his heart. This sister may have already relied on the tutelary mansion and the admiral.


He said his name to Lu Yanzhi indifferently, and he didn't want to say a word more.

Tirpitz's older sister, Bismarck, had guessed from the moment she saw it. At this moment, Lu Yanzhi's heart suddenly became restless. Looking behind Bismarck with her eyes wide open, she looked around curiously, and the little girl, who was no stranger at all, asked, "So who is this?"

Tirpitz said excitedly to Lu Yanzhi: "Admiral, you must not guess who this is!"

"Oh?" Lu Yanzhi looked at Tirpitz suspiciously.

"Haha, this is little Tirpitz, can't you think of it, little Tirpitz, heck!"

Tirpitz on Children's Day, Lu Yanzhi naturally guessed it, but he couldn't believe it. Bismarck brought little Tirpitz to my tutelary mansion. This kind of opening should not be in line with his own personality. It is an African chieftain, a lucky African.

Tirpitz was very excited. For her, sister, book, and now with an admiral, her pursuit of life has been completed.

She didn't consider that her sister would leave. In her opinion, since her sister came to look for her, she would definitely not leave. In the future, we will live together and discuss the book with my dear sister or the admiral in my free time. You can ravage Xiaozhai in the coffee shop in San Juan, the perfect ending of the story, you and your sister, with the admiral, and Xiaozhai, live a happy life.

 Chapter 2, I really want to kill the protagonist, and then go to Lily!

(End of this chapter)

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