Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 232 The New Year Is Not All Right

Chapter 232 The New Year Is Not All Right
There are quite a few people in the tutelary mansion, but not many of them can work seriously. The little loli only has one Clarkston who can be used. Among the adults, Tirpitz is an abandoned house. She doesn't even bother to use her own bedroom. Take care, as for Lu Yanzhi, he doesn't worry about the few but the unevenness. Tirpitz doesn't work, so why should he do it? As for the hardworking bees like Yixian and the others, Lu Yanzhi subconsciously ignored them.

Sure enough, within a few minutes of Tirpitz's stay on the swing, Lu Yanshi came down from the dormitory. Naturally, there was no other reason, and he messed up San Juan again after he failed to accomplish anything.

Sitting next to Tirpitz, Lu Yanzhi's expression was a bit melancholy: "Tirpitz, do you think the two of us are worthless, and we can't help you with anything."

"The useless man is very good."

Tirpitz solemnly said that it is her dream to be a useless person who doesn't think about anything, but unfortunately, the admiral and sister don't let her wish.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Yanzhi was heartbroken: "I'm actually compared to you."

Tirpitz glanced at Lu Yanzhi: "Doesn't the admiral like this kind of state of doing nothing?"

"How is it possible? I still want to help."

Seeing Tirpitz's expression of disbelief, Lu Yan was defeated: "Well, in fact, this kind of feeling is really good, but it's a feeling of conscience."

Tirpitz shook his head again, and muttered in a low voice: "Bitch!"

Looking up, Lu Yanzhi had a faint expression: "Tirpitz, I heard you."

"Originally, I am very happy that I don't have to work, and I don't want to do it, but I don't need me. Isn't it the same as setting up a memorial archway when I'm doing something?"

Lu Yanzhi was furious immediately, wishing he could kill this outspoken guy.

Walking away from Tirpitz, Lu Yanzhi came to the admiral's room again, where the little lolis stood in a row, and Chicheng lectured in front.

"Did you guys hear clearly? The task has been released. As long as you complete it, you can go to Sister Chicheng to get a match cannon."

After saying that, the little Lolita immediately scattered, picking up the rag, the mop, and the broom.

"Admiral, why are you here?"

Chicheng looked at Lu Yanzhi who was walking over.

"It's okay, I just took a look."

Seeing the busy little loli, Lu Yanzhi showed admiration for Chicheng: "Chicheng, you are still taller, and it is easy to instruct little loli to help you with work."

Chicheng chuckled: "What's going on there is just a rational allocation and utilization of resources."

"However, aren't firecrackers and other things forbidden to be taken out of the warehouse years ago?" Lu Yanzhi said, showing a clear expression: "Oh~ are you pretending to be a public servant?"

"Miss Chicheng doesn't pretend to be selfish." Feng Xiang came out of the office.

"Admiral, it's too difficult to prevent the little lolitas from taking cannons secretly, I can't control it at all."

Lu Yan understood that when he was young, fireworks and firecrackers were never let off on New Year's Eve. They were often bought at 28 and finished at 29. At most, under the order of the director, a big firework would be left at [-] o'clock on New Year's Eve. put.

Feng Xiang said this, but it didn't prevent Lu Yanzhi from looking for trouble: "Then what? You guys take the initiative to deceive the little lolis?"

Chicheng smiled and said: "No, blocking is worse than sparse. Take out the most matches and cannons, which can not only make the destroyer work hard, but also liberate Fengxiang. Why not do it?"

"Having said so much, admiral, you are actually looking for trouble, right?"

Feng Xiang showed a puzzled expression: "Admiral, if you have nothing to do, why don't you help me sweep the corridor."

"Ah, haha, the prestige side still needs my help, so I'm leaving first."

Said, without further ado, slipped away.Awkward.

No matter how few people can work, fortunately, on the 27th day of the twelfth lunar month, the cleaning work is over, and the next thing is to prepare the ingredients for the New Year's Eve dinner. Needless to say, Lu Yanzhi, Yixian also knows that chicken, duck and fish meat Thanks to the invincible Star Destroyer Lord Sukhbaatar, the tutelary mansion has no shortage of fish, even seafood such as crabs and lobsters.

New Year's Eve is approaching.The secretary Jian Yixian temporarily took off the job of the secretary ship and devoted himself to the kitchen. The result was that the number of crimes led by Chicheng and Lu Yanzhi became more and more frequent.

What's more, what happened before Chicheng opened up Lu Yanzhi's thinking. He took out a few firecrackers. Needless to say, there was a little loli who took the initiative to work for him and put himself in danger.

Finally, Skynet was fully restored, and on the morning of 29, the little Lolita Firefly was caught. This little fool didn't know how to steal it before eating, so he hid in the kitchen and started eating, and betrayed Lu Yanzhi unceremoniously.

"Admiral, you're already 29, why can't you hold back?"

Yixian is wearing an apron and the exclusive suit for the supreme chef, which is full of allure.

"And, if you want to eat, you can tell me, and I will make it for you."

The firefly shrugged its head beside it, and Lu Yanzhi did the same, standing obediently.

Stealing to eat mainly emphasizes a stimulus, how can you say this.

Akagi walked by and laughed out loud at this situation.

If you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous, Lu Yanzhi said: "Yixian, let me tell you that the snacks you fried yesterday were secretly taken by Chicheng."

The reason why Akagi didn't send a destroyer is of course understandable. The destroyer also needs to pay hush money, how can Akagi be willing?

"I'll punish you, and you won't be allowed to enter the back kitchen until tomorrow's reunion dinner."

Yixian was helpless, what else could be done in this situation?
Discussed with San Juan whether to invite Nelson and Rodney to the New Year's Eve dinner. Originally, this kind of thing would be of great help to the fishing boat. There is no doubt that there is no need to discuss it. We must invite it. However, Lu Yanzhi He was a little hesitant. It wasn't last year that there were not many warlords in the town guard's mansion. This year, the town guard mansion had a lot of staff.

The answer I got from San Juan was: "Definitely invited, isn't it a good opportunity for the admiral to recruit Nelson? Don't be like last year when you didn't invite Tennessee and regret it afterwards."

Thinking about what San Juan said was indeed reasonable, Lu Yanzhi drove to Haikou City non-stop. As a result, the empty ship girl alliance only got a piece of news by asking someone else.

Nelson took all the members of the Ship Girl Alliance to travel.

Helpless, I had no choice but to rush to the best day, the store was still open, and I bought a lot of firecrackers to go back. Sure enough, it was impossible to stop the little lolitas from stealing the firecrackers from the warehouse. There are not many fireworks, and some people use firecrackers to tempt little loli to do some bad things, of course it is not enough to consume.

Also, on a whim, I bought New Year's gifts for my girls, and the destroyers can give them red envelopes. However, adults, if you need the money of the tutelary mansion, you can apply for it. You don't need it at all. It's better to have a gift. .

(End of this chapter)

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