Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 233 The system has also given benefits

Chapter 233 The system has also given benefits


On New Year's Eve, there are actually not many things to be busy with, no, there are still many things to do, but they are all happy things, so it is not too tiring to do them.

The dishes for the New Year's Eve dinner are almost prepared, and it will be fine to cook them directly. Yixian made almost the same yesterday, leaving only Shuang Hai to continue.

Couplets are indispensable, and this aspect is left to Yixian. Yixian, who is proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, is absolutely reliable.

There are a lot of rooms in the tutelary mansion, it is impossible to post couplets in every room, it is too troublesome, one for the admiral's office, one for the gate of the tutelary mansion, one for the dormitory building, one for the restaurant gate, and San Juan specially for the cafe I asked for a couplet, and the couplets were posted in the cafe, which was unspeakably weird, but San Juan didn't care, anyway, it's a tutelary mansion, so I wanted to celebrate it.

After several couplets were written, the brushes were snatched by Helena Tennessee.

Lu Yanzhi sat aside and laughed: "Helena, do you think you are holding a pencil? That's a writing brush, that's not how you hold it."

"I come, I come, I know how to take it, I learned it from Yixian."

Tennessee snatched it up and pretended to sit up. She just watched Yixian learn two tricks when she was writing. She dipped in the ink, and when she was about to write, she instantly revealed her original shape. generally.

Sure enough, the word Tennessee drew merciless laughter from Helena, Lu Yanzhi, Atlanta and others, and even Yixian who was sitting by the side covered his mouth and chuckled.

"Smile, smile, come here if you have the ability!"

Tennessee stretched out the brush to Lu Yanzhi.


Lu Yanzhi shook his head while laughing: "No, no, I can't. I can't write hard-tipped characters well and still write brush characters?"

Lu Yanzhi continued to evade, and Yixian also yelled at the side: "Admiral, try it, I will teach you!"

Looking at Yixian, and then at the crowd, Lu Yanzhi picked up the brush and wrote as soon as he wrote. Was he afraid of losing face in front of his own girl?
Standing behind Lu Yanshi, Yixian taught him by hand, barely writing a few words.

"Iron, not compatible?"

Helena looked at the words written by Lu Yanzhi and said, "Admiral, you're not bad at writing, why don't you pretend you can't?"

Lu Yanzhi's face was dark: "This is perseverance!"

Hearing this, Helena was extremely embarrassed, and Tennessee collapsed on the sofa laughing.

"Reputation? Come and try?"

Lu Yanzhi looked at the reputation who had been silent all this time.

Shengwang has never rejected Lu Yanzhi's proposal, and this time is no exception. He picked up a brush, asked Yixian to teach him for a while, and wrote on the paper: Lu Yanzhi.

"Well, reputation, not bad! It's much better than what I wrote."

Lu Yanzhi admired it, and his reputation is worthy of reputation. From the first time he came into contact with brushes to writing brush characters for the first time, there were only a few demonstrations by Yixian and a few oral teachings in the middle, which is better than his high school who has learned brushes on purpose. The words are much stronger.

In the afternoon, the couplets were taken out and pasted up by everyone, and Yixian ran to the restaurant by himself to see how the final preparations were going.

Chicheng and Tirpitz have not left here since the morning, Tirpitz is too lazy to move, Chicheng is specially for Ning Hai Pinghai to taste the dishes.

In the cafeteria, three tables were put together early and covered with brand new tablecloths.

Soon, the night came, and the sumptuous dishes were brought out by Shuanghai and Clarkston and placed on the table.

Before the meal, Yixian specially found a few incense sticks, and the firecrackers were crackling. Thinking about it, Yixian lit the incense and set off the firecrackers to invite the gods. When the gods come, they can’t just watch us eat. They must offer incense. Extra care.

In Chicheng who couldn't wait, the little lolitas took their seats one after another. They didn't pay too much attention. They didn't care about their seniority and orderly. They could sit however they wanted. As the only man in the town guard mansion, what should Lu Yanzhi say at this time? , For example, the year-end summary and the New Year's outlook, but Chicheng's eager eyes made Lu Yanzhi's belly draft become two words.

"Come and eat!"

"Oh oh oh oh!"

The little lolis were immediately excited, and this was the reason for their nonsense. Only Clarkston, like a little adult, sat quietly in the middle of Pinghai and Ninghai.

"Chicheng, give me a piece of ribs in your bowl!"

"Won't the admiral clamp himself?"

"Give me yours, and you can pinch it again!"

Chicheng was still struggling, and Clarkston came down from Shuanghai, Dangdang ran to Lu Yanshi.

"Admiral, I'm worried that you won't be able to reach the food over there, so I'll bring you a bowl!"

Then, he handed the bowl to Lu Yanzhi.

To be honest, Lu Yanzhi was really moved, and gave Chicheng a vicious look: Look, you are not as good as a little loli!

Chicheng blinked innocently, at this time, ignore it, at this time, anyone who dares to disturb her for dinner will fight her desperately.

After taking the bowl, the little girl was about to go back, but Lu Yanzhi stopped him, pulled the food from the bowl, and then gave Clarkston some dishes in front of him.

"So, hard work Clarkston, in exchange, can I exchange these with you?"

"Thank you admiral, serve the admiral's food, Clarkston doesn't need to exchange it!"

Clarkston took the bowl and smiled sweetly.

Yixian sat on Lu Yanshi's right hand, and San Juan sat on Lu Yanshi's left hand. The two looked at each other and remained silent for a long time.

"Admiral, tell me what you want to eat, I'll serve it for you, and let Clarkston eat it by himself!"

San Juan said.

Yixian was also full of apologies: "Admiral, I forgot to tell Ning Hai this time, next time I can prepare two servings of one dish!"

The little lolis had already run away, holding their rice bowls and wanting to eat that dish, they walked up to them: "Sister, help me get some food!"

Sukhbaatar dealt with a fish by herself, which was her own trophy, and it tasted extraordinarily delicious.

Originally, during Chinese New Year, drinking a little wine would be fine, but there is no one in the tutelary mansion who loves wine, and red wine is also enjoyed after meals. Therefore, the most drinks on the table are the favorites of Tirpitz and little Lolita, waste House happy water, and some juice drinks.

A meal was eaten for nearly two hours while joking and frolicking.

As Chicheng put down the last plate, it was announced that the New Year's Eve dinner was officially over.

After eating, Tirpitz immediately wanted to slip away. Everyone cared about watching the new year with the admiral, so she didn't want it. There was nothing more interesting than reading a book under the quilt.

He was stopped by Lu Yanzhi: "It's Chinese New Year, everyone is happy, don't be special, don't read the book, bring the game console, go to the cafe and play games."

He muttered a lot of things he didn't want to say, but at any rate, Tirpitz finally gave Lu Yanshi a bit of a slap in the face.

The warehouse is wide open, except for a few big fireworks that cannot be moved, they must be set off at [-] o'clock in the evening, and other little girls can play whatever they want. Seeing the number of fireworks in the warehouse, Lu Yanzhi sighed again: "It's okay, I bought a lot more that day.

Claxton held a firework that looked like a whip. To be honest, this kind of firework was really nothing to watch. It was purely for children. After all, the risk factor was low.However, it is such an ordinary rope firework. After it is lit, Clarkston dances lightly. The girl does not know who to learn the dance from. It is like an elf. It is really beautiful.

For the adults, the fireworks are just a temporary pleasure, and I will go back to the cafe in San Juan immediately after the show. Since we are going to watch the New Year tonight, there is no doubt that the cafe in San Juan is definitely the best choice, and there are enough places Big, everyone plays cards and mahjong together, all in all, entertainment is right.

Yixian Chicheng and his nephew Pinghai Ninghai form a mahjong team. Yixian who plays mahjong looks very much like a rich wife in Shanghai in the [-]th century, especially in a tight-fitting cheongsam. Lai Fengxiang strongly recommends the straps to be worn inside.Well, different temptations.

Even when Chicheng was playing cards, he still reached out to the dessert prepared by San Juan from time to time.Well, not from time to time, but to play a card and reach out once. Fortunately, I know that there is a tissue next to it to wipe my hands, otherwise, I am afraid that several other people will angrily scold Chicheng for making mahjong dirty.

Shuanghai usually played together, but unfortunately, there are not many people who can play mahjong in the town guard's mansion. The pain of missing one of the three is well known, so the two of them had to be separated.

Lu Yanzhi sat next to Tirpitz and played games with Tirpitz. The boss, which he couldn't beat at ordinary times, was blessed by the New Year's buff. , made Lu Yanzhi very worried. You must know that he was the first to play this game console, and in the end it couldn't even compare with Tirpitz.

However, compared with Tirpitz, it is not wrong to lose.

Prestige formed a group with Helena and Tennessee, Fighting Landlords, it seems that Helena wanted to get back the game, originally planned to call it CV-16, after all, it was broken by her last time, but, CV-16 I learned a lot from a pit, and I didn't agree with anything, so I had no choice but to enlist in the army.

CV-16 was teasing her Samoyed, which grew bigger and more beautiful.Well, speaking of which, the CV-16 is getting better and better.

San Juan and Atlanta changed into maid outfits, and the cat-ear ship outfits were still exposed. Of course, this is not New Year's clothes, it's just their work clothes. Originally, Lu Yanzhi didn't let the two of them do this, but, the two People don't seem to reject this, and even like this state, so Lu Yanzhi didn't say anything more.

After playing outside for a while, Clarkston was the first to walk into the cafe. The little guy has a calm temperament. Among the little lolitas, he is the only existence that can make adults feel at ease. He lit a few fireworks and was already very happy. Come in now, Not surprisingly, I came to find my favorite admiral.

Sure enough, after entering, Clarkston first took a look at the mahjong quartet, and then continued to walk in.

Seeing the admiral and Tirpitz together, he ran over happily.

"Admiral, are you here?"

Sitting up from the sofa, Lu Yanshi patted Tirpitz next to him, indicating that there was a child, so be careful.

Then, he walked up to Clarkston, stroked the girl's soft long hair, and said gently, "Why is Clarkston here? Don't play with fireworks?"

"Of course the most beautiful fireworks are interesting to watch with the admiral!" Clarkston chuckled.

Lu Yanzhi's breathing was stagnant, what should I do, the enemy's firepower is too fierce, and I can't stand it!God, let me fall!

"Admiral, continue to play games with me!"

Hiding the notebook in his arms, Tirpitz sat up from the sofa and snorted, yes, the two were lying on the sofa just now, but they went to read the notebook again, both of them are shameless guys, even in Discuss the feasibility and comfort of those embarrassing positions.

"Go play by yourself, I'll take Clarkston to play with fireworks!"

Lu Yanzhi said, holding Clarkston's little hand: "Let's go, the admiral will accompany you to play fireworks!"

"Well, won't you bother the admiral? If the admiral has something to do, just go about your own business. Clarkston can play by himself!"

Clarkston said kindly.

"It's okay, what can the admiral do, the admiral's job is to have fun with you."

Claxton's every move affects the hearts of San Juan and Yixian. I don't think Yixian doesn't care too much about it, but San Juan cares about it. The admiral was snatched by a mere destroyer. How can this be? Can you bear it?

Therefore, as soon as Lu Yanshi and Clarkston went downstairs, San Juan climbed to the window and stared closely at Lu Yanzhi's movements.

After all, San Juan thought of a lot of people who would be the third admiral with him. Prestige is a formidable enemy, and Tirpitz is a strong opponent. Na is also very scary, two words to describe it, it is obscene, and Chicheng is even more terrifying, an active vixen.In any case, at least these are adults, which is better than a little girl in Clarkston, but judging from the current situation, the possibility of Clarkston overtaking is too high.

The soft little cat girl is mainly pleasing to the eye, and the vast majority of people in the tutelary mansion have good senses about her.

"It's better to let Ning Hai become a little fat man."

San Juan thought evilly in her heart, after a long time of comfort, she has forgotten that they are ship girls, even if they are fat, Tirpitz's level is considered terrifying, so can they be considered fat?At best, barely plump.

Lu Yanzhi and Clarkston went out, and Yixian naturally saw it too, but he ignored it when he saw San Juan paying attention. As a secretary ship, it's not easy for me to do this kind of thing, so I don't care about it at all. Worried, continue to play cards with Akagi and the others.



Chicheng smiled happily: "Haha, Yixian, it's been so long since the chicken has not come out yet, you don't know that someone wants it!"

"Sister Yixian, what's wrong?"

Ning Hai asked earnestly.

"It's okay, it's okay, go on, Chicheng, don't be happy, this time I will treat you as if I gave you water, and see how you lose so badly."


Yixian shook his head, the admiral is not a lolicon, this is certified, otherwise, the little guy Murasame usually shows off his figure in front of the admiral, and the admiral has no feeling of being tempted, just Stop it with a smile.

The night was getting deeper and deeper, and quietly, quietly, it was past eleven o'clock.

All the fireworks in the warehouse were moved out and placed neatly in the small square. Even Tirpitz was called down. Everyone, including the little Lolita, stood in a row around the admiral, waiting quietly The arrival of twelve o'clock.

 Well, I admit it, I am the fifth child of Huluwa!Sorry, I won't ask for tickets or anything!I feel ashamed to face Jiang Dong's elders.

(End of this chapter)

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