Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 246 You guys who have never seen the world

Chapter 246 You guys who have never seen the world

On the second day, Nelson left Lu Yanshi's tutelary mansion disheartened. Since Lu Yanshi took office, he has taken away two ship girls under his command one after another. CV-16 is okay, just joined the ship girl alliance, The combat power is not strong, Nelson still encouraged Lu Yanzhi to fish it out, but Saratoga is different, it is really emotional, how many years have we been together, from the beginning I didn't understand anything to being alone in the aircraft carrier formation The flagship, Nelson watched Saratoga grow up step by step.

As a result, the friendship over the years was nothing compared to a sister with blood and kinship.

But thinking about it, Nelson felt relieved. He also has a younger sister, so it's only natural for him to stand on the other side's side.

"Lu Yanzhi, you are really powerful. In the future, will all the ship girls in my ship girl alliance be taken back by you?"

Before leaving, Nelson said something to Lu Yanzhi, which made Lu Yanzhi feel embarrassed and couldn't help secretly thinking: Okay, all of you can join my tutelary mansion, and I'll save a lot of time, your ship girl In the alliance, there must be more than 200 large and small ships.

Lexington's training is still going on. In the tutelary mansion, you can see a few planes piercing the sky from time to time. It is worthy of being a pioneer of an aircraft carrier. In just one month, Lexington's carrier-based aircraft control technology has soared. Some aircraft carriers The classic attack mode is also used in a decent way.

After Lu Yanzhi repeatedly pleaded for Tirpitz, Bismarck showed mercy and let Tirpitz skip running training. At the same time, the training time in the morning and afternoon was reduced by one hour each, and there were only three hours of training time a day. When he heard the good news, Tirpitz wept with joy, hugged Lu Yanzhi and refused to let go.

Xiao Zhai was full of resentment towards Lu Yanzhi, so he didn't have to memorize the thousand-character essay, but he had to go to class. The novelty of the first class disappeared after two or three days. Now Xiao Zhai often lies on the desk, saying in his heart that Lu Yan ill-advised.

April [-]nd, today is a good day, the phone of the tutelary mansion was finally opened.

"Ahem, is it okay?"

Lu Yanzhi was holding the phone, and Nelson's voice came from the other side.

"It's clear, you don't need to ask others!"

"Wow, it really worked, haha, Admiral Lu, I can hear you talking!"

Nelson smiled like a child, the military influence of the past no longer exists.

"I can hear your voice too, why are you calling? Is there any mission?"

"You can hear it too? That's great, haha, oh, it's all right, I'm just trying to see if this thing works."

"Is it okay? Then I hang up!"

"Well, I'll go and call the other tutelary forts."

Then, there was a beep on the phone.

Lu Yanzhi shook his head, chuckled, and then put down the receiver. It was similar to the image of an old-fashioned telephone on TV in his previous life, and he still cranked it when dialing.

"Cut, it will be interesting when we can make a mobile phone."

Lu Yanzhi sneered in his heart. If he made a mobile phone, he must develop a small game. The first charge is only [-] yuan, and the attacker will be given away. Of course, this is the case in the game.

Lu Yanzhi thought of movies again, so let’s invent the projector as soon as possible. In the future, the tutelary mansion will buy one and set up a screening room, which will be called the tenth screening room. Rare queen of song, Missouri, queen of actress, haha, Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn of the ship girl world.

All in all, the world is so boring without the entertainment of future generations. I want to date my own girls, shopping malls, amusement parks, boating, and nothing else.

"Admiral, let Lexington be the secretary ship of the tutelary mansion!"

Sitting on the side, Yixian thought for a long time, and finally made up his mind and said to Lu Yanzhi.

Lu Yanzhi was suddenly puzzled: "What's the matter? Yixian, you did a good job, why did you suddenly ask Lexington to be the secretary ship?"

Yixian said: "I feel that Lexington is more suitable for the job of the secretary ship than me!"

"how come!"

Lu Yanzhi smiled.

"Yixian, you've done a good job. For Lexington, she still needs to train. I'm afraid she doesn't have much time to work on the secretary ship."

Yixian continued: "Admiral, I have considered it carefully. Although Lexington has only joined the tutelary mansion for more than a month, everyone in the tutelary mansion is convinced and very popular."

"Yatxian's popularity is not bad either!"

"Admiral, let me tell you the truth!"

Yixian shook his head: "Didn't you notice in the past few days? I asked you fewer questions."

"Did Lexington help?" Lu Yanzhi asked.

"Yes, that day, there was a document that I was going to take for you to review, but I happened to meet Lexington, and Lexington gave me his opinion. After I asked you, I found out that Lexington and you same idea.”

After a moment of silence, Yixian said: "If you let Lexington be the secretary ship of the tutelary mansion, then you will be much more relaxed, admiral."

"That's it!"

Lu Yanzhi nodded. In fact, to be honest, the work of the secretary ship is indeed the most in the tutelary mansion, and most of it is mental work. Compared with the prestige maid work, the restaurant work in Shuanghai is more troublesome.According to Lu Yanzhi's understanding, these jobs in the town guard mansion were originally his. As the secretary ship, Yixian can help him solve the problem, and he is already very satisfied, but now Yixian is determined to resign from the secretary ship. Work?

"But, if Yixian isn't a secretary ship, what else would he do? I'm worried that Yixian will get bored."

Yixian smiled lightly: "Admiral, leave the kitchen to me. Ning Hai and I will go cook. Anyway, cooking is my job!"

"In this case…"

Just as Lu Yanzhi was about to speak, the phone rang.

"Hello? Hello, who are you?"

"It's clear, haha, Chief Nelson has done a great job this time!"

The voice was a little familiar, but Lu Yanzhi couldn't remember it for a while.

"Haha, Admiral Lu, I'm Ai Jia!"

"Oh, Admiral Ai Jia, I don't know why Admiral Ai Jia called suddenly?" Lu Yanzhi asked.

"Haha, it's all right, it's just that Chief Nelson made this bullshit call so wonderful, I want to try the effect!"

"Since it's all right, should I hang up?"

"Hey, okay, hang up, hang up!"


After hanging up the phone, Lu Yanzhi curled his lips in disdain. You will be surprised after just one phone call. Then if you have a mobile phone and a computer in the future, why don't you fly out?

The topic obviously couldn't go on. Lu Yanzhi wanted to continue talking about Lexington with Yixian, but the phone rang once in a while, and he couldn't say a complete sentence, which made people want to call out. Wire.

"Hello? Admiral Lu? Oh, I'm Bei Si!"

"Hello? Admiral Lu? I'm Su Mo!"

"Hello? Admiral Lu? I'm Li Li!"


I can go to your sister!

After unplugging the phone line, Lu Yanzhi let out a long breath.

"A group of soil turtles!"

 Well, when is the movie coming out?

(End of this chapter)

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