Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 247 Lexington Higher Diary

Chapter 247 Lexington Higher Diary

Yixian obviously made up his mind, no matter how Lu Yanzhi tried to persuade him, he always said: Lexington is more suitable for the job of the secretary ship than me.

Therefore, Lu Yanzhi found Lexington.

"Well, Lexington, Yixian intends to entrust you with the job of secretary ship of the tutelary mansion, what do you think?"

Lexington chuckled: "If the admiral also agrees, then Lexington will definitely work hard!"

"That's fine, I will announce to everyone tomorrow that Yixian will hand over the work of the secretary ship to you!"

Lu Yanzhi nodded.


"Sister, why did Yixian give you the job of the secretary ship?" Saratoga lay on the bed, curiously said: "I have been to many tutelary forts, and those ship girls are not rushing to be the secretary ship. "

Gently stroking Saratoga's smooth long hair, Lexington chuckled: "I don't know, but it should be the admiral's intention!"

Saratoga immediately showed a vicious expression: "Him? Damn, what does he want to do? Have an office romance with you? So that you can claim your wife's name?"


Lexington patted Saratoga's forehead lightly, and said angrily, "The admiral is not that kind of person."


Saratoga sneered: "It's not right to put the name of wife on the head of sister casually."

Lexington's face was blushing. When they first met, the admiral called himself his wife. Thinking about it, he was really shy.

However, in front of Saratoga, Lexington will not show a weak and shy side.

"Gaga, maybe the admiral called me wife because he likes you!"


Saratoga's expression was exaggerated: "Sister, stop joking, how is it possible, if he dares to like me, I will blow up his office!"

Lexington continued: "It's possible, the admiral calls me wife, so you become the admiral's sister-in-law?"

As he spoke, Lexington showed a strange smile: "After all, sister-in-law is half of brother-in-law's ass!"

After finishing speaking, Lexington chuckled, ignored Saratoga who looked almost dull, turned around and went to take a shower.

At this moment, Saratoga was full of confusion.

"Lu Yanzhi likes me? Don't be kidding, I haven't noticed it all the time. No, it might be true. Otherwise, why are you paying so much attention to me? Terrible, terrible!"

Stretching out her hands and messing with her hair, Saratoga walked to the door of the bathroom: "Sister, I want to wash with you!"


"Wow, sister, your place is so big!"

"Gaga, stop making trouble!"

"Who told you to tease me just now, I want to touch it!"

"Ah~ Gaga, don't!" Lexington showed a panicked expression.


"...So, after negotiation, starting today, Lexington will officially replace Yixian as the secretary ship of our tutelary mansion. I hope that the tutelary mansion will be under the management of Lexington..."

A bunch of unnutritious mandarin, Lu Yanshi spoke heartily, but the girls were sitting on the sofa, and the only ones who listened carefully were Prestige and Clarkston.

"Next, please let Yixian say a few words for everyone!"

After saying this sentence, everyone was not angry immediately: Come again?

Lu Yanzhi walked down and sat beside Tirpitz.

"Admiral, you are amazing. You have been talking for more than an hour when no one is listening!"

Tirpitz was full of admiration. Today, due to the work handover of the secretary ship, she did not train in the morning, and she is obviously a little more energetic than usual at the moment, of course, only a little.

Pinching Tirpitz's face, Lu Yanzhi said harshly, "You didn't listen? What are you doing? Reading a book? Believe it or not, I'll tell Bismarck?"

Tirpitz sneered disdainfully: "Go ahead, my sister has been surrendered by me now, as long as I don't appear in her sight while reading the book, she will acquiesce."

The speaker on the stage was replaced by Lexington, and everyone was wailing. Even CV-16 began to tease the Samoyed who was squatting quietly beside him. Lu Yanzhi looked over and met his gaze. The girl blushed and turned to sit upright.

Lexington only said one sentence: Please support my work in the future.Then the conversation ended, and everyone was very happy.

Helena even shouted loudly: "Admiral, learn from Lexington. We are all a family. Is it interesting to say so many polite words?"

"that is!"

Atlanta Tennessee and others echoed.

Lu Yanzhi was quite helpless.

"Sister Yixian, why did you resign from the secretary ship?"

After everything was over, Ning Hai and Ping Hai were the first to run over to find Yixian. They were puzzled by this. The secretary ship, she spent the longest time with the admiral, so sister Yixian was dismissed like this?
Yixian smiled lightly: "Resign from the secretaryship, so I can concentrate on helping you two little guys in the kitchen!"

"We can come here by ourselves!" Ping Hai shouted at the top of his voice.

Yixian said: "Okay, Lexington is more suitable for the job of the secretary ship than me. For me, I'd better stay in the kitchen and help you cook. This is my job."

Ning Hai suddenly showed a fierce look: "Did the admiral dismiss you?"

"Don't guess, you two, I proposed it on my own initiative."

"Okay, okay, it's a pity, our fishery administration ship has such a high status in the tutelary mansion, but, sister Yixian, once you resign, alas~"

Ning Hai shook his head and sighed.

"Why do you think the Admiral wants Lexington to be the secretary ship?" Tennessee asked the people next to him, Helena, Atlanta, and San Juan.

Helena dismissed it, and she could guess what her admiral thought: "Who knows, maybe it's trying to right Mrs. Lexington's name!"

"Fuzheng? It's ridiculous. In any case, my sister is the first marriage ship. This is a fact!" Atlanta complained for San Juan.


Helena glanced at San Juan, and said mercilessly: "You can't even beat Yixian, can you keep your position as the number one marriage ship?"

Taking a deep breath suddenly, Helena said: "Look, maybe the next ship girl who joins the tutelary mansion will only know that Lexington is his wife. As for San Juan and Yixian, tsk tsk, it's better. Lexington may let them be equal wives, if they are more serious, they will be concubines, mistresses or even mistresses."

"Little Four?" Tennessee asked.

Helena looked at Tennessee and said indifferently: "Don't forget, Lexington also has a younger sister, Saratoga!"

After Helena said so much, San Juan didn't fluctuate in his heart, and even wanted to laugh a little bit. She was actually deluded by the authorities. She thought she had agreed with the admiral, three days a week, so it must be three days a week. Completely forgot Yes, there are more monks and less porridge, and one more monk will share the porridge. The porridge is fished out of their bowls.

"No matter how bad it is, there is still Yixian by my side?"

San Juan thought so in his heart.

All in all, Lexington successfully became a secretary ship in the tutelary mansion, and after taking office, the successive big moves made everyone discover that Lexington's methods are really clever!
 Chapter One
(End of this chapter)

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