Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 249 The Wet Eagle

Chapter 249 The Wet Eagle


Lexington continued to communicate with Akagi with reputation. The specific details of the town guard are unknown to outsiders, but it can be seen from Lexington's training that he is in a good mood.

Sitting under the parasol, holding the Bing Kuo Le specially brought by Shengfu in his hand, it seemed that he hadn't gone out for a few months, patting his calves leisurely, humming a little song, Lu Yanzhi was thinking wildly.

Under Tirpitz's resentful eyes, he picked up the ice cream and took a big sip, feeling the carbonated bubbles erupting in his mouth, and let out a satisfying hiccup, which made Tirpitz even more uncomfortable.

On such a hot day, she has to bombard her again and again, and she can only come and sit for a while during the rest time. My sister is a devil, how gentle Lexington is!
The sun became more and more venomous, Tirpitz thought in a trance, if it were an ordinary person, it would be fine, this kind of sunshine would cause heat stroke casually, and then... No, ordinary people don't need to train at all.

Remember what my sister said, shelling training, you regard the target as the person you hate the most!

The reef in the distance before Tirpitz's eyes changed and changed into the image of the admiral, firing a volley.

"Not bad! Tirpitz, this salvo hits 50.00%!"

Bismarck encouraged Tirpitz.

Tirpitz smiled triumphantly, and the image of the reef in front of him changed again, becoming his sister Bismarck, salvo!
"Okay, Tirpitz, this hit is at least 70.00%!"

"Sure enough, such a sister is more annoying than the admiral!"

Tirpitz sighed, as if he wanted a sister like Lexington.

Lu Yanshi was on the side, seeing that it was already eleven o'clock, he shouted, "Bismarck, let Tirpitz take a rest, it's already eleven o'clock!"

Hearing Lu Yanzhi's words, Tirpitz was immediately happy, and ran under the parasol regardless. The admiral had spoken, and his sister would not ignore it.

Without further ado, he picked up the Bing Kuo Le in Lu Yanzhi's hand and drank it down in one gulp.


"Comfortable!" He stretched out the recliner on the spot and lay down, Tirpitz was very satisfied.

Bismarck and Prince Eugen followed behind, and Lu Yanzhi smiled and threw two bottles of water.

Prince Eugen pulled out a chair and sat down, and said with a smile: "I think Tirpitz is quite energetic. He ran so fast when he heard about rest!"

Tirpitz was lying on his back, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he hummed: "You kill me, I don't want to live!"

Bismarck shook his head, wondering: "Is it really that tired?"

"Very tired!"

Sigh, helpless, this is already a simplified version of the training, it's all tiring, Bismarck can't imagine why there is such a big gap between the two sisters.

Lu Yanzhi smiled beside him and said, "Bismarck, you must know that she is tired from walking a few steps, not to mention this kind of training, it will kill her!"

"That's right, didn't you just kill me?" Tirpitz didn't feel ashamed at all.

"This training is already very easy!" Bismarck continued.

Prince Eugen added: "Yes, this level of training is much easier than when I was training."

"Well, for Tirpitz, Bismarck, stop training in the future!"

Bismarck looked at Lu Yanzhi, not knowing what Lu Yanzhi was going to say.

"What I mean is, the actual effect of Tirpitz's training is not very good. It's better to have a sortie mission in the future. No matter what kind of deep-sea ship girl he meets, Tirpitz will go along with him and let her fight in actual combat." Training is enough, anyway, Tirpitz is not stupid, with more actual combat, doesn't his strength naturally improve?"

Lu Yanzhi did not intend to let Bismarck train Tirpitz like this again. Anyway, in the game, as long as there is a battle, the training speed will be improved, and the strength will still be enhanced. Usually, let Tirpitz be a happy house What a wonderful woman.

"But isn't training just to make it easier for actual combat?" Bismarck said.

Lu Yanzhi laughed lightly: "Our sea area has almost been cleaned up. Usually there are at most a few deep-sea light cruisers to expel them. Tirpitz is a battleship anyway, so it will definitely be easier. Besides, even Tirpitz I can't beat it, so I need you to accompany me, I can't let Tirpitz attack alone."

Bismarck nodded, "I'll think about it!" She knew very well how bad Tirpitz's training was.

Just as he was talking, there was a slight breathing sound, Tirpitz lying next to him had fallen asleep, the sun moved a little to the west, and part of Tirpitz under the parasol was exposed to the sun.

Lu Yanzhi smiled lightly, called Bismarck and Prince Eugen for help, lifted the parasol to the west, slowly relaxed his frown, turned over, put his hands together on his cheeks, and looked sideways. The body continued to fall asleep.

"Stop training today!" Lu Yanshi said to Bismarck.

"Hmm!" Bismarck looked at Lu Yanzhi thoughtfully and nodded.

Lu Yanzhi said again: "By the way, you and Prince Eugen should go back to have dinner first. I'll stay here with Tirpitz. When she wakes up, we'll go back together."

Bismarck did not act, Prince Eugen whispered a few words, and then the two went back together.

Lexington and Saratoga came out of the tutelary mansion. It was [-]:[-] in the morning. Lexington and Saratoga came out of the tutelary mansion. Lexington should have had lunch, so it was time to come out trained.

Lu Yanzhi's guilt became more and more serious. Lexington took over as the secretary ship. He worked in the office in the morning, finished his lunch, and then trained non-stop until four or five in the afternoon. After lunch, he went to the office to work for about an hour. However, as an admiral, he is here watching the sea and basking in the sun.

Obviously, the two of Lexington and Saratoga also saw that Lu Yanshi was here.

Walking over, Lexington asked, "Admiral, haven't you eaten yet?"

Lu Yanzhi did not answer, let Lexington Saratoga sit down, and then asked: "Is Lexington going to train?"

Lexington nodded: "Be proficient in carrier-based aircraft control technology early, and relieve the admiral's worries early!"

Lu Yanzhi was moved, and then said: "Actually, Lexington doesn't need to work so hard. It's noon, and it's not too late to train after three hours of rest!"

Saratoga sneered at the side: "Three hours? Did you know that bombing attacks can be practiced twice for three hours!"


Lu Yanzhi was embarrassed.

Lexington smiled lightly to help Lu Yanzhi: "Since the admiral has let me rest, why don't I rest for two hours at noon."

"That's right, after all, you have to combine work and rest. Your admiral, I am not a black-hearted businessman, forcing you to work!"

"Then, let's start tomorrow!" Lexington smiled, and then said to Saratoga: "Gaga, let's go, I will practice with you today!"



Lexington and Saratoga went to practice, and the prestige came from the tutelary mansion with a bag in his hand. No need to guess, Lu Yanzhi knew that the prestige was bringing food to him.

Sure enough, after the prestige came over, he took out a few boxes from the plastic bag without saying a word, dry-stir-fried beans, shredded potatoes, boiled fish, braised eggplant, all of Lu Yanzhi's favorite dishes, and more rice , obviously, a copy was prepared for Tirpitz.

In addition, Lu Yanzhi took out two cups of cold drinks like a magic trick. He had never told anyone about these little habits of Lu Yanzhi, but his prestige knew it clearly.

"Prestige, sit down, don't stand next to me, I feel pressured like this, I can't eat!"

According to the prestige, he sat opposite Lu Yanzhi.

"By the way, have you eaten the prestige? Eat some if you haven't!"

Shengwang replied: "Just after eating, I heard Bismarck say that the master is waiting for Tirpitz here, so I came here to deliver the food!"

"Oh, all right!"

Halfway through eating, Tirpitz got up from the recliner in a daze.

"Well, Admiral, you don't call me when you have dinner?"

The rare warmth and prestige were instantly shattered.

"You guy, I see that you are tired from training, and I want you to rest for a while, and you actually said that I won't ask you to eat?"

Tirpitz chuckled: "Get up, get up, I want to eat, I'm so hungry!"

"Move yourself!"

"Moving by yourself?" Tirpitz sat on the deck chair and opened his mouth, "Ah~"


"Gaga, how did you do it just now?"

The exercise had just ended, and Lexington suffered a disastrous defeat. In order to show its own strength, Saratoga's endless stream of carrier-based aircraft manipulation techniques dazzled Lexington.

"How did you put the bomber behind me?"

Lexington paid the most attention to this issue. He was entangled with Saratoga head-on, and he should be able to hold on for a few minutes. As a result, a small bomber suddenly appeared from behind, and he was instantly sunk.

Taking back his carrier-based aircraft, Saratoga smiled triumphantly.

"It's actually very simple. From the very beginning, when I opened up the formation and released the carrier-based aircraft, I left some bombers behind."

"When my sister was concentrating on confronting me, I let the small bomber fly from behind me, and then flew behind you in a small form!"

Saying that, Saratoga chuckled slightly: "My sister was too busy fighting with me for carrier-based planes, so of course she didn't notice my small group of bombers."

"So that's the case!" Lexington nodded, and asked again: "Such a level of manipulation should be difficult, right?"

Saratoga continued: "It's okay, but it seems to be quite difficult, and no aircraft carrier I've seen can do it!"

"Hey, Gaga, the exercise is over, you can quickly take back the carrier aircraft!" Lexington said again.

Saratoga was speechless: "I took it back."


Lexington pointed to the sky, and a guy who swooped towards him asked, "That's it?"

"Sister, be careful, it should be a carrier-based aircraft of a deep-sea aircraft carrier!"

As Saratoga said, the fighter jets were released instantly, and then the planes headed towards them, attacking the black shadow indiscriminately.

"Okay! Did you escape my fighter jet attack?"

Saratoga sneered, but what followed immediately was nervousness. The black shadow plane swooped straight towards her sister with an unstoppable momentum.

"Sister, Fighter! Fighter, shoot down that black shadow!"

Lexington hurriedly released his carrier-based aircraft, and then machine gunned.

I don't know if it was an attack or something, but the black shadow fell down.

"quack quack"

The black shadow struggled to fly up from the sea, dripping wet, only then did Lexington and Saratoga see clearly that it was an eagle!

 Well, Chapter 1, a chapter of 2 words, Chapter [-] should be around eleven o'clock!

(End of this chapter)

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