Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 250 You won't even say it, you quit the group

Chapter 250 Can't even talk, you quit the group

At this moment, everyone in the tutelary mansion gathered around a table in the cafe. On the table was the eagle picked up by Lexington.

"An eagle that big? How could it fly to our tutelary mansion?"

Lu Yanzhi poked Ying's body, curious. The feathers on Ying's body had been wiped dry, and he was standing on the table. The table where four people sat occupied more than half of it.


The eagle stared at Lu Yanshi, and Lu Yanshi took his hand back.

"We don't know either, Gaga thought it was a carrier-based aircraft of a deep-sea aircraft carrier!" Lexington looked at Saratoga and chuckled, a black eagle, so scared that the two almost didn't send out bombers.

Saratoga said stubbornly: "How can you blame me? It flies like a deep-sea carrier-based aircraft!"

CV-16 poked the eagle, and the eagle glared at her, not afraid, poked again.

"Can it talk?"

CV-16 asked, her senior, sister, Essex, also has a bald eagle, that guy can talk.

Saratoga sneered: "CV-16, you are so smart, how can an eagle talk?"

CV-16 blushed, put down his hands and said nothing in silence.

Lu Yanzhi said: "It's possible, the bald eagle in Essex can talk, and I heard it's a chatterbox!"

"You think it's a bald eagle from Essex?" Saratoga said again.

"No, how is it possible? I've said it all. It's a bald eagle. Look at this one, the beak is white!" Lu Yanzhi explained.

"I feel like it has something to say." Bismarck sat aside, watched for a long time, and suddenly said something.

Everyone immediately laughed, and Tennessee said: "Bismarck, don't you get dazzled, this is obviously an ordinary eagle, what can you say!"

Bismarck also stopped talking, and she also felt that she must have had an illusion. An eagle that flew from nowhere could say anything.

"Then, Admiral, what is the eagle going to do?" Yixian asked.

How to do?Lu Yanzhi was slightly excited. This is an eagle. If you raise such a guy, it will be cool enough no matter where you go in the future.

"How about keeping it?"

Lu Yanzhi carefully asked everyone for their opinions.

"Let's keep it, but, Admiral, are you sure you know how to raise eagles?" Helena asked.


Lu Yanzhi was stunned for a moment, raising eagles?Feed the meat, boil the eagle?He has never raised them before, so how could he know how to raise eagles.

"Whatever it is, let's raise it first. This eagle seems to be quite obedient. We haven't had the urge to run away after watching it for a long time."

Xiao Zhai squeezed in, his big eyes sparkling, one, no, N bad thoughts were brewing in his heart.

"This eagle should be about the same size as Kunpeng, right?"

She still remembered what Lu Yanzhi told them when he taught them: Kun is so big that it cannot be stewed in one pot, and Peng is so big that it needs two grills.

The eagle seemed to feel threatened, and stared fiercely at Xiao Zhai, Xiao Zhai shrank back in fright, and Bismarck watched vigilantly, as long as the eagle moved slightly, she would crush it to death with thunder.

Xiaozhai disappeared from Ying's sight, and Ying calmed down again.

"This eagle is so obedient, it feels even more obedient than domestic chickens!" Ning Hai said, and immediately made the eagle furious, spread its wings, and the wings were nearly two meters away, making everyone back away.

"Can it understand human speech?"

"Nie Zhan, why don't you return to your original form soon?" Ping Hai scolded in a cold voice.

The eagle withdrew its wings again, and it dared not be too presumptuous when it wanted something from others, but none of these people could understand its thoughts, so it was very annoying.


The eagle called again.

A reminder came from the system in Lu Yanzhi's mind.

"Ding, the main task has been released, please check the host yourself!"

main mission?Lu Yanzhi was taken aback, how long has it been since he received the main task?Subconsciously glanced at Ying who was still standing on the table, Lu Yanzhi turned on the system.

"Main task: Rescue of companions: Ulrich von Hutten is a newborn ship girl at sea, however, unfortunately, the newborn Hu Teng was kidnapped by the deep sea, and these deep sea ship girls want to use Hu Teng Make a big move, simply, Hu Teng's good partner, the black eagle Ezio escaped, and the black eagle Ezio flew for two days and two nights with the news that his partner was kidnapped, and finally came to your tutelary mansion , please attack~ Let's save Hu Teng, she will thank you and join your tutelary mansion. Rewards for completing the task: All ship girls' training level increased by three, all ship girls' adaptive equipment +1, lucky wheel draw*5 Punishment for failure: all ship girls' favorability will be reduced by [-], Hu Teng will be tortured by the deep sea, despair, and will fall into the deep sea, and terrifying enemies will usher in the sea area under the jurisdiction of the host."

"Don't go, we're in trouble!"

Lu Yanzhi hurriedly stopped Saratoga, Bismarck and others who were about to leave.

Although I don't know what type of ship girl this so-called Hu Teng is, but it is conceivable that I have encountered danger this time, and it is a big crisis. The long-lost main line and the terrible punishment for failure all show the difficulty of this mission. .

"What's the matter? Admiral?" Lexington saw Lu Yanzhi's face turned pale, and asked with concern, prestige, Yixian looked at Lu Yanzhi with the same concern.

Lu Yanzhi smiled wryly, and said, "We're probably in big trouble."

Then, Lu Yanzhi looked at the black eagle Ezio: "Your name is Ezio?"

Black Eagle nodded, and everyone was surprised. Helena asked, "Admiral, do you know this eagle?"

Lu Yanzhi did not answer, and continued to ask Black Eagle: "Is your master Ulrich von Hutten?"

Black Hawk nodded hastily, then quacked twice.

"Hu Teng is a newborn ship girl? Was she taken away by the deep sea?"

Quack, the black eagle nodded quickly, even flapping its wings and jumping.Evidently, desperately.

"So, you came here this time to ask us for help?"

Black Eagle wailed twice and nodded.

Lu Yanzhi turned his head and continued to explain to everyone: "Hey, this is the situation now, the battleship Ulrich von Hutten, I don't know how strong it is, but now it has been captured by the deep sea, as partners, we It should be rescued!"

Yixian asked: "Admiral, even if it's a newborn ship girl, even if Hu Teng is a powerful battleship, even if he can't kill the enemy, it shouldn't be a problem to escape, right?"

"Yixian, what do you mean?" Lu Yanzhi couldn't figure out what Tennessee wanted to say.

"What I mean is that under such circumstances, Hu Teng can be arrested. It seems that the strength of the deep sea is not weak, and the strength of our town guard..."

Yixian didn't continue talking, but everyone understood the truth.

Lu Yanzhi smiled wryly, if possible, I don't want to attack, but that punishment...

"I just don't know how strong this Hu Teng is. It stands to reason that if you know Hu Teng's strength, you can at least roughly estimate the strength of Shen Hai to deal with it." Lu Yanzhi shook his head, now he is at a loss, do not know anything.

"Hu Teng, very strong!"

Bismarck, who had been silent for a while, spoke, and Lu Yanzhi looked at Bismarck: "Do you know this Hu Teng?"

Bismarck nodded and shook his head again, and said, "I know Hu Teng based on the history in my memory. As for the ship's mother, Hu Teng, I don't know either!"

"What about Hu Teng's strength in history?"

Lu Yanzhi asked, the ship girl was born with the memory of the old world. Before she grew up, her strength was not much different from that in history.

"Very strong, if it is built, it should be stronger than me!"

"Better than Bismarck?" Lu Yanzhi's heart trembled, he was a little messed up, this, this is not how the delivery girl sent it!
"Historically, my full-load displacement is [-], and Hu Teng."

Bismarck did not lose everyone's appetite, and said a few words indifferently: "Hu Teng's full-load displacement can theoretically reach [-]!"


Tennessee on the side took a deep breath. Historically, her full-load displacement was about [-], and it only reached [-] after the transformation.

"Hu Teng is a blueprint ship?" Lu Yanzhi continued to ask, isn't this nonsense with a displacement of [-] tons? During World War II, there was such a large dock to accommodate such a behemoth?

Bismarck looked at Lu Yanzhi and said, "I don't know if Hu Teng is a blueprint ship, but I remember that Hu Teng hadn't been built until I sank!"

"It's a bit difficult!"

Lu Yanzhi sighed, this time he had to come out in full force.

However, goose, look at your family background, prestige level 60+, Bismarck level 70+, Tennessee level 60+, Chicheng level 50+, Saratoga level close to 16, has grown, CV-50 level 40+, Europe Prince Gen is 60+, Fengxiang is 40+, Helena is 50+, Atlanta is close to 30, and Lingbo is [-]+.

Looking at it again, Tirpitz has a training level of 15, and he has been in the tutelary mansion for half a year. Such a low level of training is shameful. His reputation has already reached 40 in half a year, and Lexington's training level is 5. However, according to Saratoga's It is said that Lexington's carrier-based aircraft control technology is already worthy of a battle.

Tirpitz, you really are quite embarrassing.

Lu Yanzhi was speechless.

When he came to Ezio, Lu Yanzhi asked, "Who is the one who took Hu Teng away? Do you know?"


The black eagle croaked twice, flapping one wing, as if gesturing for something.

"You can't even say a word, and Bel McCann is much better than you!"

The ghost knows what Black Hawk Ezio wants to express.

"What a disgrace, get out of the group!"

Lu Yanzhi was very irritable. He gave such a task, but he didn't know anything. How can this be done?I don't even know what the enemy looks like.

Saratoga said carelessly: "What are you afraid of, Admiral Lu, the ship girls in your guarding the mansion are not low in training, and their equipment is better than that of the war department of the Ship Girl Alliance. Although my sister's training is low, her carrier-based aircraft control skills are not good. No, Tirpitz should be about the same, even if it is a deep-sea flagship, we can solve it!"

"Tirpitz's combat effectiveness is not bad?"

Lu Yanzhi glanced at Bismarck, and Bismarck happened to look over. The two lowered their heads in agreement, and looked at Tirpitz, who was lying on the sofa reading comics far away.


Simultaneously sighed.

Tirpitz's combat effectiveness is almost the same. This is the best joke in the tutelary palace this year.

Tirpitz felt something, raised his head, looked at his sister and the admiral, and then showed a happy smile.

"Fool, we are in danger, do you know that?"

 Well, Chapter 2, another [-] words, today's is over!

(End of this chapter)

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