Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 251 The strength is still there!

Chapter 251 The strength is still there!


In the small square of the tutelary mansion, Bismarck and Tennessee faced each other nervously.

The reason is naturally simple. It was caused by the two sister control 6. Originally, Bismarck thought that there was no war recently, and his sister was really useless, so it was nothing to give Tennessee the sister control 6. Under the circumstances, Tirpitz's strength is mediocre, if he does not bring good equipment, the danger on the battlefield will definitely increase greatly.Furthermore, even if Tirpitz doesn't need it, it's okay to give it to her. She is sure to protect her sister from harm.

Of course, if there were no accidents, she still hoped that Tirpitz could fight with the equipment by himself. After all, she couldn't be by Tirpitz's side all the time.

"You don't know what kind of virtue your sister has? These sister control 6s are a waste for her, but for me, maybe you can kill two more enemies!"

Tennessee said coldly, the war is coming, how could such powerful equipment as Sister Control 6 be given up to others.

"Tennessee, don't force me to be rough. It was originally for my sister. Why do you take it?"


Tennessee smiled disdainfully.

"Your sister is only fifteen years old, and her bombardment hit rate ranks at the bottom of the tutelary mansion, which is worse than that of Atlanta. What's the use of giving it to her?"

Bismarck snorted coldly: "You mean that there is no need to discuss?"

"It's not negotiable!" Tennessee said firmly.

After speaking, Tennessee put up a defensive stance to prevent Bismarck from making violent moves.

Bismarck's eyes were indifferent, obviously, he did have the urge to grab.

"Hey, what are you two doing?"

Lexington came over and stood between the two, easing the tense atmosphere between them.

Then, he glanced at the two of them and asked, "What's going on? You're about to attack, why are you still fighting?"

Lexington looked at Bismarck, Bismarck snorted disdainfully, then looked at Tennessee, Tennessee explained: "The admiral got some main guns before, and they were originally intended for Tirpitz, but Tirpitz's strength You know, let me bring it and stand there, no, Bismarck is here to ask for an explanation for Tirpitz!"

New equipment?

Lexington nodded. After taking over as the secretary ship, she also looked at it in the warehouse. There were two battles and two bombings. The fighter jets were all sea fangs, and the bombers were all flying dragons. This was prepared by the admiral for himself. There was also a Type 91 armor-piercing bomb, The admiral said that after Bismarck joins the tutelary mansion, it will be given to Bismarck. They are all good equipment, so it is no wonder that Bismarck wanted to come for Tirpitz without hesitation.

Lexington looked at Bismarck and persuaded him: "Bismarck, Tirpitz has a low level of training and a low hit rate for shelling. I suggest that she equip you with the 6th sister control. You give her a cat cannon. In this way, the cat cannon is equipped with Two 23 guns plus armor-piercing shells are also good!"

Now that they have decided to attack, the data of all the warships participating in the battle in the tutelary mansion have been reported, so that there will be no accidents during the battle.

Bismarck also has data, cat-changed cannon, cat cannon, 23 guns, and improved anti-sea radar. If this equipment is placed outside, it is absolutely luxurious. However, in Lu Yanzhi's tutelary fort, Bismarck's senses are affected had a deep impact.

Especially when I saw my sister's ship outfit unfolded, the sister-controlled 6 plus 23 guns and armor-piercing shells, Bismarck's eyeballs almost fell out.

Asked again and again, Tirpitz said nonchalantly: "It's all given by the admiral. It's so annoying. If you have good equipment, you will go to the battlefield!"

These are not things, the main thing is that after hearing today that Hu Teng was going to be saved, Tirpitz said again: "It's a pity, the admiral originally gave me three sisters to control 6, I didn't want it, I knew I would come to give it to you." How well equipped is my sister!"

Because of this sentence, Bismarck came to confront Tennessee.

However, the matter has come to this point, it is obvious that it is impossible to get Tennessee to hand over the equipment, not to mention Tennessee's firm attitude, Lexington's proposal alone makes it impossible for me to refute, who made me have an unreliable sister Woolen cloth?
Bismarck was silent, and then he was about to turn around and leave, when Lexington called out.

"Wait, Bismarck!"

"What? Is something wrong?"

Lexington first said to Tennessee: "Okay, Tennessee, you have to practice shelling well, and then kill a few more enemies!"

Then, he said to Bismarck: "Come with me, I have something to tell you!"

With that said, Lexington walked towards the warehouse first, Bismarck was puzzled and followed behind.

Tennessee happily went outside the guard house. With such powerful equipment, he must show his skills in this battle.

On the side of the warehouse, Lexington pointed at the armor-piercing projectile next to him and said to Bismarck.

"You can equip this armor-piercing projectile!"

Bismarck was a little confused, and slowly spit out two words: "Here, me?"

Lexington nodded and said: "Yes, it's for you. Originally, according to the admiral, it will be given to you after you join the tutelary fortress, but since Hu Teng is saved, we can't do without your great fighting power." , So, I make the decision, this armor-piercing bullet is given to you in advance!"

Bismarck didn't hesitate, and lightly touched the Type 91 armor-piercing projectile, and said slowly, "Thank you!"

Lexington chuckled. Since he took this armor-piercing bullet, he would think twice about leaving the tutelary mansion in the future, right?

After solving Bismarck's problem, Lexington came to the office, and Lu Yanshi sat on the office chair, looking at the roster of the tutelary mansion and sighing.

"Admiral, what's the matter?"

Lexington walked behind Lu Yanshi, stretched out his hands, and gently massaged Lu Yanshi's temples.

"I don't know why, I always feel that the situation this time is not simple!"

Lu Yanzhi said in a deep voice.

"Admiral, don't worry, our strength is not bad. The bombardment firepower of Prestige Bismarck and Tennessee is definitely not bad. In terms of air control, Jiajia, Chicheng and I are equipped with luxurious equipment."

As he said that, Lexington chuckled again: "I always thought that my BTD Destroyer was already very strong, but unexpectedly, Admiral, you also prepared a stronger bomber for me."

Lu Yanzhi chuckled, the Flying Dragon is just a little bit worse than many hero planes, among other things, Saratoga's pbj bomber is very strong.

"Don't worry, Admiral, even if it sinks, we..."


Before Lexington could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Lu Yanzhi.

"You must not sink. Even if the mission fails and Hu Teng cannot be saved, I will not allow you to sink, absolutely!"


Looking at Lexington, Lu Yanzhi said seriously: "Hu Teng is just a new girl I have never met. Compared with her, you are more important. I won't allow you to make any mistakes."

"For this attack, you will be the chief flagship. In short, no matter who is shot in the team, retreat immediately, and no mistakes are allowed."


Lexington hummed lightly, and then continued to massage Lu Yanshi, but his heart drifted away, and before he knew it, the massage turned into stroking Lu Yanshi's face.



Startled, Lexington quickly withdrew his hands, his face blushing.

Lu Yanzhi smiled lightly: "Lexington, what are you thinking? The massage is almost in my mouth!"

"It's nothing."

Lexington was slightly flustered: "Admiral, let me continue to massage you!"

"No, let's rest early! We will attack tomorrow!"

Lu Yanzhi shook his head and said.

"I'm going to rest too!"

"Admiral, good night."

"OK, good night!"

It was night, and Lu Yanzhi was lying in his bedroom, turned on the system, there were still five new year rewards, and there were still five lucky draws. He wanted to try his luck. If nothing else, just give him something useful for this war!
"System, I want to draw a lottery!"



"Ding, congratulations to the host for drawing five times in a row, getting a high-level box, and getting the management system damage management team*5!"

"Elite damage management team? Good stuff!" Lu Yanzhi was happy. As long as this management team is really as powerful as in the game, at least his girls will be safe in this battle.

"Ding, I got a high-grade box, and I got a 48cm joint gun *1 trial-produced by country j."

"48cm joint gun?"

The equipment data given by the system: 48cm joint main gun trial-produced by country j: firepower +27, anti-air +5, super long range.

Another good thing!Lu Yanzhi was overjoyed, this kind of equipment was perfect for Bismarck.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining an intermediate box and getting a torpedo shooting star*1."

Torpedo Meteor?It's also a good thing, Fengxiang's best equipment.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting an intermediate box and getting the anti-submarine aircraft Avenger*1."

"the Avengers?"

Lu Yanzhi opened the data introduction of the Avengers.

"Avengers: Anti-submarine +10, Torpedo +7."

Lu Yanzhi was about to cry with joy. In this lottery draw, none of the four boxes he opened so far is unnecessary for him, and all of them are things that are very useful for this battle.

Anti-submarine aircraft, torpedo aircraft, and Fengxiang's equipment are not bad.

In this way, Lu Yanzhi looked at the fifth box again, and the first four boxes were all the way to the red, so at least the fifth box is not bad, right?
"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining an intermediate box and an improved deep-sea bomber*5."

Additional reminder from the system: The host's lottery draw is specially adjusted by the system to fund the host's upcoming battle. The price is that the host will not have intermediate-level or above boxes in the next [-] lottery draws.

The system's prompt made Lu Yanzhi feel a bit chilled, but on another thought, this battle must not be easy. In order for this battle to end successfully, at least this kind of transaction is barely acceptable.

As for the five deep-sea bombers, the level of destroyer is generally not high, and there is only one Limbo with a level of [-]+, which can be sent to fight.

Give Limbo a bomb launcher, take down the 72cm torpedo, let Ling Bo focus on anti-submarine, and Helena and Atlanta should also equip bomb launchers.

After a careful calculation, prestige equipment is the most luxurious. For Bismarck, equip it with the main cannon that was just drawn in a lottery, plus her own cat-changing cannon, plus Tirpitz’s sister control 6, and armor-piercing bullets. The strongest combat power, and the equipment is undoubtedly luxurious.

In terms of aircraft carriers, Akagi CV-16 and Lexington have the same equipment, two battles and two bombings, Haifangfang with Wyvern, and Saratoga are similar, except that a bomber is an even better pbj.

Everything is ready, and the next step is left to God's will!
Lu Yanzhi thought in a daze.

I hope Hu Teng can last a few more days.

 Chapter 1, 2 words, Chapter [-] is in full swing!
(End of this chapter)

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