Chapter 252


The black eagle Ezio flew in the sky, chirping twice from time to time to guide Lexington.

Lexington, Saratoga, Akagi, Fengxiang, CV-16, Prestige, Tennessee, Bismarck, Prinz Eugen, Helena, Tirpitz.

If the tutelary government doesn't make a move, it's enough. Once it makes a move, it will move in full force, leaving Atlanta and Ling Bo behind to transport resources.

Hu Teng was arrested, and it was absolutely impossible to rescue him easily. It might be a protracted battle, and all the resources of the tutelary mansion were moved out.The soldiers and horses have not moved, and the food and grass go first. It may not be very suitable for the battle of the ship's mother, but at the very least, the food and grass must go with the large army, so that the combatants have no worries.

In the guardian's mansion, Lu Yanshi connected the phone line and dialed the number of the Ship Girl Alliance.

"Hello? Hello, this is the Haikou Ship Girl Alliance!"

A soft female voice came from the microphone.

"I'm Lu Yanshi, let Nelson answer the phone!"

Lu Yanzhi didn't know who answered the phone, but it wasn't Nelson or Rodney.

After a while, Nelson's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hello? Admiral Lu? Rare guest, this is the first time you've called me after so long!"

Lu Yanzhi chuckled: "I don't have time to talk nonsense now, I need your help urgently!"

"What's the matter?" Nelson asked without continuing to chat.

"Your Ship Girl Alliance should still have a lot of resources, right? Lend me some, [-] yuan each for oil, steel and aluminum."

"Twenty thousand?"

Nelson was breathless: "Twenty thousand? What do you need so many resources for? Dajian?"

As he said that, without waiting for Lu Yanzhi to explain, he persuaded him: "Admiral Lu, I know that your admiral Dajian gambles, but you have to act according to the propriety, isn't it too much to use resources to gamble?"

Lu Yanzhi said in a deep voice: "It's not a gambling ship. I have a big enemy in my sea area. All the ship girls are attacking. I'm worried about not having enough resources. No, I'll call you and hope you can reimburse me a little!"

Don't worry, Nelson, it's not just about gambling on boats, you need to be cautious when gambling on boats, and you must mention it.

"Reimbursement is possible, but you need to know that the shipgirl alliance usually reimburses only after the results of the battle. You have just set off, so I can't reimburse you, not to mention you need [-] each!"

"Can't get reimbursed?"

Lu Yanzhi was in a hurry: "Let me tell you the truth, all the resources of my tutelary mansion were taken by Lexington and the others, and now Yixian and the rest of the tutelary mansion don't have any resources for daily maintenance, so you just say you can't help them." help!"

"Is there any big movement in your sea area?"

Only then did Nelson look squarely at it. Lu Yanshi's tutelary mansion is in the area under her jurisdiction. Not to mention the top three, the top seven are still in the top row. It's really a big deal.

"Forget it, you don't need to tell me, [-] resources is indeed a bit difficult, [-] each, I will send someone to send it to you now, and we will discuss it in detail."

On the Lexington side, continue to follow the Black Hawk.

"The ones I met at the beginning should be the deep-sea advance force. They are not strong, and most of them are destroyers and light cruisers."

Saratoga introduced to Lexington some common sense of facing the deep sea.

"At that time, let's not attack for now. Sister, you and Tirpitz will be the main attackers. On the one hand, you are familiar with the rhythm of the battle. On the other hand, the two of you have low training. One more battle, one more experience!"

Bismarck nodded in agreement. She has always been in favor of things like this that help Tirpitz improve his strength.

Prestige Tennessee and the others didn't say much. Indeed, the deep-sea advance troops generally expel light patrols, and their training level is not low now. It is not challenging at all to fight that pure abuser!
Lexington walked beside Saratoga and asked softly, "Gaga must have participated in many such battles, right?"

Saratoga grinned: "Fortunately, when I was in the Ship Girl Alliance, I didn't have an aircraft carrier at the beginning, so I made more sorties, but after I had an aircraft carrier, I made fewer sorties. In the end, I found my sister. At this time, as a mercenary, it’s okay to attack!”

"Sister, let me tell you, those African admirals are simply too pitiful. Two heavy cruisers are guarding a tutelary fort, which is far away from the Alliance of Fleet Girls. If I hadn't arrived in time, that tutelary fort would probably have been destroyed by a deep-sea battleship." It was destroyed!"

Talking about his own experience, Saratoga chuckled. Lexington watched, and suddenly took Saratoga's hand.

"Gaga won't fight alone in the future, my sister will always be with me!"

Saratoga was happy: "Yes!" Then he held Lexington's hand tightly.


The black eagle Ezio let out a rapid cry, and at the same time, flew down and circled above everyone's heads.

"Ezio, what's the matter?" Lexington asked.

Ezio let out a cry, and then circled a few more times overhead.

"There are enemies?"

Seeing the Black Hawk nodding, Lexington released the carrier-based aircraft without saying a word.

Saratoga also released its own carrier-based aircraft. Although it was agreed to let her sister and Tirpitz be the main attackers, she still has to protect her sister's safety. As long as there is any slight change in the deep sea, her bombing chance Let the deep sea return to the embrace of the general when it doesn't react.

"I see, three deep-sea destroyers, two deep-sea light cruisers, and one deep-sea battle cruiser."

While operating the carrier-based aircraft, Lexington said to everyone, Saratoga Saratoga grinned, her sister's carrier-based aircraft control level still needs to be improved, she has seen it a long time ago, but she just saw it.

"At twelve o'clock, move forward at full speed!"

Except for Tennessee and Fengxiang, which are slow ships, the speed of the others is not low. After a while, Bismarck can also see deep-sea targets. As Lexington said, the deep-sea battle cruiser is the flagship, with a few deep-sea young girls. Where to cruise!
"Tirpitz, can you attack the target at this position?" Lexington asked Tirpitz in a low voice. This position is just right. If you attack here, it will definitely have an unexpected effect.

Looking at the position of the deep sea, Tirpitz narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "It's about the same, it should be able to attack."

Bismarck shook his head beside him, sighed, this position, the limit attack distance of the aircraft carrier, right?My own ultra-long-range cannon can only rely on stray bullets to attack. How did this guy Tirpitz train for so long?

Tennessee stood aside and said to Lexington: "There are 200 meters further ahead, and Tirpitz cannot attack at this distance."

As he spoke, he glanced at Tirpitz.

"In this case, let's go another 200 meters!"

As Lexington said, he secretly prayed that it would be best not to be discovered by the deep sea, and a sneak attack would be the best. First, aim all the muzzles of the guns to grab the advantage of the formation, and then, a round of artillery salvos would definitely cause heavy losses to the deep sea.

As the crowd moved on, Saratoga spoke.

"You stay put and stand by, I'll just take the two of them there!"

Saratoga's idea is that he will continue to move forward with Lexington and Tirpitz, and a group of people will all move forward, which may expose the target.

Bismarck did not speak, but stood firmly beside Tirpitz, expressing his attitude.

Having already taken Tirpitz's Sister Control 6, how could it be possible for the younger sister to face the deep sea alone, she has to accompany her personally.

Prince Eugen stood firmly next to Bismarck and also expressed his attitude.

Saratoga was speechless, and whispered: "Bismarck can follow, Prince Eugen, why are you joining in the fun, stay put!"

Prince Eugen looked at Bismarck rather indignantly. Since he was born, the first ship girl he met was Bismarck's sister. This has to be said to be his greatest luck. Moreover, Bismarck was not accompanied by himself that time. .

However, this time is different, this time it is Tirpitz, Bismarck said: "Prince Eugen, you stay here!"

Prince Eugen nodded aggrievedly. She didn't have to listen to others telling her to stand still, but her own sister Bismarck had said so, so she had to listen.

"Sister Bismarck, be careful!"

Bismarck smiled coldly: "It's just a deep-sea battle patrol, I can solve it in hand-to-hand combat!"

The team continued to move forward, and Lexington became more and more nervous. The first shot on the battlefield was also the first time he faced the deep sea, which was of great significance.

"Sister, you can attack now!" Saratoga said, less than one nautical mile away from the deep sea.

Lexington nodded, and Saratoga continued: "Sister, remember, fighter jets harass with machine guns, bombers wait for the opportunity to attack light cruisers first, and give the battle cruisers to Tirpitz."

"Do not worry!"

Lexington smiled confidently. She was not Tirpitz. After such a long training, the control level of the carrier-based aircraft has risen sharply. What is lacking is an actual combat.

Taking advantage of the fact that few people were still found in the deep sea, Lexington's plane swooped over with lightning speed, and the fighter jets first attracted attention. Then, the bomber dived and bombed, aiming at the two deep-sea light cruisers. After that, they voted alternately.

There was a commotion among the deep-sea ships, and by the time they noticed the source of the attack, the two deep-sea light cruisers had already sunk.

"Tirpitz, attack quickly!"

Bismarck urged beside Tirpitz, the timing was just right, the enemy had no time to react, and the chance of dodging was simply impossible.

Tirpitz squinted his eyes slightly, raised his muzzle to aim and aim again, and Bismarck was anxious beside him, but thinking that Tirpitz was not a veteran of the battlefield like her, he could only watch silently.

"No wind, sunny day, zero external interference, target, fixed target, fire!"

Tirpitz muttered to himself, but finally, he fired.

"Not bad!"

Bismarck silently praised Tirpitz in her heart. She knew that Tirpitz's attack had successfully hit the deep-sea battle patrol without looking at the result.

"Oh, what a pity!"

Tirpitz muttered unhappily, and Bismarck opened his eyes suspiciously, there was no reason, it would definitely hit, it was just an irrational deep-sea battle cruiser.

"The firepower is still a little low. If it is Sister Control 6, this deep sea battle cruiser will definitely sink."

Tirpitz continued, although he said it was a pity, but his smug smile basically turned what he said into a deliberate show off.

Bismarck also chuckled, how many times have I been looking forward to this scene!
(End of this chapter)

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