Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 253 In the Pacific Ocean

Chapter 253 In the Pacific Ocean

It was just the advance troops in the deep sea. Lexington destroyed most of them in two rounds of bombing. Although Tirpitz's first salvo did not break the deep sea battle cruiser, he had the advantage of sneak attack. When the enemy rushed to counterattack, The second round of salvo instantly hits the enemy hard.

In general, Bismarck's long training is still effective.

"This is the peripheral patrol force!" Shengfu and others followed up: "It should be the enemy in the sea area that we are in charge of."

"So, it's the enemy who kidnapped Hu Teng?"

Lexington guessed.

"It shouldn't be, that force just has a few more deep-sea aircraft carrier battleships, is there a deep-sea flagship!" Tennessee wondered.

"You'll know if you look at it in the past!"

Saratoga has high training, strong strength, and full confidence in her speech, especially, she has killed the existence of the deep sea double cranes. The so-called deep sea aircraft carrier is just a little more carrier-based aircraft, and the blood is thicker A little bit, in terms of air-to-air, it is slightly worse than her, what a joke.

"we can only do this!"

Lexington nodded, and immediately, several people continued to move forward, with the black eagle Ezio guiding the direction in the air.

At the same time, on the tutelary mansion, Nelson personally ran over to deliver the resources.

"Is there only so few people left in your tutelary mansion?"

Lu Yanzhi nodded: "The others have been sent out!"

"Are you planning to clean up the sea area completely?"

Nelson asked curiously, dispatching all the ships with combat effectiveness, Nelson really couldn't think of anything worth fighting so much.

Lu Yanzhi shook his head and smiled wryly. If possible, he would never want to clean up the sea area in such a hurry. At least, he would never act rashly before Lexington and Tirpitz got trained.

Seeing that Lu Yanzhi's face was not good-looking, Nelson asked again: "What's wrong?"

"Originally, I planned to wait for Lexington to practice before attacking, but..."

Regarding Nelson, Lu Yanzhi did not hide anything, and explained.

"Ulrich von Hutten?"

Nelson was curious: "Is it the new ship girl? Admiral Lu, you won't be deceived!"

"It's a German battleship. I heard from Bismarck that Huten is even more powerful than her!"

"Better than Bismarck?" Nelson clicked his tongue. Although the German and British families did not like each other, one had to admit that Bismarck was indeed strong, and this Hu Teng was stronger than Bismarck?

Hu Teng, you'd better join my tutelary mansion, and you'd better call me admiral obediently, otherwise, if I saved you, I can continue to imprison you, don't doubt, I have a reputation!

Lu Yanzhi thought so in his heart.

"All vigilance!"

On the surface of the sea, this is already the boundary of the ocean under the jurisdiction of the tutelary mansion. Going deeper, it is the endless depths of the Pacific Ocean. There is no admiral guarding the deepest part of the deep sea. According to legend, there is a land kamikaze hidden there. The airport, the deep sea fortress Ji.

Lexington asked all the staff to be on alert. Along the way, this was originally a deep-sea stronghold that the tutelary fort had not cleaned up before, but at this moment, there is no enemy here, and it is not clear what the deep sea is doing.

Helena and Shengyuan patrolled around, but there was no one around.

"I found a small island in the southwest. It should be a deep-sea base. I didn't go up. I don't know how many deep-sea ships are there!"

Helena told Lexington about her discovery!
Lexington looked at Shengfu again, and Shengfu replied: "The northeast direction directly enters the Pacific Ocean, and there is nothing!"

"In this case, we can only take the small island in the southwest!"

Lexington said: "All ships, go southwest at full speed!"

When everyone went to the island, they didn't find a single enemy. From a distance, the island was barren and there was no trace of human habitation.

"Fengxiang, you fly the carrier plane and check around the island!"

Feng Xiang nodded, her combat experience is richer than most of the ship girls, and her training level of [-]+ is achieved step by step. Therefore, as soon as Lexington finished speaking, she let go of her own ship. Carrier aircraft!
"The west side is safe!"

"The north is also safe!"

"To the east, to the east, I found the ship girl!"

As soon as Fengxiang finished speaking, everyone looked alert. Chicheng picked up her longbow, which was her flight deck. Lexington and Saratoga opened their hands, and the small plane was like a fish in their hands.

"Wait, there is only one deep-sea light cruiser!"

Feng Xiang said another word, and everyone was speechless, a deep sea ship girl, why are you nervous?

"Let's go!" Lexington suddenly smirked: "Teach this deep-sea ship girl a lesson!"

Everyone clings to their bodies and quietly sneaks towards the direction Fengxiang pointed.

"It's right behind that reef!" Feng Xiang pointed to a reef and whispered to the crowd.

"Hee hee~" Akagi suddenly chuckled.

"Don't move, watch me!"

Lexington stared at Akagi: "Don't mess around!"

"Do not worry!"

As Chicheng said, holding his own bow, he took a step ahead and quietly touched behind the reef.

Then he jumped out in an instant, with a bow and arrow in his hand, aiming at the deep sea light cruiser.

"Don't move! Raise your hands!"

The Deep Sea Light Cruiser let out an 'ah', and then fell to the left.


Chicheng's expression was bewildered, and he poked the Deep Sea Light Cruiser with a bow and arrow, but there was no response, and poked again, still no response!

"Scared to death?"

"Hey, come here quickly!" Chicheng straightened up and waved for everyone to come over.

"Is it over like this? Why didn't you even hear the explosion?"

Chicheng laughed: "It seems that I was directly scared to death!"


"Hey, here's a map!" Renown pulled out a map from under the Deep Sea Light Cruiser.


"This must be the map where the Deep Sea Ship Lady captured Hu Teng!"

"Then what do we do now?"

"Stay here to rest first, by the way, have Limbo and Atlanta caught up?" Lexington said, then asked Tennessee.

"Hurry up, she's not far behind us!"

Lexington nodded: "That's good. At that time, Ling Bo and Atlanta will be stationed here, and we will go find the deep-sea ship girl and save Hu Teng!"

When Ling Bo and Atlanta arrived here, Lexington and the others had already set up several tents with the help of Shengfu.

At the same time, the dry firewood that Helena found was also ignited. As the ship's mother, she really started to work, and she always ate the aluminum just now. The fish caught by Helena and the unknown bird caught by Bismarck were grilled on it.

Ezio, the black eagle, looked at the fish on the fire and gulped his saliva, and was slapped away by Akagi. He didn't have enough food for himself, why did you come here like a beast!

After a long time, when Lexington said the word "okay", more than a dozen hands reached out to the fire at the same time.

"Hey, hey, slow down, be careful it's hot!"

Saratoga grinned: "Sister, are you stupid, we are ship girls, afraid of this temperature?"

"Ah, Chicheng, don't grab my wings!"

"Give me Limbo first, you guys!"


"Go back to sleep first, tonight, I will stand guard first!"

After eating, Lexington said to everyone.

"elder sister!"

"Ann, go back and rest, we have to hurry tomorrow!"

Saratoga looked at Lexington and was speechless for a long time: "No, sister, the aircraft carrier cannot fly carrier-based aircraft at night, and the effect of standing guard is basically zero!"


Lexington blushed, this, this.

"Let me stand guard!" Reputation rescued Lexington at a critical moment.

"Don't stand guard, there will be a battle tomorrow, if you don't sleep well, it will affect the battle!" Helena said beside her.

"No, standing guard is necessary, but rest is also very important."

Tennessee said, and said to Shengfu: "If not, you will stand in the first half of the night, and I will stand in the second half of the night!"

Renown nodded without saying a word.

The night was getting darker and darker, and the stars could not be seen, only a faint smear of moonlight shining down through the dark clouds.

Dark clouds, on the sea, there are no good things if there are dark clouds. The deep-sea flagship always appears with dark clouds and storms. Even if it is not a deep-sea flagship, dark clouds, storms, and endless seas always make people feel depressed.

Shengfu didn't have any thoughts in his heart. The admiral valued him and vigorously cultivated him. No one in the town guard's mansion could compare with him in equipment. No matter how passionate he was, he could never repay him.The more there are in the deep sea, the better. She wants to grow into an independent existence as soon as possible. Now, although she has equipment, it is not enough. She wants to grow. Growth is something that every ship girl may encounter, but there has never been a systematic one. Ways to teach how to grow.

Prestige guesses that if I want to grow, I am afraid it will be an endless battle!Historically, I have been fighting, fighting, until the end of the war!

It was getting darker, and the last ray of moonlight was hidden under the dark clouds.

"Prestige, go back and rest!"

It's the voice of Tennessee, it's late at night.

Shengfu nodded, talked to Tennessee about the situation, then turned around and entered his tent.

I don't know when I was called up. All in all, it is not yet dawn.

"Hurry up, hurry up, there are a lot of deep sea ship girls coming, hurry up!"

Tennessee's urgent voice woke everyone up.

"Is there a deep sea ship girl?"

Lexing urged.

"Yes, and the strength of the deep sea is not weak, but I can't search for the specific situation!"

Tennessee's voice was still urgent.

Chicheng also came out yawning: "What the hell are you doing, it's still night!"

Saratoga was also impatient. This deep sea didn't play its cards according to the routine. What was it doing here in the middle of the night? With so many aircraft carriers on my side, they were completely useless.

Prestige put on his clothes early and walked to the island.

"Aircraft carrier formation, all guard on the spot, all other ships, attack with me!"

When opening up the wasteland before, Renown was always the flagship. In terms of command, she was only stronger than Lexington, not weaker.

Bismarck grabbed the dazed Tirpitz, Tennessee followed, Atlanta picked up Limbo and Helena, and assembled quickly.

Ling Bo was still a little confused, but no matter what, he could wake up instantly when he was at sea.

 Well, Chapter 1!
(End of this chapter)

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