Chapter 276

The duel started as soon as it was said, right on the beach, Lu Yanzhi strongly demanded that it wouldn't hurt too much if he fell.

Gusts of sea breeze blew past, blowing Bismarck's short hair, heroic and sexy, a combination of contradictions, the visual impact brought by the contrast is not small.

"What a Persian cat!"

Lu Yanzhi thought to himself.

Bismarck frowned, how dare he be distracted by the duel?

In front of her body, a girl who was 1.7 meters fell over her shoulder, and a girl who was 1.8 meters overturned Lu Yanshi who was [-] meters tall.Lu Yanzhi felt dizzy for a while, and then sat down on the beach.

In order to allow Bismarck to stay, Lu Yanzhi naturally would not give up easily, turned over, took advantage of Bismarck not paying attention, and left hook!
I haven't practiced fighting or anything, but I've seen a lot of it on TV. However, due to the absolute difference in strength, Bismarck stretched out his left hook and pulled it away. Lu Yanzhi threw himself forward and fell to the ground again.

When he got up, Lu Yanzhi suddenly remembered Mr. Cheng's movie or what kind of movie said that he used his steps to confuse the enemy.

As a result, the feet began to shake non-stop, and there was a trend of getting faster and faster, without any rules. In Bismarck's view, he could kick hundreds of meters with one kick.

Shaking his head, Hu Teng was practicing shelling at sea, and he still wanted to show some face. Bismarck didn't move his feet.

However, even with only two hands, Bismarck can easily deal with Lu Yanzhi in front of him.

Lu Yanzhi didn't attack, Bismarck continued to step forward, left uppercut, right uppercut!

Fortunately, the power of the ship's equipment was not used, otherwise, Lu Yanzhi's blocking arms could be broken with just one swing of the steel-like arm.

But even so, Lu Yanzhi, who blocked a few times, couldn't take it anymore, took a chance to step back, and rubbed his arms with his hands to make a hissing sound.

"Bismarck, this can't work. I haven't practiced fighting. Give me a hand!"

Bismarck nodded, accepting Lu Yanzhi's opinion, even with one hand, without using the power of the ship's armor, she can bully several trash like Lu Yanzhi at the same time.

"Just one hand should have some hope!"

Lu Yanzhi stared at Bismarck closely, and turned around Bismarck, looking for the best attack angle. Bismarck was calm, and he let him be strong, unmoved.

Here it is, jump!
Lu Yanzhi aimed at the target, and then, the so-called jump was a joke. Bismarck easily dodged, and then grabbed Lu Yanzhi's jumping calf with his only hand, and Lu Yanzhi fell again.


After spitting out the sand in his mouth, Lu Yanzhi sat up with difficulty: "Bismarck, you can't hide!"

Bismarck frowned: "Admiral Lu, isn't this too much?"

Getting up and patting the sand on his buttocks, Lu Yanshi said, "This is not a fair match. Tennessee is afraid of your fighting skills. I haven't even practiced fighting!"

"OK then!"

Bismarck frowned and nodded, making unreasonable words, but even if you don't dodge, you can't beat me.

There is truth in fiction, and fiction in reality, feint first, and then look for opportunities to catch people by surprise!

Lu Yanzhi had another decision in his heart.

One one two two, oops!

The TV series was really unreliable, and Lu Yanzhi was brought down by Bismarck again.



Lu Yanzhi didn't know how many times he was knocked down by Bismarck. He was exhausted enough to describe it, and he was able to stand up entirely with a will.

"It's too difficult to catch Bismarck, how can it be possible to win!"

Lu Yanzhi was in a state of embarrassment, and Bismarck hadn't fought back seriously, so Lu Yanzhi didn't have any wounds on his body. However, as an ordinary person with a sub-healthy physique who didn't exercise at all, he fell down for nearly an hour and got up. Lu Yanzhi had no strength left.

"Can you still get up?"

Bismarck looked at Lu Yanzhi getting up from the beach again, and was slightly surprised in his heart, he has good willpower!
Prince Eugen had already run over, and she thought that Lu Yanzhi had teased Bismarck, but he was taught by Bismarck. However, as soon as Bismarck explained, Prince Eugen immediately understood, and stood obediently by the side.

At this moment, watching Lu Yanzhi stand up again, he couldn't bear to say: "Admiral Lu, you admit defeat, how could you beat Sister Bismarck!"

Glancing at Prince Eugen, Lu Yanzhi grinned and said, "There is no way, Bismarck said, if we want her to stay in our tutelary mansion, we must defeat her!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Bismarck again, and then, holding it wrong, he raised his limp arms and attacked Bismarck again.

He could no longer raise his fists, barely raised them, and the lethality was not even enough to crush an ant. Instead of attacking, it was better to put his hands on Bismarck's shoulders to stand firm.

Bismarck shook his head, and with a slight push, Lu Yanzhi fell to the ground on his back again.

Seeing Lu Yanzhi struggling to get up again, Bismarck said, "Don't bother, you've reached your limit!"

"Am I at my limit?"

Staggering and standing up, Lu Yanzhi looked at Bismarck and chuckled.

Bismarck walked up to Lu Yanshi and blew lightly. Lu Yanshi staggered again, snap!

"Okay, okay, you won, I have indeed reached the limit!"

"Hoo, hoo, hoo!"

Panting heavily, Lu Yanzhi, who was lying on the beach, said with great effort.

"Although, huh, although I lost, but, huh, I still hope that Bismarck, yes, can stay!"

Bismarck turned around and looked at the seaside. Hu Teng practiced shelling over and over again, a few seagulls were flying, the sky was blue and white clouds, and farther away, the black smoke of cruise ships sailing on the sea could barely be seen.

"I am Bismarck, the crystallization of Germany's technology, please remember it in your heart, Admiral!"

It's actually not difficult to call an admiral!Bismarck came over, stretched out his hand to lift Lu Yanshi, and then helped Lu Yanshi walk under the parasol.

"Prince Eugen, go to San Juan and get some cold drinks!"

After Bismarck finished speaking, Prince Eugen turned around and walked towards the tutelary mansion, smiling happily.

Here, Lu Yanzhi, who had been relieved for a while, got a little better.

"Bismarck has decided to join my tutelary?"

Bismarck was expressionless, but Lu Yanzhi always felt that Bismarck's eyes were smiling: "I have already decided to join, but the admiral is not willing to invite!"

"Bismarck called me Admiral?" Lu Yanzhi smirked: "That's great!"

However, after thinking about it, I felt aggrieved again: "Then why did Bismarck fight with me, and why did you agree to stay in the tutelary mansion after you won the battle?"

"I didn't say that!" Bismarck denied it.

"You didn't say that? Just now..."

"That's just what you understand, Admiral, I don't mean that!"

"What do you mean?"

"Means nothing!"

"What do you mean by nothing?"

"That's what it means!"

"Doesn't that mean that I want to beat you?"

"Admiral, I told you, you misunderstood, if you don't believe me, go back and see for yourself!"


Lu Yanzhi was stunned again: "Win? You mean that as long as you win, you will join the tutelary mansion no matter who wins?"

"That's right!"

Lu Yanzhi stared at Bismarck for two seconds, and suddenly burst into tears: "Are you really Bismarck? Why are you still playing this kind of word game? You can't just avenge yourself, right?"

"Do I have any enmity with the admiral?" Bismarck asked back.

Lu Yanzhi nodded: "That's true!"

Bismarck smiled again: "Admiral, let's rest for a while, I'll go and teach Hu Teng how to fight!"

"Aren't you tired after playing for so long? Let's have a rest together!"

Bismarck had already stepped out of the parasol, and when he heard Lu Yanshi's words, he looked back at Lu Yanshi: "I won't be tired for a day at the level of an admiral!"


Although it is true, what you said, Bismarck, is so heartbreaking!
Lu Yanzhi watched Bismarck unfurl his ship, then reached the sea, and arrived at Hu Teng's side, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

It's really amazing, obviously you don't talk much at ordinary times, but once you are recognized as the admiral, the relationship will immediately improve by leaps and bounds.

so good!
Although it has been determined that Bismarck will definitely join his tutelary mansion, the admiral's approval still sounds reassuring.

The reminder in the system arrived as promised at the moment when Bismarck called the admiral, and the most suitable equipment for the fish was three out of five, which was exactly the same as the prestige equipment choice at the beginning. What do you want it for? There is already one in the tutelary mansion, but Bismarck and Tirpitz will have two more after they grow up, which is redundant!Not to mention armor-piercing bullets, five are enough, just enough.Tennessee, Prestige, Tirpitz, Bismarck, Hootten!
Lu Yanzhi thought boredly, Prince Eugen came back with a cold drink.

"Admiral Lu, your ice orange!"

Looking at Prince Eugen, Lu Yanzhi smiled inexplicably.

"Prince Eugen, you said Bismarck recognized me as an admiral, what about you?"


Prince Eugen blushed: "This, this..."

"What? You're not going to stay with your sister Bismarck?"

Looking at the tangled and shy expression of the girl in front of him, Lu Yanzhi felt emotional: It's so evil, forcing her into prostitution, no, forcing her to play, forcing her to play something, it's simply too evil, so interesting!

Prince Eugen naturally only obeyed Bismarck, although Bismarck did not tell her, but sooner or later it will happen.

"Heavy cruiser, Prinz Eugen, please give me more advice! Mention, mention, mention..."

Well, the interaction between the two is almost zero, and Prince Eugen really can't do it rashly called Admiral.Lu Yanzhi didn't have any presents to embarrass him. Seeing Prince Eugen's embarrassment, he quickly helped out and said, "It's all right, take your time, stay in the town guard's mansion first, and don't worry about calling the admiral!"

Prince Eugen immediately looked at Lu Yanzhi gratefully. If Lu Yanzhi continued to persecute her, she would definitely call out the word admiral in order to follow Bismarck. However, after all, Lu Yanzhi had not yet fully received his approval. , These two words are somewhat against one's will. For Jian Niang, if something against one's will occurs, no matter how big or small, it means something bad.

Prince Eugen hasn't completely approved of the admiral yet, but Xiaozhai has already recognized it. He took the little ones to Haikou City more than once, playing with this and that, buying whatever he wanted, Bismarck's dolls, Bismarck's figures, A T-shirt with Bismarck's cartoon head, Lolita is better than Yujie!
Speaking of Xiao Zhai, I don't even know where this little guy went!

Lu Yanzhi thought in his heart, Xiao Zhai's body is so fleshy, he wanted to hold him in his arms and pinch his face a long time ago!
 Well, it's too early to end

(End of this chapter)

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