Chapter 277


Like Saratoga, Bismarck's joining the tutelary mansion did not cause any disturbance. After all, in everyone's mind, living in the tutelary mansion is already a member of the tutelary mansion. Adding a few dishes to dinner is considered a celebration dinner. That's it.

Bismarck didn't say anything about returning the main gun and armor-piercing shells. They are already a family, and it would be a waste to return them to the warehouse. There is still a sister control 7 and two sister control 6 in the warehouse.

The matter of Bismarck has been settled, and the matter of Xiao Zhai must be resolved as soon as possible.

Lu Yanshi found the little ones in the studio, and Helena was giving them an art class. It was just nonsense. Her own paintings were enough to make people laugh out loud. However, Lu Yanshi's order was comprehensive Development, Helena had no choice but to bite the bullet.

Of course, Tirpitz cannot be called, not to mention whether Tirpitz is willing to come, even if Tirpitz is willing to come, everyone in the tutelary mansion is probably not at ease.

"Really, what's the use of drawing, is it possible to impress the deep-sea ship girl and make the deep-sea ship girl surrender without fighting?"

There is no way to use idioms casually. Although I remember this sentence, who cares what it means, it feels quite interesting.

Well, it can also be seen from this aspect that the efficiency of the little girls in class is basically zero.

Xiao Zhai is quite distressed and grabs her pink mid-length hair, draws pictures, writes, these things are not too difficult for her, it is a pain.

Clarkston likes the art class the most. Every stroke is extremely serious, and the outline is drawn stroke by stroke, and the layout is meticulous. It is agreed to draw a thousand admirals, but there are still nine thousand eight hundred and eighty two.

"Smiling admiral?"

Clarkston has a plan in mind, and the admiral is so gentle.

Xiao Zhai stared at the blank drawing paper fidgeting, time passed bit by bit, but she still didn't think of what to draw.

"Clarxton, what are you drawing?"

Xiao Zhai turned around and asked Clarkston. As the eldest sister of Lolita, she sat next to Clarkston without hesitation. She was a little smart, and knew that Clarkston was a master at drawing, so she thought about picking up a draft after class. Claxton's draft was the perfect work for her anyway.

Clarkston took a look at Xiao Zhai. The two of them didn't have much contact with each other. The good boy and the bad boy took two completely different paths.

"I'm drawing Admiral!"

Although he didn't have much contact with Xiao Zhai, he was very powerful, and Clarkston also knew that he should not be easily provoked.

Hearing Claxton's answer, Xiao Zhai curled his lips in disdain: "I have drawn more than 100 copies, and you are not bored yet?"

"After class, leave me a copy of your draft!"

Xiao Zhai said, not a question, not a request, but an order!

"Cough cough!"

Helena, who was sitting on it, coughed heavily twice, thinking Xiao Zhai, you don't take me seriously as a teacher, do you?
Xiao Zhai glanced at Helena, and sat upright, but she was not a character who could sit idle. With her homework settled, she became more and more unscrupulous. After a while, she turned her head to look at the village rain on the other side. As a big sister, I should take care of it and ask Clarkston to prepare an extra draft if necessary.

"Muragure, what did you draw?"

On Murasame's drawing paper, there is a piece of green, a piece of blue, and a piece of white. Ordinary people who don't have a certain drawing foundation will definitely not be able to appreciate the meaning.

Murasame's face was also covered with paint, like the camouflage on the face of a special soldier, but it was more abstract, holding a paintbrush in one hand and a palette in the other. The next tutelary mansion!"

Looking at the graffiti on the drawing paper, Xiao Zhai is really powerless to complain. Even if I don’t know how to draw, I probably know it. Look at you, you can’t compare with Claxton at all, right?

Helena put down the magazine in her hand and got off the podium to come to the small house.

"Xiao Zhai, forget about others, hurry up and draw your own!"

Xiao Zhai glanced at Helena again: "I'm done drawing!"

"Did you finish the painting?"

Helena looked at the drawing paper in front of Xiaozhai, it was clean and empty.

"Yes, the painting is finished!" Xiao Zhai emphasized again.

"Then what did you draw?"

"The cow eats grass!"

"What about the grass?"

"The cow is finished!"

"What about the cow?"

"Finish the grass and leave!"


Helena was so angry that her teeth were itching, she wished she could catch this little guy and beat him.

Lu Yanzhi was outside the door all the time, and laughed when he heard Xiao Zhai's theory.

At this moment, the bell rang and get out of class was over.

Xiao Zhai rushed out of the studio in a gust of wind, and she can have fun in the last class of the day, the admiral at the door?Whatever, I didn't see it.

Lu Yanzhi only saw a black shadow, and then, there was a complete commotion in the studio, Cunyu, Xili, Lan, Fengfeng, Amethyst, Firefly, these warriors under Xiao Zhai rushed out of the studio one after another like wild horses running wild In an instant in the studio, the palette was flying, and the fuel was flying.

Several stains instantly appeared on Helena's dark blue clothes.

Looking at herself, and then at Clarkston and Sukhbaatar who were still sitting in their seats, Helena sighed helplessly: "Clarxton, Sukhbaatar, you guys dismiss the get out of class too!"

Sukhbaatar slowly got up from his seat, then packed his own things in his small satchel, and walked out of the studio slowly.

"Hello Admiral!"

Outside the studio, he bowed to Lu Yanzhi earnestly and said hello.

"Clarxton, you can dismiss get out of class too!" Helena looked at Clarkston and said.

Clarkston smiled lightly, and the cat ears on his head moved: "I'll finish the painting soon, Sister Helena, please finish class first, go back and clean up!"

Helena shook her head, it's always been like this, she just asked about it as usual, and ignored it, Helena also walked out of the studio.


"Helena is this?"

When Lu Yanzhi asked, Helena was filled with resentment: "It's not Xiao Zhai, this guy, he went crazy after class!"

Without Helena's further explanation, Lu Yanzhi can roughly guess it. If a brat doesn't offend a brat, can he still be a brat?

"Oh, I won't tell the admiral anymore, I'll go back and change my clothes first, and then I have to ask Renfu to tidy up the studio!"

Helena said, turned and left.

Clarkston was still in the studio, and it would be a bit bad not to go in and have a look. Lu Yanzhi walked in quietly and stood behind Clarkston.

"Well, the admiral is so handsome, but my drawing is always a little bit worse!"

Clarkston tilted his head, talking to himself.

"But, I feel pretty good already!"

"Ah~ Admiral, are you here?" The girl stood up in panic, two red clouds slowly crept up on her cheeks.

Lu Yanzhi smiled lightly and rubbed Clarkston's soft long hair: "The painting is already pretty good, why doesn't Clarkston go out to play for a while?"

"To draw a thousand admirals, I only drew more than 100!"

Clarkston said.

Lu Yanzhi smiled again: "It's not enough to just paint blindly, you must combine work and rest!"

"Since the admiral said so, let's take a break!" Clarkston smiled lightly, his small head rubbed against Lu Yanzhi's hand, and his big eyes narrowed slightly.


After coming out of the studio, Lu Yanzhi found Xiao Zhai in the small amusement park. He didn't usually come here to play, there were only a few toys, and he was already bored with it, but today he was here again for some reason.

Wearing a blue dress, white sandals, white short stockings just reaching the calf, a white peaked cap on the back of the head, a round face, very cute, looking at Xiao Zhai, Lu Yanzhi suddenly remembered A character in the anime in the previous life: Platelet!

They should be playing hide-and-seek, and Xiao Zhai seems to have been caught. At this moment, he is sitting on the swing and sighing.

Lu Yanshi walked over, but Xiao Zhai didn't respond at all, glanced at it, and then continued to sigh.

"Xiao Zhai was captured?"

"Yeah!" The voice came out with a snort.

"I have good news for Xiao Zhai, will Xiao Zhai listen?"

During dinner last night, the news of Bismarck's joining the tutelary mansion was not mentioned, so Xiaozhai still doesn't know about it.

"good news?"

Xiao Zhai became interested, raised his head to look at Lu Yanzhi, his big eyes flickered.

"Your sister Meow has agreed to join my tutelary mansion, how is it? Are you happy?"

"Really?" Xiao Zhai doubted.

"Of course it's true. If you don't believe me, you can ask Xiao Zhai. Besides, Sister Meow has already recognized me. You called me Admiral yesterday!"

Of course, this news is a happy news. Originally, Xiao Zhai's name as Admiral was already good enough.

Xiao Zhai jumped off the swing happily: "That's great!"


"From now on, I can stay in the tutelary mansion forever!"


The last admiral made Lu Yanshi feel refreshed.

Unceremoniously, or what has been expected for a long time, he hugged Xiao Zhai, who was alive and kicking, and then raised it above his head.

Then, sit on the swing, put Xiao Zhai on your lap, pinch Xiao Zhai's small round face, the feeling is not usually good, let go of your hand, and then said
"Call the admiral again!"

"Admiral!" Xiao Zhai rubbed his cheeks and shouted.

Rubbing his face again, Lu Yanzhi smiled happily: "Call again!"


Kotaku yelled.

Hold it up, then lift it up, and turn it around a few times.

Unscrupulous Lu Yanzhi said again, Xiao Zhai took a deep breath.

"Admiral, admiral, admiral, admiral!"

Immediately afterwards, he started giggling, being hugged in the air, Xiao Zhai was not angry at all, and opened his hands as if he wanted to fly.

Happy, besides being happy is happy, Lu Yanzhi is definitely not a lolicon, he even treats a loli like a younger sister, and the role of younger sister in Lu Yanshi's heart is definitely not like that in Japanese light novels.

However, the little loli's smile can heal people's hearts, making people feel peaceful and relaxed.

As the sun set, the shadow of the building was stretched long. Looking at it from a distance, Lu Yanzhi also smiled happily.

Cunyu, Xili and the others stopped playing hide-and-seek and saw this scene from afar.

Ling Bo had just walked in from the guard's mansion, and she also saw this scene. She was out to shoot a scene, and Fu Bo was by her side.

Just like instinct, I picked up the camera.


The picture freezes at that moment!

 Well, I didn't describe it much before, so the relationship is suddenly so good, isn't it a bit abrupt?

(End of this chapter)

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