Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 286 This Ring...

Chapter 286 This Ring...


Bismarck looked at Tirpitz suspiciously: "Tirpitz? What nonsense?"

"Sister~ sister?"

Tirpitz's eyes were still filled with suspicion.


"Where did the cat come from?"

Bismarck grabbed a black cat from the bed. The black cat was not at all unfamiliar, and licked Bismarck's palm affectionately.

"Hehe, so cute!"

Bismarck showed a rare smile.

"Are you really your sister?"

Tirpitz stretched out his hand, curiously poked the black cat in Bismarck's hand, and said curiously.

"Nonsense, Tirpitz, what exactly are you trying to say?"

Tirpitz took out a mirror from nowhere and handed it to Bismarck.

She has neat short silver hair, and her stubborn cat ears are still standing upright. Under the black silk pajamas, her figure is more plump.

Immediately afterwards, he threw the black cat in his hand on the bed, and carefully felt the changes in himself.

Stronger armor?New equipment?Durability seems to have improved as well.

"Tell me, Tirpitz, I seem to have grown up."

Bismarck stammered, his words full of disbelief.

Have you grown up?Just grow up like this?Was it the reason for yesterday's dream?Or, the reason for defeating the Prince of Wales?

In the restaurant of the tutelary mansion, everyone was chattering around Bismarck, and Bismarck had also grown up, which was a major event for the tutelary mansion.

Xiao Zhai stood timidly next to Lu Yanshi. The person in front of her was her sister Meow. She could feel it, but unfamiliar faces always made people a little scared.

"So, Bismarck, did you grow up after dreaming?"

Tennessee was very curious about this. When Lingbo was growing up, she paid extra attention to it. With more and more powerful ship girls in the guardian mansion, and her status as a slow ship became lower and lower, she put all her heart into it. in growth.But what exactly is this growth?dream?A big fight?
"The ship girl is indeed a wonderful creature!"

Lu Yanzhi shook his head in admiration.

"By the way, Bismarck, you have grown up, has your data improved?"

"A part of the equipment has evolved, and the parameters of the ship's equipment have been improved in all aspects!"

"What about skills? What about skills?"

Prince Eugen asked curiously: "Saratoga grew up, learned a set of Robin tactics, and was a pioneer in aviation tactics. Limbo grew up, invincible in night battles, and turned into a ghost. What about you, Bismarck?"


Bismarck frowned: "I don't know about this either. It seems that I can only detect it through exercises or actual combat."

"Practice with me!"

The Prince of Wales sat beside him, took a sip of red wine and said lightly.


Bismarck frowned, she wished for it, her strength had improved, and she felt that facing the Prince of Wales now would definitely not be as difficult as before.

Outside the guard house, everyone looked at the two confronting each other on the sea.

The sea breeze was blowing, and Hu Teng's black eagle Ezio was hovering in the air. After a long time, the two moved.

The Prince of Wales took a step forward, waved his right hand forward, and then turned the muzzle to face Bismarck.

"Is the armor really higher?"

The Prince of Wales could see clearly that in the volley just now, at least a small half of the artillery fire hit Bismarck, but Bismarck was not shot.

Bismarck also felt his own situation, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Without further ado, fight back.

It was not the usual scattered attack of battleships, but aimed at the position of the Prince of Wales, half-volley and half-volley, cats changed to guns, and the equipment he was familiar with had an astonishingly high hit rate.

Hit, keep hitting!
As if tracking had been installed, no matter how the Prince of Wales evaded, Bismarck's muzzle could always adjust its direction instantly for precise strikes.

The Prince of Wales looked at Bismarck rather aggrieved. Why?His dodging skills are definitely not bad, how could he not be able to dodge.

"Prince of Wales, come up, let Hu Teng practice with Bismarck again!"

Lu Yanzhi shouted at the Prince of Wales.

As for the skills of the Prince of Wales, the game knows that the flagship killer has a probability of attacking the enemy's flagship and causing additional damage. However, here, in the real situation, practice a few more times so that Bismarck can clearly understand his ability.


"Why was the artillery fire not so intensive during the Bismarck and Huteng exercises?"

When Helena spoke up, the exercise between Bismarck and Hu Teng was over, and Hu Teng was naturally defeated. However, Bismarck only relied on his training advantage to defeat Hu Teng through artillery fire.

Bismarck did not continue to think about the exercise with Tennessee, and she already knew about her situation.

"Admiral, I seem to understand my own ability, which may cause additional damage to the enemy's flagship, and..."

Bismarck said, but hesitated again.

Lu Yanzhi asked: "What's wrong?"

"When I was attacked, I didn't know whether it was an illusion or something else. I felt that the armor had been improved, and the damage I received was lower!"

Bismarck frowned and said.

"An extra boost to the armor?"

Extra armor, then an unsinkable battleship?
"Flagship killer, unsinkable warship!"

Bismarck was happy. Now, he was the number one battleship of the tutelary mansion again, and he was nothing more than the Prince of Wales.


Lexington made a cup of tea for Lu Yanzhi in the tutelary mansion, and then gently walked behind Lu Yanzhi to give Lu Yanzhi a massage.

"Bismarck has grown too!"

"Yeah, think about it, when I first established the tutelary fort, I didn't even have a battleship under my command."

Lu Yanzhi let out a long sigh of relief and said happily.

"Well, Admiral, when do you think I will grow up?"

Lexington asked again.

Lu Yanzhi chuckled: "Lexington is still very strong even if it doesn't grow."

"However, watching them grow up is quite enviable."

"Do not worry!"

Lu Yanzhi patted Lexington's hand subconsciously: "It will grow up in the future, don't worry!"

"I hope!" Lexington said, and worried again: "However, Bismarck didn't grow until he was almost 30 years old, and I was only [-] years old, and if Jiajia didn't bring me to practice together last time , I estimate that my practice level is only a dozen."

"Why did Lexington suddenly become so sentimental?" Lu Yanzhi turned his head and smiled.

Lexington said coquettishly: "There is no way, admiral, everyone in the town guard is getting stronger and stronger, I am worried that as time goes by, I will be less and less valued by the admiral!"

Lu Yanzhi couldn't laugh or cry immediately: "Lexington, why do you think so? If I don't value you, can I still let you be the secretary ship?"

"Admiral, do you still have the nerve to say Secretary Ship?"

Speaking of this, Lexington was full of resentment: "The secretary ship of other people's town guard mansion is not with the admiral every day, but for our town guard mansion, you only show up once every three days."

After saying that, Lexington stopped giving Lu Yanshi a massage, and sat aside and complained: "I don't even have a chance to talk to you!"

"Ah, ah, ah, I would like to spend more time chatting with you in the future." Lu Yanzhi laughed: "After all, you are very capable in Lexington!"


Lexington was speechless immediately, and his own admiral was embarrassed to say that he was obviously the most leisurely person in the town guard mansion, and he still had a lot of time to spare?

"Hey, what is this?"

Lexington looked down.

Lu Yanzhi glanced at it, and suddenly yelled in his heart that it was terrible, his oath ring.

"Admiral, this ring?"

Lexington looked at Lu Yanzhi with a half-smile.

"This, uh, this, ahem, Lexington, uh, do you understand?"

Lu Yanzhi was very embarrassed.

"Understand, understand!"

Lexington laughed like a devil.

"However, Admiral, I'm still a little curious, who is this ring of yours for?"


"Of course it's for you!"

Lu Yanzhi suddenly replied seriously that he had already thought about giving the ring to Lexington. Although he may not have been with him for long enough, Lu Yanzhi still had a lot of fantasies about Lexington. The best Lexington, the perfect wife Lexington, to be honest, I actually wanted to get married a long time ago.

Although Lexington may seem a little anxious to get married in a few months, but even without looking at the system, Lu Yanzhi can clearly feel that the relationship between himself and Lexington has definitely reached the point where he can take that step.


A little shy, but more happy, Lexington stared at Lu Yanshi closely.

"Of course it's true, otherwise why would I come to the office with the ring!"

Lexington tightly grasped the ring in his hand: "I always feel like you are joking with me, Admiral."

"Don't give it to me!" Lu Yanzhi said a little annoyed.

"If you don't give it, it's already in my hands, how can you give it back to the admiral?"

Lexington grasped the ring even tighter, Lu Yanzhi smiled lightly, with burning eyes, looked at Lexington and said, "I'm serious, Lexington, be my wedding ship!"

"I've already taken the ring, Admiral!"


At dinner, San Juan sat next to Lu Yanshi.

"Admiral, it's my turn tonight!"

As he said that, San Juan laughed grinningly: "How does the admiral want to play tonight? Uniform?"


Lu Yanzhi's heart suddenly warmed up. San Juan's room will never get tired, and there are always new tricks.

The only sliver of clarity left in his mind made Lu Yanzhi refuse San Juan's temptation with difficulty.

"No, not tonight, I have something important tonight."

San Juan immediately refused: "Admiral~" Then he became angry again: "Are you going to find Yixian?"

"San Juan, you think too much, I'm not looking for Yixian."

"Then what else can you do?"

"Uh, this."

"Bismarck has grown up. I have a little guess. It is related to the growth of the guarding house in the future. It needs to be recorded."

"Even if it's a record, it's okay to record it during the day, right?"

San Juan felt annoyed, and there were only three days in a week. As a result, there was another day when the admiral wanted to go to work. How could this be? Why didn't he go to work on the day that belonged to Yixian.

"Ah, ah, ah, at worst, I will accompany you every Sunday!"

Lu Yanzhi smiled wryly, scratched San Juan's nose, and comforted him.

San Juan reluctantly left, Lu Yanzhi wiped the sweat from his forehead, and finally agreed.

The reason why he didn't go to San Juan's room was naturally because he had fantasies about Lexington. Although the ring was a bit abrupt, Lexington also admitted the identity of the wedding ship, didn't he?Now that it's a wedding ship, then...

(End of this chapter)

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