Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 287 Sister-in-law's Reaction

Chapter 287 Sister-in-law's Reaction

Saratoga didn't know how he got back to the bedroom. With an attitude of not giving up, he even listened for a while, but after a while, a shameful voice came out.

Make people angry.

Back in the bedroom, covering the quilt.

"Hmph, you promised to love me forever!"

"Am I still your sister?"

"Sister? Even my own admiral Du Qing doesn't want me to know!"

"Even if you tell me the truth, what can I do to you?"

"I didn't expect you to be such a big sister!"

"I, I, you, Saratoga don't cry."

"I haven't seen such a big wind and big waves!"

"I never cried when I fought with the deep sea,"

Even though he said this, Saratoga couldn't help but have a sore nose.

As if her favorite toy had been snatched away, and it was her admiral who snatched her away, the admiral who theoretically would be with her for the rest of her life, Saratoga finally couldn't hold it back, hugging the quilt and sobbing .

In the early morning, the first ray of sunlight shone into the tutelary mansion, and in Lu Yanshi's bedroom, Lexington, who was lying in Lu Yanshi's arms, opened his eyes.

Everything has already happened, it's not a dream, the warmth in the admiral's arms can still be felt, and the admiral's hands are tightly clasped around his waist.Well, it's kind of hot.

Gently taking off Lu Yanshi's hands, Lexington didn't want to disturb Lu Yanshi. It's not even seven o'clock yet, and she wants the admiral to sleep again.

"Admiral, did I wake you up?"

Feeling the tightness of the hands that had just been removed, Lexington looked up, just in time to see Lu Yanzhi's bright eyes.

"Don't sleep for a while?"

Continue to hug Lexington, Lu Yanzhi said intimately.

"No, Admiral, you can continue to sleep, I'm going back to see Gaga, it's not good if she finds out that I didn't go back at night!"

Lu Yanzhi nodded and let Lexington get up.

The underwear and pajamas were casually thrown on the ground. Thinking of the madness at night, Lexington felt a little sweetness in his heart.

The perfect delicate body made Lu Yanshi feel a little impulsive again. The day's plan is in the morning, and the heart is as clear as ice, and the sky is not shocked.

Lu Yanzhi closed his eyes and recited Bingxin Jue silently in his heart. If he opened his eyes again, he felt that his inner demon would come out.

"Then, Admiral, I'll go back first!"


"Love you, Darling!"

Lexington kissed Lu Yanshi lightly on the forehead, then smiled lightly, turned and left.

Thinking about Saratoga, Lexington felt a headache again. She knew the character of her sister very clearly. My sister is the sky, my sister is the earth, and my sister is my only one. If I let her know that I was in the Spend the night in the admiral's room...

Thinking of this, Lexington stepped a little faster. In fact, there was only Yixian's bedroom between their room and Lu Yanshi's bedroom, which was only three to five meters away.

In the bedroom, Saratoga's sleeping position was really not elegant. She was lying on her side, with a lot of pajamas piled up, revealing her smooth thighs, and her clothes were wide open, revealing her white and greasy chest, and the quilt was kicked on the ground.

Usually, I and Saratoga sleep on the same bed, and the girl sleeps in a safe place. So, the reason why she sleeps alone like this is that she can do whatever she wants?

Lexington shook his head, stepped forward to pick up the quilt and covered Saratoga, then went into the bathroom, took a shower and washed, all in all, he had to wake up as usual in the morning, so as not to make Saratoga suspect.

As soon as Lexington walked into the bathroom, Saratoga on the bed immediately opened his eyes. His eyes were bloodshot. He didn't know when he fell asleep yesterday. Anyway, it was definitely late at night.

Turning over, leaning against the head of the bed, tucking her legs together, hugging her hands, wrapping herself tightly with the quilt, and then putting her head on her knees, Saratoga thought to herself: "Do you want me to forgive you by doing this? ?”

"Impossible, sister, you are no longer pure!"

As soon as Lexington came out of the bathroom, he saw Saratoga. A pair of bloodshot eyes stared at him. His long golden hair was not soft and messy. At this moment, Saratoga gave off a feeling: decadent!

"Gaga, what's wrong with you?"

"Do you know you care about me now?"

Saratoga turned her head stubbornly, not wanting to look at Lexington's eyes. Her sister's eyes were too fierce, gentle and aggressive, and she was worried about showing any weakness.

"Gaga, what are you talking about, I have always cared about you!"

Lexington chuckled, stroked Saratoga's hair and said.

"Hmph, then why didn't you tell me when you didn't come home last night? Don't you know that I'm worried?"

Lexington froze, and then said: "Oh, I was too tired to deal with the documents yesterday, so I took a rest in the office."

"It's already this time, sister, are you still unwilling to tell me the truth?"

Saratoga suddenly turned to look at Lexington, teary-eyed, like an abandoned puppy.

"Gaga, Gaga, you know everything?"

Saratoga did not answer Lexington's words, and continued to sob and said: "Obviously I am your favorite sister, am I not? Even if you tell me the truth, I won't allow you, obviously, obviously. It's negotiable, why didn't you tell me? Sister, don't you love me?"

Lexington was in a hurry, and hurriedly took out a tissue to wipe Saratoga's tears.

"Gaga, what are you talking about, you are my sister, how can I not love you?"


Saratoga sobbed again, and corrected stubbornly.

"Yes, yes, the only sister, how could I not love Gaga?"

Lexington can't laugh or cry, at this time, are you still thinking about constellations?Gaga, what are you trying to do?
"Then do you love me more or the admiral more?"

"It's different, Gaga!"

"Why is it different?"

"For Gaga, my only sister, no one can compare to Gaga in terms of family love. For the admiral, it is another kind of love, the kind between a man and a woman."

Lexington explained to Saratoga, and Saratoga suddenly realized, showing a thoughtful look.

"So, does my sister still love me the most?"

"Family!" Lexington corrected.

"Sure enough, I knew that sister, you are the best, how could you not love me!"

It's fine to be the one I love the most. With my sister, it must be the kind of love in the family.

Putting aside the quilt, Saratoga was overjoyed, holding Lexington and smiling.

Patting Saratoga's back lightly, Lexington said with a smile: "Okay, now Gaga can feel at ease? Such a big person, to cry like that."


Saratoga continued to hold Lexington coquettishly.

"Okay, okay, get up, cry like a cat."


Letting go of Lexington, Saratoga stood up from the bed: "Although it is true, the admiral actually put my favorite sister under him yesterday, it is unforgivable!"

"Gaga, let me tell you, don't mess around. After all, the admiral is your brother-in-law now."

"Ah, ah, ah, don't worry, sister!"


After waking up, it was very difficult to fall asleep again. Lu Yanzhi was rare, and he woke up before seven o'clock.

Walking out of the dormitory, the summer morning was far from cold, but the air was fresh. Bismarck was running around the small square wearing a vest, followed by the black cat Oscar.

"Hi, Bismarck, good morning!" After thinking for a while, Lu Yanshi ran beside Bismarck.

"Morning, the admiral got up so early today?"

"Well, does Bismarck run every morning?"

Asking this question, Lu Yanzhi was a little ashamed. As one of the lazy members of the tutelary mansion, his personality is similar to that of Tirpitz. This should be the first time he saw Bismarck running.

Bismarck didn't respond, so he nodded.

One lap, two laps.

There was still dew on the bench. Lu Yanzhi stood aside to rest. His physique was indeed half disabled. After running two laps, he was out of breath after less than 2000 meters.

I watched Bismarck run several laps before stopping.

With a trace of sweat hanging on his face, Bismarck stood beside Lu Yanshi, his black vest highlighted his figure to the fullest.

"Admiral, your physique is too poor."

"No way, I'm old!" Lu Yanzhi joked.

"If I remember correctly, the admiral is only 27 years old this year?"

"This is not acceptable, Admiral, exercise with me in the morning!"


Lu Yanzhi hesitated a little. To train his abs, of course he was very willing for a man, but he didn't dare to agree immediately because he was worried that he wouldn't be able to get up in the morning.

Bismarck didn't give Lu Yanzhi any time to hesitate: "That's it, Admiral, from now on at 06:30 every morning, gather at the bottom of the dormitory building, and exercise with me!"

"let me try!"

Lu Yanzhi nodded. Bismarck's suggestion was also for his own good, to keep fit.

Go back and take a shower, and when you come to the restaurant, even though you wake up so early, Lu Yanzhi finds that many girls have already come to have breakfast, and Lu Yanzhi is even more ashamed.

Tirpitz was dragged to the tutelary mansion by Bismarck, and everyone was not at all curious. Thinking about it, this was not the first time such a scene had appeared.

Lu Yanshi saw Lexington and Saratoga sitting on the other side.

Seeing Lu Yanzhi's eyes looking over, Saratoga glared viciously, and then, ignoring her sister's stop, came to Lu Yanzhi's side with breakfast.


There are only two words, but the meaning is inexplicable.

"Your sister is already my wedding ship."

Lu Yanzhi understood what Saratoga wanted to say and explained.


"This is a matter of your will, you can't take care of it, can you?" Lu Yanzhi unexpectedly understood what Saratoga's eyes meant.

"Then what title do you plan to give my sister?" Saratoga asked.


"Yes, title, this is very important, right?"

Lu Yanzhi waved his hand: "Our town guard mansion doesn't like that set. Lexington, Yixian, and San Juan are all equal, even if they are married ships and non-married ships, they are also equal."

"Three marriage ships!"

Saratoga was furious again: "Who is he, the emperor of the harem? So many marriages!"

Glancing at Lu Yanzhi disdainfully, Saratoga said again: "It's really strange why my sister is willing to accept your ring?"

(End of this chapter)

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