Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 288 Date with Wife

Chapter 288 Date with Wife

The news that Lexington became a wedding ship spread like wildfire in the tutelary mansion, and everyone had mixed reactions.

"Men don't have a good thing!" Atlanta comforted San Juan who was covering his face and crying.

"Unexpectedly, Lexington actually overtook the car, and he had only joined the tutelary for a few months."

Tennessee and Helena were together, and said: "Speaking of Helena, what do you think? I feel that the third marriage ship should be you."

Helena's expression was uncertain and her mood was gloomy.

"Oh, man, I've seen everything, and now let Lexington walk in front of me without saying a word."

Akagi walked by the two of them in kimono, and sneered in his heart: "The third wedding ship should belong to me, damn it, is it because I joined the tutelary mansion too casually?"

Shengwang didn't react too much when he got the news. As the master's personal maid, he just disturbed Lu Yanzhi's bedroom a dozen times.

"The admiral is too much, what should Sister Yixian do?"

Ping Hai felt quite unhappy.

Fengxiang was rather impressed by Chicheng, but, as a girl with a very low sense of presence in the tutelary mansion, she didn't express any opinions, but silently cooked a lot of food for Chicheng.

The Germans generally ignore this. Bismarck and Hu Teng have just joined the tutelary mansion, and their goodwill with Lu Yanzhi is definitely not enough to be jealous. Tirpitz has enough goodwill, but what is she? The master who doesn't care about it is just happy to hear the news and think that his hand-painted book has another theme.

CV-16 walked alone on the beach by the sea for a day with his adopted Samoyed in his arms.

Prince of Wales?Uh, forget it, she just joined the tutelary mansion after all.

In addition, there are little girls who don’t care about it. They completely ignore this news. After all, it’s enough to be happy, and sister Lexington often gives them desserts that are restricted by sister San Juan. In terms of favorability, they prefer Lexington .

The only destroyer who cared was Clarkston. The little girl in love made people love and worry. After hearing the news, she bit her lips lightly, her big watery eyes dared not blink, fearing that the tears would burst the embankment.

However, in the end, the weather was calm, these guys, such explosive heat didn't even spread in the tutelary mansion for three days, so they went about doing what they should do one by one.

On this day, Lexington and Lexington came to Haikou City and walked into a wedding photography studio.

The boss of the studio had a hellish expression on his face.

"Aren't you afraid of being beaten to death? It's been more than a year, isn't this the third time for you?"

"And it's getting prettier every time."

Lexington went to try on the wedding dress, and Lu Yanzhi looked at the shop owner and said with a smile: "Haha, I am the admiral, and it is easier to develop feelings with the ship's wife."

"Don't they fight? How can I bear my man marrying so many."

"of course not…"

"Admiral, how about you come and help me see this wedding dress?"

Ignoring the boss, Lu Yanzhi ran to the locker room.

The elegant and dignified tube top A-line tutu skirt shows the designer's originality through exquisite details; the tight horizontal folds shape the perfect bust curve, the gorgeous waist decoration makes the whole shine, and Lexington's exquisite The face, a word, beautiful!

"That's it!"

Lu Yanzhi immediately made a decision.

It didn't take long to take wedding photos. It was not until noon when I came out of the store. I walked on the streets of Haikou City with Lexington. It was a date. After all, since Lexington woke up, he and two people like himself There really isn't a date yet.Although in the tutelary mansion, Lexington, as the secretary ship, often has the opportunity to spend time alone with him, but,


Lexington gently held Lu Yanshi's arm and walked on the road. He was a handsome man and a beautiful couple, and he attracted the attention of passers-by.

"Admiral, it seems that Yixian and San Juan didn't react too much when I became a wedding ship..."

Lexington suddenly whispered something, and Lu Yanzhi looked at Lexington strangely.

"What's the matter? Madam, do you think they should react?"

"No, that is, after all, there is one more person to be the admiral, why are they not even angry?"

"Don't worry, I have already agreed with them, some things cannot be avoided, it is better to face them optimistically!"

Lu Yanzhi comforted him.

"What about now? Admiral, do you want to tell me that there will be weddings in the future, so I don't need to worry too much?"

Lexington suddenly pretended to be angry, and glared at Lu Yanzhi viciously: "Jajia is indeed right, Admiral, you are really a bit of a scumbag!"

"Only the foolish wife of the ship allows you to open the harem, otherwise, no matter how powerful a man is, how could he suffer?"

"Yes, yes, it's all my fault, I'm such a scumbag!"

Lu Yanzhi smiled wryly, spread his hands and said, "But, what do you think I should do? If my feelings cannot be responded to by the admiral, it is very dangerous for the ship's mother!"

Lexington looked at Lu Yanzhi, and said angrily: "The admiral means that the reason for this is the fault of the ship's mother?"

"No, no, absolutely not that."

Lu Yanzhi hurriedly raised his hand and swore: "I mean, everyone's feelings need me to respond, I can't let it go, it's almost inevitable to become a marriage ship if this goes on, and I can only try to achieve a balance. "

"Yes, everyone's feelings need to be responded to, otherwise, as a psychologically sensitive ship girl, falling into the deep sea is almost an inevitable outcome."

Lexington sighed silently.

Lu Yanzhi hugged Lexington, patted Lexington's back lightly, and then said softly: "Don't worry, none of them will fall into the deep sea, at least in my tutelary mansion."


After returning from Haikou City, the little woman in Lexington was gone, and her mood returned to her previous strength. After all, she was a wife.

"Admiral, I don't care about you in the past, but in the future, anyone you want to marry must ask for my consent!"

The wife used iron and blood to cut off Lu Yanzhi's intention to cast a wide net in the future.

This, it's nothing, but Lu Yanzhi still felt a little funny: "Madam, you are too domineering, San Juan and Yixian didn't say anything."

"San Juan and Yixian are indulging you, I won't take care of your admiral, otherwise, one today, one tomorrow, can the admiral bear it?"

Body questioned?This is bearable.

"I can bear it, you tried it yourself!"

Lexington blushed, and said forcefully again: "Anyway, anyone who wants to get married in the future, the admiral, must tell me first!"

"Stop it, ma'am, sometimes when feelings come, it's just a matter of a moment, and it may be too late to tell you!"


Lexington finally looked at Lu Yanzhi seriously: "Jianniang tends to fall in love with her admiral, that's right, and the admiral tried hard to respond to Jianniang's feelings, that's also true, but you have to worry about our feelings! "

"When you married Yixian, what was San Juan's reaction? Did she congratulate you on mentioning the bride?"

"Even if it's Jianniang, my favorite admiral likes a lot of people and married many people, so I still care about it. It's human nature to occupy a talent by herself. Jianniang will always die, so I naturally hope that the admiral can do the same." From the beginning to the end!"

"However, there is no way. After all, it is the admiral, the favorite admiral, and has agreed to share it with other women. But, admiral, you just tell us in advance so that we can be mentally prepared?"

Even with these words, Lexington's tone was still gentle, and he didn't look angry at all. However, it was this smiling expression that made Lu Yanzhi feel deeply guilty.

"Sorry ma'am, I..."

Lu Yanzhi took a deep breath: "If you want to marry someone in the future, I will definitely notify you and Yixian in advance."

"Admiral, you really have a goal!"


Seeing Lexington smile again like a little devil, Lu Yanzhi froze immediately.

"No, Lexington, listen to me, I have absolutely no intention of marrying Tirpitz, Akagi, Helena and the others!"

"Tirpitz, Helena, Akagi?"

"I remember, Admiral!"

"Then as a punishment, you are not allowed to enter my room tonight!"

Lexington was full of smiles, and Lu Yanzhi took a breath, completely unable to tell whether Lexington's true feelings just now were a joke or the truth.


"Admiral, you should comfort Yixian San Juan today and tomorrow."

It was night, and Lu Yanzhi stayed in San Juan's bedroom. It was agreed that he would stay with her today.

The cute and petite little girl next door, San Juan serves Lu Yanshi wholeheartedly. She doesn't say a word about Lu Yanshi's marriage to Lexington. After experiencing the incident with Yixian, she has already seen it very clearly. She doesn't fight or grab , it's just a useless anti-aircraft light cruiser, it's already a big luxury to get the admiral's love, so what is there to strive for?

After a long time, Lu Yanshi held San Juan in his arms, and San Juan snuggled up obediently.

"San Juan, I..."

Stretching out his finger and lightly touching Lu Yanzhi's lips, San Juan said, "Needless to say, the admiral, as long as the admiral remembers San Juan, San Juan will understand."

San Juan is so sensible, it makes people feel guilty, think about the girls guarding the mansion, in fact, no matter who they are, they all accommodate themselves, hey!

San Juan is like this, and Yixian is even more like this. From the day he got the admiral, Yixian clearly understood that it is absolutely impossible for him to have an admiral by himself. In the guarding mansion, there are many powerful and beautiful girls , I am just an ordinary ship girl who can no longer be ordinary.

It was about comforting the second daughter, but in the end, sweet words were not needed, the admiral's embrace was enough to move people, and it was definitely too much to say that he was considerate, just like Lexington said, no one wants to share their feelings with other women Man, but, just because he is the wife of the ship, and because the person he likes is the admiral, he is obviously very uncomfortable, but he still persuades his admiral that he is fine, as long as the admiral has me in his heart.

In the end, in short, marrying Lexington made me happy, but the reaction of the girls made Lu Yanzhi feel ashamed for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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