Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 289 Extra Story: Sisters are the same all over the world

Chapter 289 Fanwai: Sisters are the same all over the world (regardless of the deep sea)


(Sorry, I’m really Calvin, this extra chapter, let my brain cells slow down and come up with new plots)

This is the deeper part of the Pacific Ocean. In the old world, there may still be ships passing by these places. However, since the outbreak of the deep sea ship mother, several small island countries here have been completely destroyed. Now, here is the base camp of the deep sea flagship.

"Look at Tirpitz outside, why don't you learn from others, they have started to practice bombardment, training hard, but you, holding your book and manga all day long!"

The one who spoke was a sexy tall woman, her white hair was blown by the sea breeze, and she was wearing a simple bikini. From behind her buttocks, a green tail was swinging at will, and behind her was a hideous dark green ship suit.

She is Bismarck, the deep-sea Bismarck, a powerful deep-sea flagship, and it was her sister who was blamed by her.

Yellow and black are the main colors, and the ship suit is still hideous and terrifying. However, the protagonist lying on the ship suit is not like Bismarck.

The pale pink mid-length hair flutters gently. Compared with the ordinary ship girl Tirpitz, Deep Sea Tirpitz looks a little taller.

At this moment, Deep Sea Tirpitz, Tirpitz, is hungry for a comic book he snatched from a human town.

Facing the Bismarck in the deep sea, my sister didn't react at all as she hated iron but not steel. As one of the best existences in the deep sea flagship, she is a powerful battleship with 233 armor, sister?Sorry, with all due respect, my sister is not my opponent.

"Cartoons drawn by human beings are good, such workmanship, such coloring!"

Closing the last page of the book, Tirpitz yearned for it. As the lonely queen of the north, she certainly would not take the initiative to attack easily. These things are used by her subordinates and Yamato to honor herself.

Tirpitz placed the manga in the interlayer of the ship with great care. Although I have finished reading it, there are no resources in the deep sea. I am not sure when I want to read it again, so it is better to keep it.

"Tirpitz! I'm talking to you, do you hear me?"

Deep Sea Bismarck was furious, and his sister habitually ignored him, not once or twice, and this time she had to teach her a lesson!
"Oh, sister, you are so annoying. In comparison, with the effort to educate me, you might as well go to the Human Town Guard House and help me grab some comic books or something!"

Tirpitz showed a helpless expression, and then took out a book from the other side of the ship to savor it carefully.

The solemn attitude is like a pilgrimage, and there is no trace of obscenity in the expression. The book, such a sacred thing, showing other expressions is profane.

Sure enough?Tirpitz is the same all over the world.

Deep Sea Bismarck's seven orifices were full of smoke: "I'll grab you the book? What are you thinking? Even if I attack the human guardhouse, I can still grab the book for you?"

"There is not enough food, and Yamato and the others asked me to borrow food. I really don't know if there is something wrong with Yamato's brain. He ran to trouble humans in three to five days. Resources are wasted so quickly!"

Deep Sea Bismarck is like a housekeeper, who taught Deep Sea Tirpitz a lesson, and then chatted with his parents.

"Sister, stop talking next to me, Weng is buzzing like a fly!" Tirpitz said impatiently.


Bismarck was anxious: "Okay, Tirpitz, you are capable, you are amazing!"

Deep Sea Bismarck suddenly had an idea in his mind, do you like this book?Do you like comics?it is good!I'll go to the human world to grab some comic books and come back. When the time comes, I'll see if you still don't listen to me.

If you say action, you will act, the supplies will be filled, and the huge ship will instantly aim in one direction and move forward at full speed.

Located in the depths of the Pacific Ocean, far away from the human world, simply, her Bismarck's speed was not too slow. In the morning of the next day, she successfully saw the appearance of the human town gradually coming into view by the sea in the distance.

It has advanced a long way, and it is not far from the sea. The deep-sea Bismarck detected the signal fluctuations of the two ships.

"A mere two ship girls?"

The deep-sea Bismarck sneered disdainfully. As a powerful deep-sea flagship, if there is no aircraft carrier and light mother, she is worthy of a fleet of ships, let alone two battleships.

"Let's take you to the knife!"

Bismarck made up his mind and moved quickly in the direction of the two ships.

"Tirpitz, if you don't put the notebook away, I will definitely beat you. I will do what I say."


A distant sound aroused the interest of Deep Sea Bismarck.

The whole body of the ship was slowly gathered, and after a while, the huge ship was gathered behind him, and the Deep Sea Bismarck quietly hid behind a rock and listened.

"Sister, you are so annoying!"

The familiar tone made Deep Sea Bismarck more curious and looked up.

A girl with pink mid-length hair was sitting on her silver-white ship suit. She said that just by looking at her expression, Deep Sea Bismarck could guess that she was the ship's wife Tirpitz.

"Since this is Tirpitz, then?"

Deep Sea Bismarck looked to the other side again. She had short brown hair and two piles stood up like cat ears. She was dressed in a handsome military uniform. The woman had a serious and meticulous face. This was Bismarck, the ship's wife.

"Bombardment training, you are the bottom of the guard house, you say you, with your strength, what should you do when you meet the deep sea?"

The ship's wife, Bismarck, kind of hated iron for being weak.

"Isn't it okay if you don't attack?" Tirpitz muttered and whispered.

"Don't attack? What's the difference between you and a salted fish as a ship girl who doesn't attack?" Bismarck slammed Tirpitz on the head.

"Sister, what's wrong with the salted fish? The admiral is a salted fish himself, so of course the ship's wife wants salted fish too!"

Tirpitz covered his head, still stubbornly preaching his theory.


The ship's mother, Bismarck, was so angry that she couldn't speak.

"Come, come, practice, practice, let's practice a game, beat me, and I will never care about you again! Otherwise, I will burn all your notebooks for you."

Reasoning can never be justified by Tirpitz, this guy has a set of crooked reasoning, so Bismarck decided to do it.

After the reef, the deep-sea Bismarck sneered, and maneuvered with Tirpitz?This Bismarck ship girl's brain is funny, can she beat it?

Regardless of whether Tirpitz agrees or disagrees, Bismarck has already distanced himself, put on a posture, and taught his sister a lesson, which is imperative. Moreover, her training degree is more than seventy, while her younger sister is only less than ten. It can be said that it is complete abuse.

Sure enough, a round of artillery salvo easily defeated Tirpitz.

"Good! Good lesson!"

Deep Sea Bismarck burst into tears with excitement. This scene, this scene, was enough to make her excited. She wanted to educate her younger sister well. Seeing that ship girl Bismarck taught Tirpitz a good lesson, Deep Sea Bismarck subconsciously associated with his unsatisfied younger sister, only to feel that he finally let out a bad breath, so he was very happy.


When Bismarck heard the sound, the guns around him turned around in an instant, and he yelled coldly at the reef. Just now, he was all focused on educating his sister, and he didn't notice when there was an extra person here.

"Don't do it, don't do it, I'm Bismarck!"

The deep-sea Bismarck came out from behind the reef. It was rare that she did not choose to sink the two ships in front of her with two shots. She felt that there must be a lot of stories to tell about this Bismarck.


Bismarck's expression was even more indifferent. If it weren't for the fact that the strange face in front of her was not malicious, her attack would definitely be merciless.

"Don't do it. I just heard about your education of Tirpitz. I feel that the two of us must have a lot of common topics. I have no malicious intentions!"

Deep Sea Bismarck came to the ship's mother Bismarck and Tirpitz, took a look at Tirpitz, and then said to the ship's mother Bismarck: "To be honest, I also have a younger sister Tirpitz, who is exactly the same as your sister. I want to educate them well, but I really don’t know what to do.”

"You also have a sister Tirpitz?"

The ship's wife Bismarck asked seriously.

"Yes, I also have a younger sister Tirpitz. I have long wanted to educate her, but I don't know how to educate her."

Facing the ship's mother Bismarck, Deep Sea Bismarck seemed to have met a confidant for many years, and vomited bitterness.

"It's useless, as a big sister, can I educate my little sister?"

Bismarck sneered.

"Please also teach me!"

Deep Sea Bismarck said respectfully.

"Simple, words and deeds are not enough, beat her for so long, until she is obedient!"

"What if you can't beat it?"

"Can't beat it?" Bismarck looked contemptuously at the dark green guy in front of him: "As a sister who beats my sister, can you worry about her resistance?"

"What my friend said really makes sense!"

Thumbs up from Deep Sea Bismarck.


Bismarck and Deep Sea Bismarck, the two began to communicate as if no one else was there. Tirpitz came to the beach inexplicably, and lay down under the umbrella to read the notebook leisurely. All the notebooks collected by his sister are here, and he said he was going to take them. Burned.

Tirpitz didn't think about saving it, because he had already hidden a part of it with the admiral. My sister's such a big move, if I don't burn it a little bit, I don't think my sister will let it go. So, let's take a look at it here for the last time, as a memory never mind.

Time came to the afternoon slowly, Deep Sea Bismarck and Bismarck were like old friends, surrounding Tirpitz, there were surprisingly many common topics.

However, there is no banquet in the world that lasts forever, especially, a deep sea and an ordinary ship girl, it is really impossible to continue talking.

"Then we have a chance to talk next time!"

Deep Sea Bismarck said sincerely.

"Of course!"

Bismarck nodded.

"Uh, I just heard that you are going to burn some of your sister's books?"

"Well, I burned the notebook, cut off her thoughts, and let her concentrate on training!"

"Why don't you give me those books!"

"Oh? Are you also interested in the book?" Bismarck's eyes suddenly narrowed. If this Bismarck is interested in the book, then even if it is the flagship of the deep sea, she will have to fight.

Deep Sea Bismarck shook his head and smiled: "No, I was thinking, if you give me those notebooks, even if I can't beat my sister, then using the notebooks can make her train obediently!"

The ship's wife Bismarck showed the original expression, and said proudly: "Wait, it's over there on the beach. I originally planned to burn some here, and I'll bring you all!"

"Thank you..."

Back from the Human Township, Deep Sea Bismarck carried a large bag of things on his back.

"Hmph, Tirpitz, I see you still don't listen to me this time?"

 Just kidding, I’m sorry, I’m really Calvin!So, sure enough, this kind of writing that is not restricted by the plot is easy (laughing and crying)
(End of this chapter)

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