Chapter 290


"Ma'am, is there any big news recently?"

Lu Yanzhi lay on the sofa and asked leisurely.

Since Lexington became a wedding ship, it may be that he can't bear Lexington to work so hard. Therefore, these days, Lu Yanshi basically comes to the office every morning to deal with the affairs of the tutelary mansion with Lexington.

Even so, of course, Lexington did all the work alone, and that's another story.

However, Lu Yanzhi's attitude made people happy.

Hearing Lu Yanzhi's inquiry, Lexington showed a look of sudden realization, and took out a newspaper from the desk drawer.

"Now, Admiral, this paper says there may be a ship girl in California."


Lu Yanzhi took the newspaper curiously. California is located in the interior. As a ship's wife, she must be close to the sea. Lu Yanzhi never imagined that another ship's wife would go there.

Only a small part of the newspaper wrote that it might be the ship's wife, and there was no frontal photo, only a back view. In the wilderness, a blonde girl with long hair looked into the distance, and on the mountain in the distance, there was an explosion. A fire.

After seeing the photo, Lu Yanzhi chuckled. The so-called appearance of the ship's mother is probably fake again. How is it possible? If it is the ship's mother, how could it be possible to easily bombard the inland city.

"What do you think, ma'am?"

Pointing to the photo in the newspaper, Lu Yanzhi asked Lexington's opinion.

"Regardless of whether the newspaper is true or not, as long as you want to pass, Admiral, I will support you!"

Lexington's gentle attitude is always like this, and he is always indulgent in various senses to Lu Yanzhi.


Lu Yanzhi pondered for a moment, and said: "Look again, it's been a long time since I went out. This time, if there is a ship girl, try to salvage it for a long time. If not, it's not bad to treat it as a trip. .”

"Well, since this is the case, if the admiral is going out, who will he take with him?"

"It's not important, you can take anyone with you."

Lu Yanzhi shook his head to indicate that it was a trivial matter.

In the morning of the next day, Lu Yanshi set off from the tutelary mansion with a few girls. He hadn't traveled far in the past three months. This time, he just took a turn around. Tennessee and Saratoga accompanied him.

Taking Tennessee is purely Lu Yanzhi's personal conjecture. Hotel California may be the ship's mother, California, and California is the second ship of the Tennessee class. It may be easier to take Tennessee there.

As for Saratoga, according to Lu Yanzhi's idea, he planned to take Chicheng with him. As a result, Lexington forced Chicheng to stay in the tutelary mansion on the grounds that Chicheng's strength was slightly insufficient.

Now that Chicheng has been detained, another aircraft carrier must be sent. After all, the aircraft carrier has carrier-based aircraft, and in many cases, it can seize the opportunity.

In this way, Saratoga was selected with a bitter face.

"Even if Akagi doesn't work, isn't there still CV-16?"

Facing her sister, Saratoga complained endlessly.

"Chicheng's strength is not enough, Gaga, do you think CV-16 is better than Chicheng?"

Lexington smiled softly.

"But, I want to be with my sister!"

Saratoga also said that after joining the tutelary mansion, the relationship with the admiral was only in the [-]s at most, and it was definitely not that close. On the contrary, Saratoga was really close to his sister.

"Gaga, just take it as a favor for my sister, and my sister doesn't want Chicheng to go!"

With his arms around Saratoga's neck from behind, Lexington murmured.

"Heck, is my sister afraid that the admiral will marry Chicheng?"

In short, that's it, Lu Yanzhi took Tennessee and Saratoga on the road.

California is located in the western part of America, about 200 kilometers away from Bundle City.

Their trip will first go to Bundle City, and then the train will take them directly to California.

"Speaking of Tennessee, do you think it's possible for the ship's mother to be California?"

On the cruise ship, Lu Yanzhi asked Tennessee, not out of curiosity, but because he was bored on the cruise ship and wanted to chat with someone.

Tennessee frowned, and read the newspaper for a long time in his hand: "I can't tell, it feels quite similar, but it doesn't feel like it at all!
"Speaking of which, I remember that there is also a California in the Haikou Ship Girl Alliance!"

Lu Yanzhi suddenly thought of something and looked at Tennessee.

Tennessee spread her hands a little annoyed and said, "Admiral, stop daydreaming. That California said that Nelson has kindness to her. She will not abandon Nelson and join the tutelary mansion!"

Lu Yanzhi smiled awkwardly, and then became happy again. After all, Nelson himself has the idea of ​​joining the tutelary mansion. At that time, if he succeeds in getting Nelson, it seems that he will kill two birds with one stone and three birds with one stone.

"Huh? I just remembered. Nelson's subordinates still have a counterattack, right? The reputation can't be used to counterattack, but the Prince of Wales must be able to?"

Lu Yanzhi's eyes lit up again.

Lying on the bed, Saratoga could not complain: "Admiral, do you really regard Nelson as one of your own? Why do you always poach people's corners?"

Lu Yanzhi chuckled: "It doesn't matter, anyway, the ship girl alliance has a big business. Generally, if the homeless ship girls want to find a job, except for a few special ones, most of them go to the ship girl alliance. It's okay if I take a few." lighten their burden."

"But you can't just pick other people's capital ships!"

Saratoga continued to complain.

"Capital ships are useful. Destroyers or something. With my luck, it's easy to build."

"So worthless for Nelson!"

After Saratoga finished speaking, he opened the book next to him.

The lonely journey makes people can't help but want to have some fun.

"If only the destroyers were here!"

Lu Yanzhi suddenly thought that if the little lolis were here, maybe telling stories would pass the time. However, the little lolis are completely useless for this kind of long-distance travel, so they can only be put aside.

Tennessee was also lying on the bed, and there was a moment of silence in the cabin.

"Get up and play cards!"

After lying on the bed for a long time, Lu Yanzhi couldn't help but shouted, really, even though he had already brought two ship girls with him, it turned out to be so boring.

"It's incredible!"

Lu Yanzhi thought helplessly.

"Do not hit!"

Saratoga's big beautiful eyes glanced at Lu Yanshi lightly, then turned his head to the other side.

Lu Yanzhi suddenly looked at Saratoga with inexplicable meaning: "Gaga, how can I be your brother-in-law? Don't you give me any face?"


Saratoga looked at Lu Yanzhi fiercely: "So what about my brother-in-law, huh, just talking about this makes me angry!"

"Strange, Gaga, did I offend you? Didn't I just marry Lexington!"


Saratoga turned his head to the other side, not looking at Lu Yanshi.

My sister is married, and I have someone to share my sister's love with me, so how can I feel bad about it?

Saratoga ignored it, but Lu Yanzhi didn't. He still laughed beside him and said, "Speaking of which, sister-in-law is half brother-in-law's butt anyway, so I think the relationship between Jiajia and us should be redefined."

Saratoga fierce: "How does the admiral want to define it?"

"Well, it's very simple. Compared with the admiral and the ship's wife, why don't we try brother-in-law and sister-in-law?"

Lu Yanzhi said, and laughed: "Quick, call brother-in-law to listen!"

Saratoga stared at Lu Yanzhi for a moment, then suddenly lifted one leg from the bed, then reached out and groped on the sexy and slender thigh, and at the same time tapped the tip of the other finger on the vermilion lips.


Lu Yanzhi was smart all over, and then waved his hands again and again: "You should call me Admiral!"

Tennessee was by the side, watching the whole process, thinking: "People in the city really know how to play!"

Saratoga looked at Lu Yanzhi with a bit of teasing in the corner of his eyes: "The admiral is really inferior, can't you take it?"

"No way, Gaga is too charming!"

Saratoga immediately looked at Lu Yanzhi and giggled: "Really? How do you compare with your sister?"

This is a proposition. Saratoga is a sister-in-law. If Lexington is not as good as Saratoga, then the girl will definitely turn around and tell Lexington. If Saratoga is not as good as Lexington, then, needless to say, The ending is absolutely miserable, saying in front of a girl that you are not as good as your sister, isn't that dead?
However, such a question is not difficult for Lu Yanzhi. After all, he has read too many novels, and there are answer templates for this kind of question. The summary can be summed up in one sentence: Chunlanqiuju, each has its own characteristics.

You just have to compliment both of them.

"Well, Gaga is young and beautiful, with a good figure..."

"You mean I'm better than my sister?"

"The words of Lexington, gentle and generous, go up to the hall, go down to the kitchen..."

Saratoga looked at Lu Yanzhi speechless, the cunning guy didn't get caught.


When the cruise ship arrived at Hengbing City, everyone went down to resupply.

"Speaking of which, the last time I brought Chicheng to Hengbing City, I saw two ship girls!"

While buying fruit, Lu Yanzhi said to the two people next to him.

"What ship girl?" Tennessee asked, it was unreasonable that what ship girl's own admiral didn't come to fish for it.

"Aircraft carrier Xianghe Ruihe."

"Aircraft carrier? Why didn't the admiral come to fish it?"

"Chicheng invited the two in the name of a private person, and I have been busy during this time, so I didn't pay attention."

As Lu Yanzhi said, he sighed again, and said, "This time I come back from California, I must come here to visit again, after all, Shuanghe is pretty good in the aircraft carrier."

Ruihe Xianghe felt uncomfortable just hearing the name Saratoga, and asked Lu Yanshi: "Admiral, do these two aircraft carriers have any achievements to be proud of?"

Lu Yanzhi looked at Saratoga, frowned and thought for a while. He didn't know the history of Shuanghe, but he generally knew that in the Pacific War, Shuanghe was regarded as the main force of the Japanese aircraft carrier, especially the second ship. The fifth air formation where it was located also indirectly sank Lexington and the Hornet.

"Well, in the history of the old world, Ruihe and their fifth aircraft carrier formation sank Lexington and the Hornet."


Saratoga's voice rose suddenly: "Did they sink the sister?"


Lu Yanzhi nodded.

"Admiral, next time you visit the two of them, please take me with you."

(End of this chapter)

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