Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 293 Gaga's Special Skill

Chapter 293 Gaga's Special Skill


Lucky Nevada is not called for nothing. From just sitting at the gaming table to now, in just over an hour or two, the banknotes in Nevada's hand have more than doubled by more than ten times.

Satisfied, Nevada laughed heartily, "So, this is called gambling. There is a back and forth between winning and losing. After all, I have lost so many times before, so at least I get back a little."

Oklahoma laughed at the side, most of his bounties were expropriated by his sister under normal circumstances, and they used it to make up for it, but in the end the two always lost completely, and then It's a rare moment when my sister wins money when she comes out of the casino in despair.

"Sister, share some with me!"

Oklahoma looked at Nevada from the side and said with a smile, he invested so much before, so it's not too much to recover a little this time, right?
Nevada glanced at Oklahoma, and then turned around: "No, no, no, the money you are gambling cannot be divided, otherwise you will lose!"

"Sister, do you still want to play?"

"Of course, I'm lucky. How can I not take the opportunity to get back all my previous losses?"

"Sister, ten bets and nine deceptions, have you forgotten the previous experience?"

Oklahoma only feels that iron can't be made into steel. After all, lucky Nevada has won a lot of times in the past, but because it was too aggressive, it was all taken back by the casino.

"Why don't you have a long memory?"

"No matter how lucky you are, you are afraid of being out of luck. Isn't this your own famous saying?"

Nevada hesitated for less than a second, then smiled confidently again: "Anla Anla, this time is definitely different from before, just don't worry!"

Oklahoma sneered, what is this?Is it an illusion of life?
However, Oklahoma did not try to persuade Nevada any more. His sister is really hopeless and has a character of not remembering lessons.

"Come on, come on, keep going, deal the cards!"

Nevada is back on the battlefield.

On Lu Yanzhi's side, Saratoga was bored, sitting on the sofa and looking at the crowded gambling area next to her with bright eyes. She is really not a character who can live idle.

Saratoga's eyes were dangerous, and Lu Yanzhi stopped him: "Gaga, let me tell you, gambling is meaningless, it's a trick to deceive people, nine out of ten bets are cheating, nine out of ten betting are cheating, never win money They are all the staff of other casinos, so don't even think about playing."

Without waiting for Saratoga to refute, Lu Yanzhi said again: "If you really want to gamble, I will tell Lexington when you get back."

Saratoga looked at Lu Yanzhi unwillingly, and Lu Yanzhi comforted him: "If you feel bored, let's play billiards, billiards is very interesting."

Saratoga glanced at the billiards area, obviously not very interested: "Isn't it just hitting the ball into the hole with a stick? What's the point?"

As he said that, he looked at Lu Yanzhi with some reluctance: "Admiral, let's play two games, just two games!"


Lu Yanzhi refused seriously: "You can't touch gambling, it's addictive, if you touch it, you'll lose your fortune."


"Admiral, can you play that?"

In exchange for [-] chips, Saratoga and Tennessee each had [-]. Lu Yanzhi didn't want anything, just said to play behind Saratoga.

To be honest, Lu Yanzhi absolutely didn't care about the 1 to [-] money after becoming an admiral. The reason why he didn't exchange the chips was because he really disliked this from the bottom of his heart.

It looked novel from the outside, but after Saratoga came in, I was at a loss. After all, there are so many things, and none of them can play.

Tennessee couldn't, and Lu Yanzhi naturally couldn't either, and stared at Saratoga, not knowing what to do for a while.

"Admiral, you are really useless!"

Saratoga looked at Lu Yanzhi and complained endlessly.

Let Lu Yanzhi follow behind him, and Saratoga lay down on a table to observe carefully. This table is just rolling the dice. It seems to be quite simple. The ship girl is not weak in learning, and Saratoga feels that she You should learn by looking at it.

There were not many people at the table, and Lu Yanzhi and Saratoga sat together.

The sieve cup swayed three times, "Come, come, bet and let go, bet and let go!"


"One, three, four, eight o'clock!"

After watching another game, Saratoga quietly grabbed Lu Yanshi: "Admiral, I understand now. Guess the size, guess the point, you guess the one, bet on that one, and the odds of big and small pay three, and the odds of specific points are [-]." Pay thirty."

Then, Saratoga added: "It seems simple enough!"

Lu Yanzhi was not interested in this, and said lightly: "Anyway, you only bet [-] yuan, and withdraw immediately after losing!"

Then he looked at Tennessee again: "Tennessee, don't give her your ten thousand, you can play whatever you want."

Tennessee's tone was affirmative: "Of course, I've heard Princeton mention it before, and it's rare to see it in person this time!"

Then, he looked to the other side and said to Lu Yanzhi: "Admiral, you and Saratoga are here to play dice, I'm going to play cards, Princeton said that cards should be played by a good gambler. "

Then he told Saratoga rather uneasy: "Saratoga, don't bother playing around, just watch the admiral!"

Saratoga waved his hand without looking back: "Ah, ah, admiral is so old, can he get lost?"

Lu Yanzhi patted Saratoga's head lightly, and then said to Tennessee: "You can play at ease, I'm not a child."

I don't worry about my admiral, but I'm mainly worried about Saratoga. The girl's detached character really makes people feel unreliable.

Tennessee walked away happily. She also felt that this thing was new, and she wanted to try it in the past. There is no reason to lose to a group of ordinary people, so Tennessee is full of confidence.

"I'll go, Gaga, you won so much?"

It took less than 5 minutes to communicate with Tennessee, but when Lu Yanzhi turned his head, the ten chips in Saratoga's hand had become more than 40.

Saratoga covered his mouth and snickered: "I bet on Leopard [-] once, but I didn't expect to get a good start."

"Thirty for one?"


Saratoga looked at Lu Yanzhi, and couldn't stop the smile on his face: "Admiral, I found this is quite simple!"

"Can you hear the numbers on the dice in the sifter?"

Lu Yanzhi was shocked, God of Gamblers?

Lu Yanzhi was slightly ashamed by Saratoga's idiot-like eyes.

"What are you looking at, you guy, this should be a trick of the casino. Let you win some points first, and when you are hooked, you will definitely lose terribly."


Saratoga snorted disdainfully, then turned around and bet five chips worth a thousand on Big.

"Five, five, six, big!"

"Three four five, big!"

"One two two, little one!"


Saratoga can accurately guess the size of a dozen or so in a row, which makes Lu Yanzhi feel even more incredible.

"Gaga, to be honest, can you really see through that sieve cup?"


Saratoga didn't look back, and then took out [-] chips and bet on the small player. When everyone around saw Saratoga betting, they bet on the small player one after another.

"Open, two, three, three, little!"


Saratoga rejoiced, and another [-] chips came in.

"Do you think this bet should be big or small?"

The dealer hadn't shaken the sieve yet, so Lu Yanzhi asked Saratoga.

"Well, let's bet!"

Saratoga wasn't sure, and bet [-] points on Xiao.

The people around still follow suit, following Saratoga and betting small.

"Three five six, big!"


"I just said, how can I win all the time!"

Lu Yanzhi looked at Saratoga and laughed.

However, the faces of the gamblers around were not good-looking. Saratoga only bet two thousand, but most of them bet on small things.

Saratoga was completely unaffected by the crowd. After shaking the sieve cup, the dealer took out another [-] chips to bet on Leopard Three.

"Are you so sure it's Leopard Three?" Lu Yanzhi said carefully, after all, he just lost just now, so betting [-] on Leopard Three is a bit too exaggerated!


Saratoga said confidently.

"Go, Leopard Three!"

As the dealer opened the sifting cup, Lu Yanzhi stared at Saratoga with rounded eyes.

The same was true for the other gamblers at the table, looking at Saratoga with an unbelievable expression, and the dealer who shook the sieve cup was about to cry. This guy lost a total of two times, each time was only a few thousand, but once If he wins, he will win directly by tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. If this continues, he is afraid that he will lose his job.

"Gaga, guess again this time."

Before the dealer shook, Lu Yanzhi asked Saratoga to guess again.

"Well, let's remand this time!"

Although Saratoga said so, he only took out one thousand chips from his own chips and bet on the small one.

The other gamblers around are extremely annoying, and it's not right to follow, and it's not good not to follow.

Afterwards, after the dealer finished shaking the sieve cup, Saratoga muttered in a low voice, "We lost again!"

"you know?"

"Well, anyway, I feel like I'm going to lose after that person shakes the sieve cup, but it's okay, it's only a thousand chips."

Gaga, you are going against the sky!
Lu Yanzhi sighed in his heart, is this a woman's sixth sense?But I've never heard of a woman's sixth sense being so powerful. So, what is it?The buff brought by Lucky Gaga?

I feel that the rounds I lose are always 1000 to 1 for small fights, and the rounds I win are directly bets of [-] to [-]?

Casinos won't let people continue to win easily, but when a casino is open for business, as long as your food is not too ugly, generally you won't come up with a unique trick.

Now, Saratoga's eating habits are clearly going a little too far.

Therefore, in the next ten rounds, Saratoga bet 1 to [-] with full confidence, but in the end it always came in the opposite direction.

In less than 10 minutes, Saratoga's nearly 50 chips were down to 12 in an instant.

Saratoga was about to continue, but was forcibly pulled down by Lu Yanzhi.

"Gaga, haven't you understood yet? People think you've won too much, so you've already started manipulating the cup."

Saratoga was furious: "How could this be, hmph, do you still blame me for losing to me?"

Lu Yanzhi smiled and explained: "It's not your fault. If you took the hundreds of thousands and left earlier, they wouldn't bother you. The main reason is that you are too much, and you will become more and more exaggerated later."

Seeing that Saratoga still looked displeased, Lu Yanzhi smiled again: "Okay, okay, let's go play cards and see what's going on in Tennessee by the way!"

(End of this chapter)

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