Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 294 I Still Have A Sister

Chapter 294 I Still Have A Sister


Went to another table with Saratoga, Tennessee's situation obviously looked bad, only 1 of the [-] chips were left, and Tennessee had stopped playing now, obediently hiding in the sidelines to watch others play.

Lu Yanzhi walked over and patted Tennessee on the shoulder, but Tennessee didn't turn his head back and said, "Get lost!"


Saratoga couldn't help laughing.

Hearing Saratoga's voice, Tennessee turned around and saw Lu Yanzhi staring at him in a daze, embarrassed: "Admiral, Admiral, I didn't know it was you!"

"What are you looking at? Are you looking so engrossed?"

Lu Yanzhi withdrew his hand and looked at the gambling table behind Tennessee with an obviously unfriendly expression. Gambling is really an evil thing, and the ship's wife can be fascinated by it.

"Oh, Admiral, let me tell you!"

Tennessee immediately became excited: "Although this card looks simple, it has many tricks!"

Frowning, Lu Yanzhi didn't speak. For cards, Lu Yanzhi's only knowledge was the God of Gamblers who he had seen in his previous life. The God of Gamblers probably had forgotten almost all of them. The words of the Saint Gamblers probably only remembered: Flush over a full house!
Tennessee clearly has lessons in blood.

"Admiral, don't look at stud as simple, it's just five cards to compare big and small, but it involves guessing the other party's psychology, guessing your own psychology, betting with others' psychology, and betting with yourself. Sometimes you can win if your cards are not good. !"

Lu Yanzhi looked at Tennessee with a playful smile, and pointed to the 1000 yuan chip in Tennessee's hand with the bar: "So, after you know this, you will lose one thousand yuan?"

"This, this was an accident. It happened back and forth, but I was too greedy in the last hand."

Tennessee blushed, but looked at Saratoga in the blink of an eye, and teased: "Are you finished losing too?"


Saratoga snorted softly, and then took out a dozen red chips from behind, and these were all [-] chips.

Sure enough, Tennessee was stunned for a moment: "What the hell? Admiral, have you exchanged so much for Saratoga?"


Saratoga stares at Tennessee: "I won these myself!"

Saratoga's words were unbelievable, Tennessee looked at Lu Yanzhi, saw Lu Yanzhi nodded, Tennessee was excited immediately: "Saratoga is amazing!"

"Give me another tens of thousands, and I will definitely win back everything I lost!"

Well, I will definitely win the bet!Lu Yanzhi smiled bitterly, a standard gambler's mentality.

However, Lu Yanzhi didn't stop it. Anyway, with these chips, if you lose all of them and buy a lesson, let the two of them play!

"For you? No!"

Saratoga withdrew his hand in an instant, and put the chips in his arms: "If you want to win by yourself, or ask the admiral to exchange points for you, I won't give you!"

Tennessee just looked at Lu Yanzhi, turned his head resentfully when he saw Lu Yanzhi's indifferent eyes, and then ran to Saratoga to please him: "Saratoga, just give me [-], no, [-] will do." , I will definitely win it back, and I will return it to you when the time comes, and I can teach you to play together, I have already learned it, it is very powerful!"

Saratoga looked at Tennessee, then at Lu Yanshi, and then at the gaming table. Well, she admitted that she was indeed interested in this.

Moreover, if 10,000 changes to [-]+, the winning money will feel nothing at all, and the loss will not feel bad.

"Twenty thousand, I'll give you twenty thousand at most!"

Saratoga took out [-] chips and handed them to Tennessee. Tennessee didn't say a word. He took the chips. After Saratoga, can I continue to take it out for her?

After taking the chips, Tennessee went to sit down at the gaming table, and said in a low voice: "You watch behind me first, after playing for two rounds, you can come up when you have learned enough."

"Admiral, you should also watch from behind!"

At this moment, there were not many people at the gaming table. Opposite her was the cowboy girl I saw at the bar before, with a pile of chips from a year ago. Obviously, she was the biggest winner at this table.

Nevada looked at Tennessee and smiled arrogantly. Since she knew that the other party was the ship's wife, she paid extra attention to it. Therefore, even if Tennessee took 1 yuan to play, Nevada would remember it.

"Yo, it's you again, why? Got money again?"

"Let me tell you, no matter how rich you are, today it will enter my lucky... Emma's pocket!"

Taking away Oklahoma's hand on his shoulder, Nevada was also grateful for a while, because of pride, he almost reported his ship's name just now.

Tennessee frowned and said nothing, looking at the one next to him who dealt the cards.

The cards were dealt, one bright and one dark, Tennessee's card was the Jack of Hearts, and Nevada's card was the Ten of Spades.

Seeing that Tennessee wanted to see his hole cards, Lu Yanshi and Saratoga moved forward curiously. Tennessee subconsciously pushed down the cards, and turned around to see Lu Yanshi and Saratoga with dark faces, and then smiled awkwardly. After a moment, he opened the card, Ace of Hearts.

"very good!"

Tennessee turned around and gave the two a reassuring look, then turned to look at the dealer: "Raise, five thousand."


Nevada was expressionless and couldn't see the situation.

Another card was dealt, and Tennessee got a king of hearts, and Nevada got another ten of clubs.

Tennessee is still the leader, and Tennessee continues to raise [-] chips.

Nevada didn't change his face: "Follow!"

Those who played the sieve cup stopped playing, and all ran to watch the duel between Nevada and Tennessee Imperial City.

Another card was dealt, a queen of hearts from Tennessee, and a ten of diamonds from Nevada, and there was an uproar.

On the one hand, it is possible to get a straight flush, on the other hand, it is possible to get an iron branch, which is simply exciting.

"Bet another five thousand!"

Tennessee lined up the cards one by one, feeling very nervous, as long as there is a ten of hearts, as long as there is a ten of hearts, if there is a ten of hearts, I will definitely win.

"I don't believe that your hole card is a ten of hearts!"

Tennessee looked at Nevada and sneered.

Oklahoma looked at her sister, grabbed Nevada's arm and was very nervous. She looked at Nevada's hole cards. It was the ace of spades and the ten of hearts. There was no guarantee that the next card would definitely be dealt to her.

Nevada is naturally also very nervous. She got off to a good start today and took all the time. It doesn't make sense that she will overturn here in the end!


"elder sister!"

Oklahoma called out and looked at Nevada anxiously. It's more than 2 yuan. I've paid bounties several times. Is my sister really going to suppress it?
"Deal the cards!"

Nevada ignored Oklahoma, she is red-eyed now, gods block killing gods, Buddhas block Buddhas.

When the last card was dealt, Tennessee collapsed on the table instantly. The last card was a 7 of hearts, while Nevada's was a Q of diamonds.

"The ten of hearts is really in her hand?"

Tennessee looked back at Lu Yanzhi, wanting to cry but without tears.

On the other side of Nevada, when the square Q was put down, Oklahoma was shocked and couldn't help pulling Nevada again.

Nevada ignored it, and took out a handkerchief to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Calm down, calm down, everything still has a chance, everything still has a chance!"

"The opponent must have a flush, but you are only a three of a kind, how can you beat a flush with a three of a kind?"

It's scary, but keep calm.

Yes, I speak first, and I have a chance when I speak first.

Nevada waved his hand, and instantly had an idea in his mind: "I'm stud!"

Over there, Tennessee looked at Lu Yanshi as if asking for help. The croupier had already urged her twice, and she really didn't know what to do now.

Lu Yanzhi looked at Jiajia thoughtfully, and asked, "Jiajia, based on your feeling, should Tennessee fold or follow Stud?"

Saratoga frowned, thought for a while and said, "If it was me, I would follow Stud."

Lu Yanzhi nodded and said to Tennessee, "Listen to Saratoga!"

Tennessee glanced at the two suspiciously, and the opposite was obviously from Tie Zhi, Stud?Isn't it doomed?

"Trust Saratoga!"

Tennessee nodded, then looked at Nevada, and then at his own cards: "Stud I call!"

As soon as Tennessee finished speaking, Nevada suddenly went limp and slumped on the chair.

"It's over, it's over, today's harvest is over!"

Oklahoma is angry, if you bet again, you will commit suicide, and you will never lose money.

Tennessee also saw some clues, and laughed loudly: "I've already followed, you start filming! Start!"

"Ha ha!"

Nevada gave a miserable laugh, she was already used to losing, and she wasn't too sad, but seeing all the chips on the table being taken away by Tennessee, her heart bleeds infinitely.

Tens of thousands!When did I win so much, I didn't expect to vomit it all back in the end.

"I'll gamble with you again!"

As soon as he slapped the table, Nevada said angrily.

Tennessee was over there, returning all of Saratoga's chips to Saratoga, and then counted his own chips, and laughed when he heard Nevada's voice: "Come again? Do you still have chips?"


Nevada sat down again.

Oklahoma punches Nevada hard on the head, you guys are hopeless!
"Wait, give me another shot, I still have chips!"


"I still have my sister!"

As soon as this remark came out, not only Lu Yanzhi from Saratoga, Tennessee was stunned, but even Oklahoma City was stunned.

Stunned, Oklahoma pointed to Nevada and couldn't speak: "You, you, you, what are you talking about? Are you still my sister? You, you!"

Tennessee looked at Lu Yanzhi, who shook his head, signaling not to mess around.

Nevada ignored Oklahoma, slapped the table and looked at Tennessee and said: "You came to California to find a ship girl, right? My sister and I are ship girls. Let's play another game. As long as you win, we will give it to you. That handsome guy behind you has a chance to catch a boat!"

Lu Yanzhi shook his head helplessly. He met two ship girls in this kind of place. He didn't expect Nevada to be in such a situation. What is the truth, kindness and beauty?
Lu Yanzhi retreated a bit for a while. If Nevada really had such a character, wouldn't it be another big pest to get his own tutelary mansion?
 I thought I could finish two chapters earlier, but, sorry!
  ig awesome! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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