Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 295 Sure enough, this should be Nevada

Chapter 295 Sure enough, this should be Nevada


Still in the bar, but not in the gambling area, Lu Yanshi sat on one side, with Saratoga and Tennessee on both sides, and Nevada and Oklahoma on the opposite side.

In the end, the gamble did not go on in the end. Let alone being a sister ship, Oklahoma itself is a battleship no weaker than her Nevada. Lu Yanzhi alone would not agree to continue the competition. How many routine novels have I read? Taking the heroine as a gamble is a big taboo for military strategists. Since Nevada has perfectly done what a villain should do, how could Lu Yanzhi not take the opportunity to ruthlessly favor Oklahoma?
"I think it's a bit too much for you to cheat your sister like this!"

Let me start with a word to show that I am firmly on the side of Oklahoma.

"That's right, I did come here to find Jianniang and invite you to join our tutelary mansion, but I hope that through my own efforts, you will be willing to join my tutelary mansion, not because of a bet. Stay in the tutelary mansion for a few days, and then leave with an excuse."

In the end, Lu Yanzhi uttered the old-fashioned line: "Besides, you are all living ship girls, you are free to come and go, this kind of bet itself is unfair to Oklahoma!"

Although this series of words is still old-fashioned, it is indeed powerful for the two bumpkins in front of them who don't know anything.

Oklahoma's gaze towards Lu Yanzhi was no longer so hostile, which made Lu Yanzhi sigh again. There is a reason why the routine became popular.
Nevada was obviously dazed when he said those words, regained his senses, and immediately turned around to apologize to Oklahoma, and Oklahoma would naturally not forgive so easily.

It's too much, to bet on my own sister, and my sister is not understood by an outsider.

Thinking of this, Oklahoma glanced at Lu Yanzhi again, without any hostility at all.

Silence, still silence, silence is the bar this afternoon.

The idlers in the bar have already run away, not to mention Nevada's identity here, just the silver-white ship suit that Nevada showed just now in order to prove his identity is enough to make these people who have never seen the world stunned.


Nevada slapped the table: "Let's talk about it, you came here this time just to get the two of us?"

Lu Yanzhi nodded and shook his head again: "I really wanted to fish the boat when I came here, but I didn't expect you two to be the mother of the boat!"

Nevada sneered again: "Filling a boat? The two of us are free and unrestrained here, why did we join the tutelary mansion? I didn't even go when she invited me from the Ship Girl Alliance in Bondle City!"

Nevada is boastful, and Oklahoma is sneering at the side. It is obvious that it is hard to join the ship-girl alliance, but in the end it conflicts with Washington, and then runs here by itself. Do you see how many people have taken care of you this year!Also take the initiative to invite?
"Oh? Sister, don't you want to join the tutelary mansion? Why do I feel that Admiral Lu is pretty good!"

Oklahoma folded her arms and squinted at Nevada, and she said it out of sheer displeasure.

Nevada really panicked: "Sister, are you kidding? Have you forgotten what we said at the beginning? How can you join the tutelary mansion?"

Oklahoma said coldly: "Heh, instead of following a sister who may sell me as a bet at any time, I think Admiral Lu is more reliable!"

Nevada's face was as ugly as if he had eaten a fly. He pointed to Lu Yanzhi and said, "He? Didn't you hear? He has ulterior motives and malicious intentions, and he came here to fish for us!"


Oklahoma suddenly looked at Lu Yanzhi: "Then I don't know if Admiral Lu has the habit of gambling with his wife?"

Lu Yanzhi waved his hands and shook his head: "No, no, I never gamble. Mostly I play mahjong and fight against landlords, and most of them are played with the ship girls in the town guard's mansion. I never go out to gamble."

As he said that, Lu Yanzhi laughed again: "After all, ten bets and nine cheats!"

Oklahoma looked to Nevada: "Did you hear that? Old~sister~"

The last two words emphasized the accent, and Nevada pointed out her finger: "Please, sister, I was wrong, I swear, I will never gamble again!"

"You've said this hundreds of times, and none of it worked!"

"Oh, please, old girl, I really can't live without you. What should I do if you're gone?"

"Go and live with your gangsters. It's the ship's mother who insists on doing this. I really don't know what you think!"

Lu Yanzhi also looked at Nevada curiously, and asked, "I'm also very curious. I heard from Nevada that the Bundle City Ship Girl Alliance values ​​you very much. Why do you still come here to be the boss of the gang?"


Nevada muttered in a low voice, then pretended to be ferocious, and looked at Lu Yanzhi: "What's the matter with you?"

"I'm sorry, that's right, Jianniang has always been synonymous with truth, kindness and beauty, all good qualities. I suddenly heard that you are a gangster, and I feel a little unbelievable."

Nevada was even more angry: "Are you looking down on gangsters?"

"no no!"

Lu Yanzhi shook his head, but he said in his heart: Yes, I just look down on the gangsters, from the bottom of my heart!

When fishing a boat before, no matter if it was Tennessee at the beginning or the Prince of Wales at the end, he had to inquire about the situation first, and only after making sure that it was harmless to the tutelary mansion could he rest assured.

To be honest, Lu Yanzhi is really not very interested in getting Nevada right now. The reason is naturally disappointment. He doesn’t understand Nevada in the game. However, after meeting, his impression of Nevada has changed drastically. Ship girls, gangsters, gambling, These few words that could never be connected together were all realized in Nevada abruptly.

Washington, who is capable and skilled, became a lawyer, Yixian, opened a restaurant, and even the incompetent Tirpitz drew notebooks, er, drawing notebooks is also a serious crime!
Nevada stood aside with a dark face and did not speak, but Oklahoma couldn't stand it any longer, and took the initiative to explain: "My sister's gang is different from others!"

Seeing Lu Yanzhi's disbelief, and Saratoga and Tennessee sneering, Oklahoma continued to explain: "My sister's gang doesn't do drug trafficking or anything, they just collect protection money, and they also collect protection money. It will really protect the safety, you can see that these two streets are so prosperous, the main reason is that it is safer than other places in Sville!"

"My sister's gangster, they say it's a gangster, but in fact, it's more like, like..."

Oklahoma couldn't think of how to explain it for a while, and couldn't help but feel a little anxious. They are sisters after all, how could they watch their sister being wronged.

"Security company?"

"Yes, yes, it's the security company!" Oklahoma said, looking at Tennessee with some gratitude.

"But if it's security, why don't you just call the security company? You have to call yourself a gangster."

Looking at Nevada, Oklahoma smiled and said, "My sister thinks gangsters sound domineering!"


Nevada snorted and looked at Oklahoma fiercely at the same time, obviously not happy that Oklahoma had exposed his old background.

Lu Yanzhi felt unbelievable, but felt that this should be the case. Thinking about it, she was a ship's mother after all, so how could she really do gangster things.

If this is the case, then Nevada's character is still a bit cute, obviously fierce, I look like a big sister of a gangster, but in the end I turned out to be a security guard for others?

Lu Yanzhi smiled relaxedly, sure enough, Jian Niang, what a lovely life!

Nevada was very upset: "Why, you are smiling so obscenely. I have already said that I will not join the tutelary mansion, nor will my sister. Where did you come from? Go back to where!"

"Here, I want the wind to win the wind, and the rain to win the rain. What's the point of the two hundred boys under my command going to the town guard's mansion? I'm under the control of others everywhere, I can't gamble, I can't play!"

"But, it's not interesting for the ship's wife to stay in an inland city after all, right?"

Lu Yanzhi said that since Nevada can get back the tutelary mansion, he can now use the N routines he has already thought up.

"After all, she is a ship girl. In an inland city, she doesn't even have a chance to launch a ship attack!"

Lu Yanzhi didn't care what the two Nevadas were bothered about, and continued: "It was Nevada that was published in the newspaper, right? Boring? The muzzle is rusted? That's right, how could the ship's mother have a bombardment battle in an inland city? Chance."

Along the way, Lu Yanzhi repeatedly studied the newspapers. After all, it was inland. How could a ship's wife bombard the mountain for no reason? After thinking about it, there are only two possibilities. One is that the enemy's family is hiding in the mountains. Facing a group of ordinary people, it can be solved easily, so how can it be possible to let the enemies escape into the mountains? Moreover, under normal circumstances, the ship's mother, unless forced to do so, how can she kill people, at most she can teach her a little lesson.

Therefore, it can only be the second possibility. Nevada has not had a real naval battle or shelling battle for a long time, and I miss it a bit. Then, just follow this line of thinking, first attack the unprepared, and then say to join the guard at the right time With the advantages and benefits of the government, fishing for boats is much simpler.

Especially after knowing that the homeless girls in California are Nevada and Oklahoma, Lu Yanzhi became more certain.

If it is heavy patrol, light patrol or even expulsion, then Lu Yanzhi may feel strenuous. For battleships, according to Bismarck: For any battleship, bombardment is an instinct.In Lu Yanzhi's mind, he had already increased the success rate of fishing the boat from 60.00% to [-]%!

Lu Yanzhi's words were lethal to Nevada, and Nevada looked at Lu Yanzhi and sneered: "Don't try to trick me into joining your tutelary mansion!"

"I've also heard a lot about the human guarding the mansion. They said that they would go out to clean up the sea area when they got a big ship, but how many admirals did it? They obviously had a lot of ships under their control, but they turned out to be pitiful wastes. !"

"You've said it right now, joining the tutelary mansion's attack mission, there are a lot of expeditions, and when the time comes to join the tutelary mansion, maybe just throw it in the corner and ignore it!"

Lu Yanzhi shook his head, and then said: "I don't know about the other town guards, but my town guard will never attack as frequently as you said!"

Worried that Nevada and Oklahoma would not believe it, Lu Yanshi took out a newspaper from the package, and it was published that it was the story of Hu Teng being rescued by the torrent of the tutelary fortress.

"Look, this is the last time our tutelary mansion entered the depths of the Pacific Ocean and repelled the deep-sea flagship to save Hu Teng!"

"Our tutelary fort is different from other tutelary forts!"

 Thank you for the reward, oops, panic!
(End of this chapter)

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