Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 334 VV's Stormy Big Plan

Chapter 334 VV's Stormy Big Plan

Lu Yanshi returned from the battleship exercise ground to the teacher's wife's apartment building alone, and then arrived at the room prepared by the empire, where Bismarck and CV-16 were waiting anxiously.

Seeing Lu Yanzhi come back, CV-16 showed a relieved and thankful expression on his face, and then left first, Kokang, this person fell asleep in the bedroom, still somewhat worried.

After CV-16, Bismarck planned to say good night to the admiral and leave, but Lu Yanzhi stopped him.

"What's the matter, Admiral?"

Bismarck asked suspiciously, Lu Yanzhi thought about it, and told Bismarck about Veneto.

"...Tell me, why did Veneto recover suddenly? I didn't say anything!"

"The admiral means that Veneto regained his emotions after hearing what you said about the growth of the ship's mother?"

Bismarck sat on the sofa next to him, and then frowned.

"That's right, I was thinking about how to comfort her, but in the end, I just said a few words, and she seemed to think that she had figured it out, and said that she planned to practice with you tomorrow."

Lu Yanzhi continued to speak.

"Will it be related to growth?"

"growing up?"

Seeing Lu Yanzhi's puzzled expression, Bismarck continued to speak: "Under normal circumstances, the appearance and personality of the ship's mother will change drastically when she grows up. According to the admiral, since Veneto cares so much about her figure, will she put the The hope of change is pinned on growth?"

"Well, that's the only way to explain it!"

After hearing Bismarck's explanation, Lu Yanzhi nodded in a sudden realization.Then, he said regretfully: "It's a pity, it would be too pitiful for Veneto to think that growing up can change his figure!"

Bismarck gave Lu Yanzhi a white look, and then said, "How does the admiral know that growth is not enough?"


Lu Yanzhi laughed, Veneto will become sexy when he grows up?How is this possible? According to the post bar in the previous life, Veneto must be younger after growing up!
"It's still possible!"

Bismarck said: "Like our tutelary mansion, Ling Bo has grown up. Although his body has not changed much, his personality has become mature. I have grown up, and besides the color of my hair, I have also changed a lot."

"What else has changed in Bismarck?"

Lu Yanzhi subconsciously looked at Bismarck's short silver hair with cat ears, and then subconsciously glanced at Bismarck's chest.

Bismarck didn't notice Lu Yanzhi's eyes, but continued to say: "The growth of the ship's mother is not an ordinary person, it is equivalent to going back to the furnace and rebuilding. Before and after the growth, there may be a 180-degree change."

Lu Yanzhi didn't argue with Bismarck on this issue any more, instead he followed Bismarck's wishes and said, "I hope, but I agreed to Veneto's exercise request, Bismarck, is it okay?"

"Leave it to me with confidence!"

Bismarck smiled smartly, and blew his hair on his forehead. He looked handsome like he had never seen before!
"Admiral should rest early, I will go back first!"

After Bismarck finished speaking, Lu Yanzhi got up and walked to the door, then said, "Good night!"

"Good night, Admiral!"

On the other side, Veneto had just returned to his dormitory, without a moment's hesitation, he walked to the side, the Empire's dormitory.

"Big sister, why are you here?"

At this time, the empire had just taken a shower, and was wearing a pale yellow silk pajamas, with his chest lifted high and down, leaving a large space in his abdomen.

Veneto stared intently, looking at the waist of the empire with a straight-eyed gaze, refusing to raise his head.

"I want to ask you something!"

"Don't hesitate to ask, Eldest Sister, I will tell you everything, and I will say everything."

Reich chuckled, then dragged Veneto in and sat on the sofa.

"Going to bed soon, do you still want some coffee?"

"Have a drink, it's okay!"

Veneto nodded, and waited until the empire put the coffee in front of his eyes, and said, "Do you know about the growth of the ship girl?"

"I know, why did eldest sister ask this suddenly?"

"Oh, it's nothing, I just want to know more suddenly."

Veneto took a sip of his coffee and said.

"Sister, wait a moment!"

The empire seemed to remember something, and then ran to his study to search, and after a while, he brought a stack of documents.

"Since the birth of the ship girl, all possible records of the growth of the ship girl in the whole world are here."

The empire patted the document and said: "Why did those ship girls grow up, the cause and effect, resume, the records inside are absolutely detailed!"

After finishing speaking, she looked at Veneto proudly: "Sister, you can ask me any questions you want."

"I heard that the ship's mother has grown up, and there will be a huge change?"

Veneto cryptically asked the question he cared about most.

"Yeah!" The empire nodded.

"Is it easy for the ship girl to grow up?"

"It's hard!"

The empire frowned: "At present, the whole world has appeared, and there are about 6 ship girls in the records, but there are less than [-] ship girls who have grown up."

"Sixty thousand to one hundred?"


The empire continued: "The fact of the growth of the ship girl is too mysterious. Some ship girls grow up after dreaming, some ship girls grow up when they meet the admiral they like, and some ship girls may fall down. Then they grew up, and some ship girls grew up on the battlefield."

"The company and I, as well as Nelson and the others, can be regarded as the pioneers of the ship girls in the whole world. The first batch of ship girls who were born have experienced countless battles, but even so, only Nelson grew up, and Nelson is still It just grew up in the front."

"So it's hard to grow up?"

Veneto's face was cloudy and uncertain, and he felt hopeless.

The empire didn't notice Veneto's expression, and continued to speak: "For now, it's difficult, there is no perfect theoretical system, and basically every ship girl grows up naturally."

"We have specifically studied the characteristics of those girls who grew up, and in the end, we only found that either they experienced a life-or-death change, or their mentality changed suddenly."

"Of course, this is not certain, otherwise, I feel that I and the company are still incomparable. The mentality has changed several times, but it has not grown."

"In the past, in our team, there was a frigate named Helena. Although her mentality changed, she sank by herself and disappeared into the sea."

Every time the empire said something, it made Veneto's heart heavy, until the empire finished speaking in one breath, Veneto's hand was already trembling slightly while holding the coffee.

"Really, is there no hope at all? Why is this? Whom did I, Veneto, offend? Why should I be punished like this?"

"Big sister? Big sister? Big sister!"

Only then did the empire notice Veneto's strangeness, and shouted.

Veneto smiled bleakly, and then said to the empire: "Okay, I'm fine, you should go to rest early!"


The empire was a little worried about Veneto's situation, and said, "Sister, why don't you take these materials back and study them? Maybe there are some new discoveries."

"Ah, oh, okay, you can give it to me!"

Veneto looked back in a daze, and then nodded in agreement. The dead horse is treated as a living horse doctor, the last way to change the body, and he cannot give up easily.

No sooner had Veneto left than Rome slipped into the imperial chambers.

"Eldest sister came here just now? What did you say?"

Rome sat on the bed of the empire, and then asked.

"It's nothing, I just asked the ship's mother about her growth."

After the empire finished speaking, he sighed again: "I don't know what Admiral Lu and Eldest Sister said, but Eldest Sister seems to be pinning her hopes on changing her body to grow up again."

Rome said meaningfully: "It's better to think about it than to be disillusioned!"

"Hey, you, a reckless man, can say such profound words?"

"Hmph, otherwise, how can you be your elder sister?"

"elder sister?"

The empire continued to sneer: "You can't even beat me in the drill, and you still want to be my sister? I really can't afford to lose this person."

"You can be proud. Anyway, you won't be proud for a few days. When the elder sister is taken away by the admiral, I will go with the elder sister."

"You can not!"

As soon as Roman finished speaking, the empire stopped him without hesitation: "You can't get past big sister!"

"Why? Can you control me?"

Rome sneered.

The empire continued to speak: "You made a big fuss in the cafeteria of my college. Doesn't it cost money to redecorate? You caused me to be broken. Does it cost no resources?"

"You have to give me a part-time job to lose money, and you can only leave after losing money!"

The Empire looked at Rome and sneered: "I did the math just now. To be the training instructor of our college's battleship training ground, the salary is [-] a month. You have to work for me for three years to pay off!"

"How can I, Rome, work for someone else? You're thinking too much, and you lose money? Heh heh, when I join Admiral Lu's tutelary mansion, won't he compensate me?"

Rome snorted coldly, not paying attention to the threat of the empire at all.

The empire sneered disdainfully, but thought in his heart: Do you still want to be behind the big sister and get in the way?Don't go anywhere, be my wage earner obediently!mock up.

Veneto here, holding the documents given by the empire and throwing them on the coffee table, then slumped on the sofa, staring at the sky blankly.

Desperate, that's probably it.

One hundred to sixty thousand, [-] percent, what a touching number.

My xinxing has changed dramatically, my xinxing has already changed dramatically, why didn't I grow up?
For a moment, Veneto wanted to cry.

"No, even if the chance is slim, I still have hope. What if I happen to be one of the hundred lucky ones in the [-] miles?"

Veneto sat up suddenly, and at the same time, the light of hope was recovering in his eyes.

Reaching out for the documents, I started to browse through one after another.

"Been reprimanded by the admiral for growing up?"

"It's useless!"

"During the battle, in order to protect your companions, grow up?"

"You can consider trying."

"Growing in sleep? Drinking some vodka before bed?"

Veneto turned his eyes to the coffee beside his bedside table, should he also change it to vodka?

"Can try!"

"Become an admiral's marriage ship growth?"

"I choose funny!"



Veneto quickly read through less than a hundred documents, and as the empire said, there was no trace of the reason for the growth.

Veneto rubbed his temples, took the coffee next to him, thought about it, and put it down again.

"There is no information about the growth of the ship girl in Admiral Lu's guarding mansion in the document. Go over and ask tomorrow!"

Veneto had an idea in his mind: "Just try Bismarck's strength and see if the admiral is lying."

 When I was writing VV, I was bearing a heavy condemnation in my heart. While feeling sorry for VV, I also wanted to say to the artist of VV: the painting is really good!
  Attachment: Thank you Yongshi 丨 for the reward of thousands of coins, I am moved!

(End of this chapter)

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