Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 335 It's OK, It's Not Difficult Anyway

Chapter 335 It's OK, It's Not Difficult Anyway

On the battleship exercise field of Luyang Naval Academy, as the last shell exploded around Veneto, it was announced that the exercise ended with Bismarck's victory.

Veneto walked next to Bismarck, and the exercise did not damage her a bit. At this moment, she was more eager to know some news about the growth of the ship girl.

"Admiral Lu said, Bismarck, have you grown?"

Yesterday, I got through with Lu Yanzhi, but Bismarna didn't know what Veneto was thinking, so he said, "Yes, I have grown up."

"I don't know, did anything change after Bismarck grew up?"


Bismarck laughed secretly in his heart, so he said: "The strength is stronger!"

"Except for strength?"

Veneto continued to press.

"The appearance has not changed much, but the hair has changed into what it is now, and in addition, the height has become taller."

"With height, the height becomes taller!"

Veneto was short of breath, and couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart. The growth of the ship's mother would indeed change her appearance and figure. Sure enough, all of this had a chance to come true.

Veneto suppressed his excitement, and continued to ask Bismarck: "But, I heard that it is very difficult for the ship girl to grow up. I don't know how you grew up?"

Bismarck looked at Veneto vigilantly: "This is the secret of our tutelary, why should I tell you?"


Veneto was speechless for a while, that's right, the two were not related, and it was impossible to cherish each other just because of one exercise. What obligation did the other party have to tell her these things?
However, Veneto still did not give up, and bowed deeply to Bismarck: "These things are very important to me, so please, please tell me."

Bismarck glanced at Lu Yanshi in the stands from a distance, and then pretended to be troubled: "This, I have to ask my admiral for instructions."

Veneto stood up and nodded: "It should, it should."

Then he asked again, "I don't know if you mind if I go too?"

"Uh, do you mind or not, you can come if you want!"

"Thank you!"

Veneto bowed again.

When he came to the stands, Lu Yanzhi gave Bismarck a thumbs up: "Amazing!"

Bismarck smiled slightly, then pointed at Veneto and said to Lu Yanzhi: "Admiral, Veneto wants to know the details of my growth. I'll come and ask you, can I tell her."

"Of course you can, what's wrong with this? We are all ship girls, we should help each other and support each other."

Lu Yanzhi nodded in agreement without hesitation, completely ignoring Bismarck's eyes: "Don't ask for my opinion, just tell her."

After finishing speaking, he said to Veneto: "Our tutelary mansion, in addition to Bismarck and Limbo, Saratoga and the Prince of Wales have also grown up. If you want to know anything, you can ask me anytime."

Veneto was a little touched for a moment, and after a long time, his lips squirmed, and he said two words: "Thank you!"

"Thank you, I've already told you, I want to make friends with you, of course I have to show some sincerity."

Lu Yanzhi immediately agreed to all of them. Bismarck shook his head helplessly, then looked at Veneto and said, "I've grown up, and I grew up just by dreaming."

"Is it a dream too?"

Veneto frowned slightly.

Bismarck looked at Veneto, and then said, "What? Have you seen anyone grow up in a dream?"

"Oh, no, I just read the information, Bismarck, go ahead."

After Veneto finished speaking, Bismarck said again: "At first I didn't show any signs of growth, but when the Prince of Wales joined our tutelary mansion, I had a vague premonition. Then, I practiced with the Prince of Wales every day. Of course, The exercise is to lose more and win less. As a result, one day, in my dream, I gave the Prince of Wales a hard lesson. When I woke up the next day, I felt refreshed and my whole person was different. Then, I found myself growing."

"An old enemy?"

asked Veneto.

"Yes, I do regard the Prince of Wales as my old enemy."

With the affirmation of Lu Yanzhi, Bismarck answered every question.

"Then, how did the other girls in your tutelary mansion grow up?" Veneto asked again.

Bismarck continued: "Limbo's words were grown during the operation to save Hu Teng. At that time, we were on the other side of the Pacific Ocean. For our companion, the heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen, Limbo blocked the attack of the deep-sea ship girl, and then Just grow."

"Block the attack for your companion?"

Veneto talked to himself again.

"As for Saratoga and the Prince of Wales, I don't know about those two."

At this time, Lu Yanzhi said from the side: "Saratoga, I know Saratoga, she grew up in the Haikou Ship Girl League, in order to be more worthy of her sister so."

"Worthy of my sister?"

Veneto was puzzled, is there such a thing as growing up?

Lu Yanzhi suddenly chuckled: "You may not know that Saratoga is a sister-con, the ultimate kind of sister-con, wishing to cling to her sister all day long."

Veneto nodded again: "So, is it actually because of obsession?"

Lu Yanzhi said: "I'm not Jianniang, so I don't know much about Jianniang's growth, but according to the opinions of several people in our town guard mansion."

"One of the most important points in the growth of Jianniang should be to break her own knots!"

"Break the knot?"

Veneto looked at Lu Yanzhi, not knowing what Lu Yanzhi meant.


Lu Yanzhi nodded, and then said again: "You may not understand that in the naval history of the old world, Bismarck was sunk by the Prince of Wales with some British warships in the Denmark Strait, so now that Bismarck has become the ship's wife, this is Her heart is knotted, and the reason why Bismarck grew up, I guess she must have returned to that time in her dream, and taught the Prince of Wales and the others severely."

After Lu Yanzhi finished speaking, he looked at Bismarck. Bismarck nodded, and admitted with some embarrassment. We were all in the same tutelary mansion, but he wanted to teach him a lesson in his dream. It was a bit unreasonable.

"Then, Limbo?"

Veneto looked at Lu Yanzhi again.

"Ling Bo said, in the old world, as a destroyer, Limbo faced one enemy and three at Midway Island, including the US battleship South Dakota. I think the reason why Ling Bo grew up was because they were on Midway Island at that time. Nearby, and the situation encountered is similar to that in history, three enemies, one deep-sea battleship!"

"Then, I wonder how much Admiral Lu knows about the Veneto in the old world?"

When asked this, Veneto looked nervous.

"Uh, the naval battle at Cape Matapan, was hit by an air-dropped torpedo, and then continued until Italy surrendered? Then it was disintegrated."

Lu Yanzhi said cautiously that he knew so much about Veneto, but unfortunately, he didn't even know whose torpedo was hit by it. He only remembered that it might be the Royal Ark. After all, during World War II, the British The aircraft carrier Ark Royal is too active.

Veneto was silent. The history of the old world, of course, doesn't sound too uncomfortable now, but it just feels sad for no reason. Don't you even have obsessions?

Poor VV, didn't know at all that her obsession was her figure, and she thought that she would solve an impressive enemy like Bismarck and the others, and then quietly experience the pleasure of growing up.

Seeing that Veneto was depressed, Lu Yanzhi comforted him again: "Of course, what I just said is just my conjecture, and it may be false. After all, not every ship girl has an enemy or record worth remembering." , if you want to grow, you should depend more on fate!"

Seeing that Veneto didn't seem to listen at all, Lu Yanzhi shook his head helplessly. Veneto wanted to have a good figure and wanted to be crazy, but he didn't dare to speak out to remind him, so he could only turn a corner and try to use or hint, or what A way to get her to think about it.

After all, Veneto is a mature and stable adult. After a while, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he looked at Lu Yanzhi and said, "Thank you Admiral Lu, these things are very helpful to me."

"I don't know, how many ship girls are there in Admiral Lu's tutelary mansion?"


Lu Yanzhi couldn't keep up with Veneto's rhythm. He was depressed just now, so why did he turn around and ask other questions.

"I'm asking, how many warship girls are there in Admiral Lu's tutelary mansion?"

Lu Yanzhi looked at Veneto, and then said in a daze, "Thirty or so, is there any problem?"

"Thirty or so? Four growth ship girls?"

Venetto gave Lu Yanzhi a meaningful look, then turned and walked away.

There are four ship girls out of thirty or so. This ratio is better than one hundred to sixty thousand. Even if the growth of Saratoga and the Prince of Wales has nothing to do with this Admiral Lu, but only one Over the past two years, two ship girls have grown up under him.The odds are still high.

She, Venetto, is not a fool. On the contrary, as the eldest sister of Italy, she is still very smart. The growth of that Admiral Lu and the two ship girls has nothing to do with him, but why they don't grow elsewhere? Has the government grown?It doesn't matter, but in Veneto's view, it probably does.

Thinking of this, Veneto instantly had an idea in his mind.

"Then I'll give you a chance to catch me!"

Thinking of this, Veneto suddenly began to feel confident about growing up.

Twenty ship girls, two of them grew up in two years, which is equivalent to growing one in a year. She Veneto is not weak in self-confidence in terms of training and other aspects. If she really gets to be guarded by Admiral Lu Fu, then, she, must, definitely, [-]% will be the next growing ship girl!

For a while, Veneto was in a good mood.

On the other side, Lu Yanzhi looked at Bismarck and asked, "Uh, Bismarck, why do you think she asked us how many warships there are in the guard house?"

Bismarck raised his forehead: "Admiral! Do you think it's easy for the ship girl to grow up?"

"I don't know, anyway, I don't think it's difficult!"

After thinking about it, Lu Yanzhi said, "Jianniang has grown up, and I have seen several of them.

Nelson's growing up, Saratoga's growing up, Limbo's growing up, Bismarck's growing up, and the growing Prince of Wales.

He really didn't feel how difficult it was.

 I, Veneto, want you to hand over your recommended tickets, monthly tickets and subscriptions!Hurry up!

  (381 gun warning!)

  Author Sauce: Thank you big sister, thank you big sister, please drink coffee, big sister!

  VV: I want vodka!

(End of this chapter)

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