Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 336 You can try to plug a cat

Chapter 336 You can try to plug a cat


"Uh, Veneto, maybe your heart knot is not a problem left over from the history of the old world."

It has been many days. The relationship between Lu Yanzhi and Veneto should be regarded as friends. At the very least, Veneto will not deliberately avoid the two of them drinking coffee and chatting together.

It is precisely because of this that Lu Yanzhi said such words to Veneto.

The reason why Lu Yanzhi said this was because of Veneto. He obviously had a knot in his heart that he cared most about his figure, but he refused to give up, refused to admit it, and even subconsciously ignored this problem. How could Veneto grow.

Veneto was sitting on the sofa with Erlang's legs raised. If she was a tall and slender lady, such as the enterprise Wisconsin Yixian, she would sit down like this, revealing a pair of long black silk legs that are enough to make people lick their bones. All the creatures looked sideways frequently, but Veneto, hehe, his feet were completely off the ground, Lolita's figure and serious face, no matter how you looked at it, she just felt cute.

Of course, for some gentlemen with special hobbies, such as the guy who married Veneto, such a Veneto appeals to the max.

"Your heart knot..."

Lu Yanzhi glanced at Veneto's chest, then hesitated to speak.

And Veneto, as if thinking of it, stared at Lu Yanzhi angrily, without saying a word.

Lu Yanzhi smiled, and then continued: "What I said is true, think about it for yourself, whether you are a ship girl or an ordinary person, usually, it is because the things you care about most are not available or can not be done. In the end it becomes a knot.”

"Not every ship girl's heart knot is caused by historical reasons."

After finishing speaking, Lu Yanzhi said again: "Every ship girl is different and independent."

"It's also for this reason, so every ship girl is different. As you said, those ship girls grow up in all kinds of strange ways, isn't this normal?"

"Then what do you mean?"

Veneto looked at Lu Yanzhi, if Lu Yanzhi dared to speak to her in the first two days, she would definitely kill him, but now, with more exchanges, she found more and more that this guy My theoretical knowledge is really not covered, and I don't know whether it is true or not, but it is clear and logical and makes people feel reasonable.

Now, she will not ignore Lu Yanzhi's opinion, which is why the two can quickly become friends. There is no doubt that it is much easier for the woman to have such thoughts than the man's wishful thinking.

"I mean?"

Lu Yanzhi looked at Veneto, made sure that Veneto had no signs of getting angry, and then said carefully: "You can try, uh, when you go out, uh, cough, stuff something."

Veneto suddenly felt a little difficult to breathe. At the same time, the ship hidden in the void trembled faintly, and the 381mm gun was venting its anger on her.

Taking a deep breath, Veneto suppressed the anger in his heart, and then said indifferently: "What are you stuffing?"

"Like, a cat?"

Lu Yanzhi said carefully, moreover, the reason why he suddenly came up with this method was not because he suddenly remembered Hood, the famous cat with eyes in his previous life.

After Lu Yanzhi finished speaking, he seemed to start talking: "As for the height problem, you can try to increase the height of the insole, er, no, you can try to walk on stilts."

"If you think it's too peaceful and stuffed cats are too obtrusive, you can also try custom-made silicone. I've heard before that ordinary people want to have breast augmentation, they just stuff their chests with silicone. It's scary to think about it."

"You are a ship girl, you can't have breast augmentation, you can make two silicone breasts and put them on your chest."

"And let me tell you, this kind of artificial breast has another advantage, that is, you can make it as big as you want, and you can have any shape you want."

"If you can, you can get two basketball-sized ones."

As he said that, Lu Yanzhi glanced at Veneto's chest, and then said: "However, your figure is a bit thin, and the basketball one is too big, so it doesn't fit. You can also get two volleyball-sized ones."

After finishing speaking, Lu Yanzhi stared at Veneto's chest carefully: "Uh, it seems that the volleyball one is a bit big!"

Lu Yanzhi talked endlessly, immersed in his fantasies about Veneto's planning, completely unaware that Veneto's face was getting darker and darker.

"Uh, the volleyball is too big, you can get two oranges, yes, oranges... poof!"

Lu Yanzhi looked blankly at Veneto who turned his head and left, and then shouted from behind unwillingly: "If you feel that the orange ones are not suitable, the apple ones are also fine!"

"Hey, hey, even if the apples are not good, there are still eggs."

"There are so many choices, why are you pouring coffee?"


Until the figure of Veneto disappeared at the door of the coffee shop, Lu Yanshi stared at the wet face splashed by coffee and looked at Bismarck who had been listening behind him, and said a little puzzled: "Did I say something wrong? I was just thinking about helping her?"

Bismarck shook his head helplessly, and then handed Lu Yanzhi a tissue: "Admiral, I found that you are quite serious when you treat strangers, but you have no brains at all when you treat acquaintances."

"Hey, maybe because of your existence, I don't need a brain!"

While wiping his own face, Lu Yanzhi said weakly: "I was very thoughtless when I spoke just now?"

"It's not just brainless, it's just..."

Bismarck said, but couldn't find a suitable word to explain.

"Oops, what should I do? Do you want to apologize to Veneto?"

"I don't care, just ask yourself!"

Bismarck shook her head. She really didn't know what to say to herself as the admiral. She usually had a serious look, but the more familiar she was, the less regular she became. Veneto, who had just gotten acquainted with you, You just eloquently introduce the secrets of breast enhancement to others, not to mention others, even she Bismarck heard it, and couldn't help but want to seal his mouth with two pieces of tape.


Lu Yanzhi shook his head, the more he thought about it, the more he couldn't help but want to give himself two big mouths.

"Why can't I control my stinky mouth?"

"By the way, is CV-16 back yet?"

Veneto's pressure in advance, Lu Yanzhi asked Bismarck again.

"I sent a telegram yesterday and have gone back."

Bismarck stood beside him, looking at the embarrassed Lu Yanshi.

"Admiral, do you want to go back to the dormitory to take a shower and tidy up?"

"Well, that's all we can do for now. Let's see about Veneto tomorrow."

Lu Yanzhi nodded, and said, it is definitely not a good time to find Veneto today, maybe he went to find Veneto, and what greeted him was the cold 381 gun, so let her take some time to calm down .

In fact, if you think about it carefully, what you just said and the methods you said are also somewhat useful.

Shaking his head, Lu Yanzhi and Bismarck went back to the dormitory together.

On the other hand, Veneto is really angry, and his poor figure is his weakness, but how could it become his obsession, isn't Admiral Lu Yanzhi too arrogant?Does he think he sees something?He actually gave himself such an opinion.

"Cat cat?"

Veneto scoffed.

"Silicon the size of a basketball?"

Veneto continued to sneer.

"Heightening insoles?"

Veneto frowned and thought for a moment.

"I'm already wearing high heels, why do I use height increasing insoles!"

Veneto sneered: "Uh, but, no one said that high heels can't have insoles?"

Thinking of this, Veneto deliberately found a pair of high-waisted high-heeled shoes that reached his knees from his shoe cabinet. Without height-enhancing insoles, he put ordinary insoles in layer by layer.

While Veneto was standing, Rome broke in through the door.

Putting down the high heels in his hand in a little panic, Veneto looked at Rome helplessly: "Rome, don't you know how to knock on the door first?"

Rome didn't realize it at all: "What door do I have to knock on when I come here?" Then he looked at Veneto, who was sitting next to the shoe cabinet with a small bench, and said, "Are you looking for the shoes to wear tomorrow?"


Veneto hummed, and then said, "What do you want here?"

"It's okay, I just came to see my eldest sister."

"If you have nothing to do, go back to sleep, I dozed off too."

Rome didn't seem to hear Veneto's expulsion order. Instead, he wrinkled his nose and sniffed the air like a puppy.

"Sister, have you been drinking?"

Veneto wailed in his heart: "Are you a dog's nose? It's so tightly sealed that you can smell it before you drink it?"

"Sister, what kind of wine is actually hidden secretly, I want to drink it too!"

Roma lay behind Veneto, and then said with a smile.

Veneto pointed helplessly at the glass cabinet next to him. If he didn't satisfy Rome's curiosity, he couldn't do anything today.

"Whoa, what is this? Vodka fuel? Are you drinking this? You stopped drinking coffee?"

Rome took out two bottles of vodka from the glass cabinet, and shouted exaggeratedly.

Without answering Rome's question, Veneto continued: "I will give you a bottle of wine, then, now, go back immediately, remember, go to bed after drinking!"

After all, no matter what good wine Roman said, if you have to drink it with the eldest sister to feel it, just push Rome out of your room.

After sending Rome away, Veneto let out a long sigh of relief, then continued with the previous work, and finally, put on the high heels.

"It seems to be a little taller, but such a point can be completely ignored. From my own point of view, it still looks 1.3 meters tall, so it's only three centimeters longer at most?"

In front of the mirror, Veneto was still distressed, it was completely useless.Might as well buy two pairs of shoes with a higher heel.

Laughing at himself, he was possessed, and actually believed Lu Yanzhi's words?

Casually kicked off his shoes, then walked barefoot to the bed with another bottle of vodka.

"May tomorrow's me be taller, taller and stronger than today's me."

After saying this prayer-like words, Veneto frowned, his eyes hardened: "Do it!"

Then, gulp down a bottle of vodka in one gulp.

Then, with a plop, she fell on the bed, unconscious, and didn't use the boiler to dry up the alcohol. Her drinking capacity might fall to the ground after a few glasses of German beer, but she drank a [-]ml bottle of vodka in one breath. , how could it be conscious.

 I'm very happy, haha, I didn't expect someone to remember my birthday. Chapter 2 may be a little later, and it may not come at nine o'clock, but it may be.

(End of this chapter)

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