Chapter 359


In a standard room, apart from two bunk beds, there is also a small table and a wardrobe.

Living in the same room with the admiral, Tirpitz didn't care at all. The relationship was much closer than before, and she was already able to be indifferent.And the most important thing is that she has a thick skin.

On the contrary, Saratoga was a bit thin-skinned, blushing when she heard that she was sharing a room with her brother-in-law, and said nothing quietly.

I don't know if I'm scolding my sister for messing around, or I'm scolding Tirpitz for being a light bulb, or I'm thinking about my brother-in-law climbing into my bed in the middle of the night...


Saratoga, who was sitting on the bed, covered his face, scorching hot.

"What am I thinking!"

Spitting secretly, Saratoga scolded herself for being shameless in her heart.

As soon as Tirpitz entered the room, he lay down on the lower berth, grabbing a seat without hesitation, since the upper berth was so troublesome, it was impossible for her to go.The lower berth is so convenient, just lie down.

"Tirpitz, get up first, you are lying down when I change the bed sheet and quilt cover."

Lu Yanzhi said coldly, is it a joke that he agreed to take care of the two when he came out?

I have also lived a single life for a while, putting on quilt covers and making bed sheets is naturally trivial to Lu Yanzhi, besides, there is Saratoga who is helping me next to him. As for Tirpitz, um, the small house is more important than her. Spectrum, although Xiao Zhai is always a disservice, but at least he has an attitude. This guy, standing by the side, looks like it's a matter of course, and he doesn't know how to write the word shame.

Lu Yan wisely didn't question Tirpitz, because he knew that if he asked, Tirpitz would definitely say: Didn't the admiral promise that my sister would take care of me?
As soon as the bed was made, Tirpitz climbed up from the other side like a rabbit.

"Hee hee, you can't rob me!"

Lu Yanzhi shook his head: "No one will fight with you!"

Then he asked Saratoga: "Gaga, there are three more beds, where do you sleep?"

Saratoga asked without answering, "Where do you sleep, brother-in-law?"

"Me? I'm free, I didn't ask for it."

Lu Yanzhi said with a smile.

"Then I'm free, as long as I can see my brother-in-law."


After a while of silence, Lu Yanzhi said, "Then how about the two of us sleeping on the upper bunk?"


"Tirpitz, go a little further in, and use your place to install the quilt cover!"

Tirpitz nodded, and then huddled together against the wall. It was a bit difficult for her to get out of bed and wait, but it didn't have much impact.

"That's how it is, Saratoga, you sleep on Tirpitz's upper bunk, and I sleep here, so it's convenient to watch Tirpitz without any accidents."


Saratoga looked at Lu Yanzhi obediently and nodded.

Just after packing up, the hull shook for a while, and it should have set off.

Lu Yanzhi spread the map on the table and began to study it.

Barosse is on the Atlantic side, and the distance from Haikou City is farther than the distance between Bundle City and Haikou City.

"This cruise ship is estimated to be sailing at sea for more than half a month!"

Lu Yanzhi pointed to the map and said, "We should stop in St. Maarten on the way. If we have time, we can play with Yang Shuo and Zheng Fei in St. Maarten, and then take the train to Barose."

As soon as Lu Yanzhi finished speaking, he found that Saratoga was staring at him closely, thought for a while, smiled wryly, and said, "Since Jiajia disagrees, then let's not transfer and go directly to Barose."

A good two-person trip, bringing Tirpitz has already made Saratoga very dissatisfied, and Saratoga would not want the admiral to go to see friends when he came out with him.

"Thinking about it suddenly, it's so boring to come out with Tirpitz!"

Looking at Tirpitz who was addicted to comics, Lu Yanzhi suddenly said.

This suddenly made Tirpitz feel inexplicable, you and your sister-in-law talked well, why are you talking about me?I'm here quietly reading comics, is it getting in the way of you?It's hard enough to read me without a notebook, you still want to talk about me?
Tirpitz's blank eyes made Lu Yanzhi smile happily, and then stretched out his hand to pinch Tirpitz's fleshy face, knowing that the girl said angrily: "Admiral, I don't care if you are like this." going to be angry."

Still reluctant to let go, her character is indeed a bit weak, or a bit Buddhist, she never gets angry easily, even if she is robbed by a destroyer, she just sighs and asks San Juan to take another.

Looking at the Tirpitz baring his teeth, Lu Yanshi smiled in his heart again: "Such a cute Beizhai, how can it be boring to bring out? It might be better to say that Saratoga is a bit redundant. If there is no Saratoga, the Beizhai will definitely not be Mind lying next to her and discussing the book."

The timid girl certainly doesn't mind this now, but Lu Yanzhi dares not to be watched by others, especially Saratoga.

Saratoga finally couldn't stand it anymore, the admiral didn't resist Tirpitz no matter how much he kneaded Tirpitz, but at most he talked angry, or lightly patted Lu Yanzhi's hand off, but, This doesn't work at all.

"Brother-in-law, stop bullying Tirpitz, won't you stop if Tirpitz is not angry?"

After Saratoga finished speaking, he said, "If brother-in-law feels bored, let's go for a walk on the deck!"

Tirpitz looked at Saratoga gratefully. In her opinion, Saratoga was saving her from the clutches of the admiral.

Saratoga winked at Tirpitz, indicating that it was a trivial matter, then ignored Lu Yanzhi's attitude, and walked out holding Lu Yanzhi's arm.

Such a win-win situation is not too good for Saratoga.In addition, the resentment towards Tirpitz for coming with him is much less.

An insignificant enemy can even be cultivated into one of his own.

"Tirpitz, be careful in the house by yourself!"

Lu Yanzhi asked, of course, just casually. Although Tirpitz is homeless, but no one on this cruise ship can beat Saratoga, so Lu Yanzhi is not too worried.

"I see, you are more troublesome than my sister!"

Tirpitz said something impatiently, then turned his head to face the wall and continued to read the comics.

As soon as he came to the deck, Lu Yanzhi regretted it immediately. There was really nothing to see on the deck, the sea breeze was blowing, and there were not even a ghost on the deck.

The clothes were not thin, but Lu Yanzhi really didn't have the mood to blow the wind against the sea.

Saratoga is quite interested. For her, as long as she is with her brother-in-law, she is happy without a third party.

"Brother-in-law, my hands are cold!"

"Since it's cold, let's go back!"

As Lu Yanzhi spoke, he was about to walk back, but was pulled back by Saratoga angrily.

"Brother-in-law, why are you doing this? In this case, shouldn't you hold my hand and put it in your pocket to warm me with your hand?"


Lu Yanzhi coughed dryly, then looked at Saratoga and said affectionately: "Since it's cold, give me your hand, and I'll keep you warm."

Although he realized it later, Saratoga was not annoyed. Instead, he put his hand into Lu Yanshi's pocket with a smile, and then held Lu Yanshi's hand tightly.

"Uh, Gaga, your hands are not cold."

It has to be said that even if he occasionally broke out heart-warming love stories in the past, it still can't change the fact that Lu Yanzhi is a straight man.

Saratoga's breath stagnated, and then he said silently in his heart: If the heart is as clear as ice, the sky will not be shocked, this is his brother-in-law, hold back.

"I'm worried that the admiral's hands are cold, and I want to warm the admiral."


Lu Yanzhi nodded, and didn't say anything like my hands are hot and I don't need Calais to warm them up.

A catastrophe was narrowly avoided.

The endless ocean makes people feel sick after looking at it for a long time, but the ship's mother is born from the sea and has an inexplicable closeness to the ocean. As a result, Saratoga looked at the sea and didn't know what he was thinking. Lu Yanzhi looked at Saratoga Jia didn't know what he was thinking, and the atmosphere rarely fell into silence.

Maybe it's just this little tranquility, the relationship between the two is silently advancing by leaps and bounds.

After a long time, Lu Yanzhi couldn't help but said: "Speaking of which, Jiajia's sister, the constellation, I don't know how to get it."

Saratoga bared her teeth, good atmosphere, who is bad, whisper her?
Unhappily said: "What if there are constellations? Brother-in-law is not allowed to fish, I am my sister's only sister."

"I was thinking it would be fun if I built nothing but constellations!"

Lu Yanzhi chuckled, Constellation and Saratoga are old enemies, competing for the position of the second ship of the Lexington class.

When Lu Yanzhi said this, Saratoga immediately felt relieved, and said with a smile: "If it is built, I believe my brother-in-law will not be able to build it."

"Hey, brother-in-law is African after all."

Speaking of this, Lu Yanzhi suddenly became unwilling: "Jajia, don't talk nonsense, I am Asian, and, wasn't your sister Lexington built by me?"

Saratoga's little canine teeth were exposed, and she looked at Lu Yanshi fiercely and said, "If my brother-in-law really builds a constellation, then I will train her well. Anyway, she is just born, so she will definitely not be able to beat me, and, fundamentally Said, she has already lost, and I have accompanied my sister to grow up so much, but she is still a latecomer, the third party, the third party, Bichi!"

"I can understand the latecomers, but the little three, Bichi, is a bit too much, right?"

"Snatching my sister from me, what if it's not a mistress? Since it's a mistress, then of course it's Bichi."

Lu Yanzhi shook his head helplessly, yes, whatever the sister-in-law said was what she said.

However, having said that, in fact, Lu Yanzhi still really hopes to see the plot of the two sisters in the constellation Saratoga.

It's interesting to think about it.

"Saratoga's junior, I am the second sister of Lexington's sister!"

"You latecomer, what kind of sister are you? I am the one who is always by my sister's side."

"No matter what, that won't change the fact that you are a mistress."

"Bah, you are the mistress."


Just thinking about the excitement, Lu Yanzhi suddenly sneezed.

"Brother-in-law? Are you okay?"

Lu Yanzhi shook his head, and then the story in his mind that Saratoga had an absolute advantage, how could such a cute sister-in-law, who cared so much about others, be the third sister?
Thinking about it, Lu Yanzhi sneezed again.

who is missing me?
It's not a cold, is it?
 Emmm, before I knew it, there were 100 chapters, and there was another [-] words to [-] million words, I said a little excitedly.

  Ask for it routinely.

(End of this chapter)

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