Chapter 360

After returning from the deck, the sky had already darkened, and Tirpitz fell asleep at some point, leaning on his back, without any sense of beauty.

Lu Yanzhi cheerfully put Tirpitz away, then took off all the clothes for Tirpitz with Saratoga, and then pulled back the quilt to cover it.

"Okay, Gaga, let's go to bed too."

Saratoga looked at Lu Yanshi with a smile: "Does brother-in-law want me to sleep with you?"

Lu Yanzhi rolled his eyes: "You go to your bed, and I go to mine. Each sleeps in his own bed."

What the girl said was of course a joke, how could Lu Yanzhi be easily fooled.


"so cold!"

Through the small window, it was dark outside, and I couldn't tell what time it was, only it was probably midnight.Lu Yanzhi subconsciously tightened his quilt, but it didn't work.


Rubbing his nose, Lu Yanzhi smiled wryly. He might really have a cold.

Lu Yanzhi's state instantly attracted Saratoga's attention on the opposite bed, and the girl got up from the bed in a daze.

"Brother-in-law, what's the matter with you? Are you all right?"


As Lu Yanzhi said, he sneezed again and said with a smile, "Maybe it's just a cold."


Saratoga became nervous in an instant, and immediately got off the bed, regardless of whether she was only wearing a simple pajamas or whether she was naked, she climbed onto Lu Yanshi's bed.Then he stretched out his hand and touched Lu Yanzhi's forehead.

"It's so hot!"

Saratoga said anxiously: "Brother-in-law, you have a fever."

Lu Yanzhi smiled again: "Maybe I caught a little cold yesterday, it's okay."

Seeing that Saratoga was still not at ease, Lu Yanzhi continued to smile: "It's really okay. When we were young, if we had a fever and slept with the quilt covered, we would be covered in a cold sweat and we would definitely recover the next day."

"Then, brother-in-law, do you want something to eat? I'll get it for you."

Saratoga blamed herself endlessly. In her opinion, her brother-in-law caught a cold and she was solely responsible. If she hadn't dragged her brother-in-law out yesterday to blow the cold air, how could such a thing have happened.

Lu Yanzhi smiled and said, "Okay, Jiajia, go back to sleep, it's midnight, where are you going to find something to eat for me?"


Saratoga couldn't speak, and she couldn't cook by herself, so she really had nowhere to find food in the middle of the night.

"Okay, go back to sleep, wake up tomorrow and watch, I will definitely stand alive and kicking in front of you!"

Tirpitz slept soundly the whole time, and was not awakened at all, which made Saratoga sigh, this girl has a really big heart.

After comforting Saratoga and letting Saratoga obediently return to her bed to rest, Lu Yanshi covered the quilt tightly, curled up into a ball, and then slowly fell asleep again.

The next morning, worried about her brother-in-law, Saratoga got out of bed early.

Then, he saw the irritating scene in front of him.

It was Tirpitz who slept next to the admiral.

The admiral was still snugly under the blanket, and Tirpitz straddled him with a white and tender thigh.

The fleshy face was tightly attached to his brother-in-law's face, and he would smack his mouth from time to time.It seems that I am having a good dream.


The sharp voice shocked Yun Xiao, waking up all the sleeping people on the ship, including the adulterer on the opposite bed.

"what's the situation?"

Lu Yanzhi woke up suddenly, and then felt a heavy body.

"Tirpitz? Why are you in my bed?"

"Ah, oh!"

Tirpitz rubbed his eyes and sat up. The glaring Saratoga and the bewildered Lu Yanshi were completely unaware of the seriousness of the problem.

"Didn't you cry out that you were cold last night, Admiral? Didn't I come here to hug you to keep you warm?"

"Take, keep warm?"

Lu Yanzhi was completely confused, did I cry last night?Want you to come over and hug a group to keep warm?
Tirpitz said: "That's right, I see it's always drawn like this in comics, the male protagonist just came out of the cold pool, it was extremely cold, and then the female protagonist took the initiative to get into the male protagonist's bed, and then, The hero and heroine are like that and that and that."

Saratoga's eyes were even more unfriendly, and Lu Yanzhi was so anxious that his soul froze: "Tirpitz, tell me clearly, what is it like? Also, we didn't do that last night, did we?"


Tirpitz tilted his head and thought for a second: "No, I was going to take off my pajamas, but, Admiral, you didn't take off your clothes. I didn't feel well, so I didn't take them off."

"Oh, that's fine!"

Lu Yanzhi patted his chest in reassurance, and then looked at Saratoga spreading his hands, showing a helpless expression: You saw that nothing happened, and I didn't know anything about it.

Tirpitz didn't understand how dangerous the situation was now, and suddenly said excitedly: "Admiral, let's try that next time. It's so comfortable to sleep with the admiral."

"Hey, don't don't."

Lu Yanzhi quickly waved his hand and refused. Although Tirpitz's proposal was very tempting, Jiajia was watching eagerly from the side, and he dared not agree even if he had the guts.

"Tirpitz, just let me go down obediently."


Tirpitz shook his head: "I don't want to go down, admiral, you go to the lower bunk and sleep."


Lu Yanzhi was speechless: "Tirpitz, don't tell me you are too lazy to go down again?"

"I just don't want to go down."

Tirpitz said.

"Hey...I said Tirpitz, you?"

Just as Lu Yanzhi was about to speak, Saratoga finally couldn't bear it: "Admiral~"

"Hey, come on, I'm going down now!"

Lu Yanzhi immediately got out of bed obediently and said, "Hey, Jiajia."

Saratoga looked at Lu Yanzhi coldly: "The admiral likes to take it with Tirpitz on the upper bunk?"

"No, no, how is it possible."

Lu Yanzhi refused, and Saratoga didn't even call her brother-in-law. He wasn't Tirpitz who couldn't see clearly, so how could he be in trouble at this time.

"Hey, since Tirpitz wants to sleep on the upper bunk, let's sleep on the upper bunk. Gaga and I share the same bed, upper and lower bunks."

Lu Yanzhi laughed and stood beside Saratoga.


Saratoga snorted coldly, and Tirpitz looked at the two of them inexplicably from above.

After cleaning up, Lu Yanzhi and Saratoga went out to eat.

"Tirpitz, aren't you going out to eat?"

It's just a routine inquiry, whether he still knows what Tirpitz thinks.

Sure enough, Tirpitz said lazily: "I won't go, the admiral will bring it back for me."

After getting a satisfactory answer, Saratoga laughed happily, thinking to himself, it seems that he is overthinking, Tirpitz is nothing more, anyone in the town guard may become a stumbling block for himself and his brother-in-law, but Tirpitz Impossible with my own sister.

Thinking about it this way, Saratoga was happier.

"Tirpitz, just wait. My brother-in-law and I will bring you back after eating. There are all kinds of delicious food."


Tirpitz snorted, then ignored the two of them.

"Brother-in-law, let's go!"

The girl took Lu Yanshi's arm and said with a smile.


In the restaurant of the cruise ship, Saratoga was the first group to come, and the restaurant of Nuoda had few guests except the staff.

"Brother-in-law, do you want to take it home to eat?"

Saratoga asked while choosing something to eat.

"No, let's go back after eating. The room is not big. If we go back to eat together, the smell in the room will be too strong."

Saratoga nodded: "Oh!"

Sitting at the side, seeing more and more people around, Saratoga suddenly smiled: "Brother-in-law, do you think that if everyone knows that we are cheating on us, will they drag us out and throw us into the sea?"

Lu Yanzhi looked at Saratoga in surprise: "Gaga, why do you think so?"


Saratoga said with a smile.


Lu Yanzhi said speechlessly: "I don't know if they will throw us into the sea, but I'm sure they will be reluctant to throw a beauty like Jiajia into it."

"Hee hee, brother-in-law speaks really nicely."

"Then, big beauty, the lonely sea... hiss~"

Before Lu Yanzhi finished speaking, Saratoga grabbed the soft flesh of his waist.


Saratoga frowned: "What are you talking about?"

"Such a cute sister-in-law, is that what you plan to do?"

"Hey, these ordinary people, Gaga is a ship's mother, how could something happen."

Lu Yanzhi looked at Saratoga with a smile, and then Saratoga let go: "That's right, brother-in-law, how could you think that way."

Lu Yanzhi said again: "Of course I don't think that way, Jiajia, you are mine, only mine, and no one can take it away."

"Brother-in-law is really greedy."

"No way, who made you so cute."

Lu Yanzhi said: "I don't want to part with anyone."


Saratoga chuckled suddenly: "Brother-in-law loves you!"

 Chapter 1, sorry for being so late, but, well, Chapter 2 is estimated to be around eleven o'clock

(End of this chapter)

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