Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 371 Your vision is so dirty

Chapter 371 Your vision is so dirty

"Speaking of which, since you're here to travel, you've already seen enough of the tourist attractions!"

Walking on the street, Richelieu enthusiastically acted as a guide for Lu Yanshi and Saratoga.

"Did you see that knight on a horse? That is a famous tabletop knight in the history of this country. It was thanks to this knight that this country was liberated back then."

"At the same time, this knight is also the first leader of this country after liberation."

Joan followed at the end with fantasy, while Lu Yanshi and Saratoga stood beside Richelieu, nodding from time to time.

"Here, here is Barosse's famous oil painting museum."

Richelieu pointed to a rather classical building next to him and said, "I often come here to admire the paintings of my predecessors!"

"Does Richelieu also like to paint?"

Lu Yanzhi asked in a timely manner.

"It can be regarded as a hobby, but unfortunately, compared to the sages, I am much worse."

After Richelieu finished speaking, Joan added with a smile: "Richelieu's paintings are very good. Where we live, the oil paintings on the wall are all works of Richelieu."

Lu Yanzhi nodded in admiration: "If those are the works of Richelieu, then Richelieu's painting skills are really extraordinary."

"Admiral Lu also knows how to draw?"

"Well, I don't quite understand. I can probably see those paintings like yours, and I think they are very beautiful. However, I can't appreciate the abstract and grotesque works of some masters."

Lu Yanzhi shook his head and said, he really didn't know much about paintings. In his previous life, he remembered Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa, and he could still see it. It felt very beautiful, but Van Gogh's paintings, hehe, completely It feels like a child graffiti, there is no way, he is just a layman.

Richelieu shook his head, but he didn't show much dissatisfaction, and continued: "Besides painting, I also have a hobby of fashion design."

Lu Yanzhi nodded, your fashion design is very good, according to the thoughts in Lu Yanzhi's mind, probably the designers who can hold a fashion show are all masters!

"Hey, by the way, I've been talking so much for a long time, why don't you speak, Admiral Lu?"

Richelieu looked at Lu Yanzhi: "Didn't you agree to communicate more and get to know each other more? Admiral Lu can't let me keep talking?"

Lu Yanzhi smiled wryly: "I thought you were guiding me and Saratoga."

Richelieu continued: "Being a guide doesn't affect me listening to Admiral Lu tell you interesting stories about you."

"An anecdote about me?"

Lu Yanzhi was a little dazed, his story, if you think about it, is really plain, what can you say?
On the other side, Richelieu obviously also saw Lu Yanzhi's predicament, and opened his mouth to make a rescue: "Since Admiral Lu can't remember for a while, let me remind you, how did you save the ship's mother Hu Teng? "


Lu Yanzhi deliberately lowered his voice: "It happened at the beginning of this year. Hu Teng had a black eagle named Ezio, which suddenly flew to our tutelary mansion."

"...that's how the whole story goes."

Lu Yanzhi didn't participate in the battle, but Saratoga was right next to him. Saratoga said the key battle. In addition, at the dinner party that day, everyone talked a lot, and you said something to me, Lu Yan Knowledge can also roughly connect the stories together.

"What an enviable battle!"

Richelieu admired.

"There will be a chance."

Lu Yanzhi smiled: "For a battleship as powerful as Richelieu, if you join my tutelary fort, you will definitely have a chance to attack."

As if a chatterbox had been opened, Lu Yanzhi continued: "Speaking of it, you might not believe Richelieu."


"Once, the flagship of the deep sea, the pier, approached my tutelary mansion alone."

"However, it didn't matter in the end. Because of that opportunity, I got the destroyer Xuekaze."

"Can you be specific?"

Richelieu was obviously interested, so he pressed the pier to find him?Revenge or what?
"About a few months ago, the deep-sea flagship, the pier, brought the destroyer Xuefeng to my tutelary mansion."

"My ship's wife and I thought it was the pier who came to take revenge. Who would have thought that the pier retreated without any fight, leaving only the destroyer Xuefeng."

"Afterwards, we heard from Xuefeng that Yamao is usually like a gentle big sister next door, taking care of her meticulously."

After all, Lu Yanzhi shook his head: "Ms. Jian, in fact, both Shen Hai and you should be kind in nature, but they just have different positions."

Richelieu nodded and said, "When I was wandering at sea, I saw human fishing boats being sunk by the deep sea. I also saw several deep-sea destroyers being chased by members of the Fleet Alliance."

"Justice and evil have always been a matter of position."

"It is said that the birth of the deep sea is due to the excessive exploitation of marine resources by humans."

Lu Yanzhi said: "Thinking of it this way, the deep sea, which protects marine resources, is more like the party of justice."

The topic was suddenly heavy, which was obviously not what Richelieu wanted.Therefore, Richelieu said with a free and easy smile: "Justice, evil, what do they do?"

"Didn't you agree to go shopping? Why did you suddenly talk about such a heavy topic?"

Lu Yanzhi smiled and said, "That's right. Those who obviously accompany you to go shopping to deepen mutual understanding and bond with each other, how can they say such spoiling things."

"By the way, let's go shopping for clothes. As a designer, Richelieu should be able to give us a different feeling of matching?"

"give it to me!"

Richelieu smiled confidently.

Walking into a clothing store in the shopping mall at random, Richelieu said to Lu Yanzhi, "Style is the most important thing in men's clothing!"

After speaking, Richelieu looked Lu Yanzhi up and down, and continued: "Admiral Lu should be about 1.8 meters tall, right?"



Richelieu nodded: "If it is a formal occasion, there is no doubt that the admiral's uniform assigned by the Ship Girl Alliance to the subordinate admirals is the best choice, but for ordinary wear, it should be more casual."

"It's winter, and this black turtleneck looks great with this gray blazer with a hood."

As soon as he finished speaking, Richelieu came over and almost stuck to Lu Yanshi's body, pinching Lu Yanshi's shoulders and waist.

This made Lu Yanzhi blush, Richelieu chuckled lightly: "I'm not mistaken, Admiral Lu has a good figure, this dress can definitely hold up."

After the words fell, he pushed Lu Yanshi into the dressing room next to him. Behind him, Saratoga looked at Richelieu's eyes with nameless flames.

"It's too much! It's okay to get started when you go shopping for the first time?"

After coming out of the dressing room, Lu Yanzhi stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror and looked up and down: "It doesn't seem to have changed."

Richelieu gave Lu Yanzhi a blank look: "Of course it can't be that simple, the shoes and pants don't match yet."

"Choose one of these two trousers, it matches your outfit well."

Richelieu threw over two pairs of trousers, one dark blue jeans and one gray-black corduroy trousers.

"If you wear jeans, take this white sneaker, and if you wear gray and black corduroy pants, take this white sneaker."

Richelieu added: "I suggest Admiral Lu wear sneakers, after all, Admiral Lu is already 1.8 meters three, and sports shoes generally increase the height."

Lu Yanzhi nodded, obeyed Richelieu's arrangement, and obediently picked up the pair of dark blue jeans and white sneakers.

Walk out like this and take another look: "Well, it seems that I feel much younger than before."

Richelieu smiled: "Of course, Admiral Lu should be under 30 years old, right? Why do you usually dress so old?"


Lu Yanzhi was stunned, he was not a fashion designer, so he knew how to dress and match, as long as he was comfortable to wear.

Richelieu left Lu Yanshi to tidy up, and then pulled over the angrily Saratoga next to him: "Saratoga, right? You should change your outfit too, look at what you are wearing now, it is too Old fashioned!"


Suppressing his anger, Saratoga tightly clenched his fists, silently persuading himself, hold back, hold back, brother-in-law wants to get a boat!

Forced to squeeze out a smile: "Then, how should Richelieu think I should dress?"

Lu Yanzhi also said beside him: "I think Gaga's body looks good, youthful and beautiful."

Speaking of which, he had decided on Saratoga's outfit after seeing it. Among other things, at least in his opinion, it was youthful and beautiful, and it fully demonstrated the character of his sister-in-law.In the end, Richelieu's evaluation was actually bad?

Richelieu rolled his eyes and said nothing, asked Lu Yanzhi to pay the bill and leave, and then entered a women's clothing store.

After a while, a Saratoga who had never seen before stood in front of Lu Yanshi.

Lu Yanzhi swallowed hard: "It looks good like this, but it's a bit too mature, and it doesn't match Jiajia's personality."

Richelieu looked at Lu Yanzhi thoughtfully: "Admiral Lu likes Xiao Qingqing?"

"Hey, I can't say that. I just feel that Saratoga's personality is usually out of character, and the relaxed and simple style is more suitable."

"That's easy!"

Richelieu chose a set for Saratoga non-stop.

After a while, the pure and beautiful sister-in-law came back again.

Being manipulated around like a model, Saratoga almost ran away. Lu Yanzhi pointed to the floor-to-ceiling mirror next to him, and motioned Saratoga to look at it by himself.

"Wow, Richelieu, please be sure to help me refer to my clothes in the future!"

These were the first words Saratoga said after seeing himself in the mirror.

In the same way, for a moment in my heart, all the bitch vixen and coquettish women disappeared.

With these outfits, relying on her good looks, are you still afraid that she is just Richelieu?

After looking at Saratoga for a few times, Lu Yanzhi heard Richelieu's regretful voice again: "It's a pity, as a ship girl, she is not low in appearance, and the outfit effect is average. If it is an ordinary person, then this At least 50.00% increase in appearance when wearing clothes."

Lu Yanzhi heard again: "Sister Jeanne, what should I do? Sister Richelieu has started again."

What was being said was the fantasy of the little princess's dressing up. Lu Yanzhi didn't know what it meant at first, but soon, he understood.

Until the evening, Richelieu still dragged Saratoga to try on clothes, while Lu Yanshi, Joan of Arc, and Fanxiang all became luggage carriers.

Lu Yanzhi was dripping with cold sweat when he heard that Richelieu was still planning to buy it. Looking at the gradually darkening sky, he suggested to Richelieu, "Why don't we go have lunch first?"


(End of this chapter)

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