Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 372 Invitation and Zhang Family

Chapter 372 Invitation and Going Home

For several days, Lu Yanzhi took Saratoga and Richelieu to go shopping and play every day.

I have to say that an enthusiastic girl is a good guide. Although we have only been in contact for a week, it is completely fine to make small jokes with each other. Lu Yanzhi feels that the favorability between him and Richelieu has exceeded fifty, and it is already You can invite to join the tutelary mansion.

Another thing worth mentioning is that it’s really easy for little Lolita to be fond of her. Although the fantasy is already a girl, it’s almost the same as Lolita. Play a few times with the playground and buy two cute pillows for me. The girl immediately smiled at herself.

The only embarrassing thing is Joan of Arc. It is completely impossible to get a good impression, but when you try to ask: What will you do if Richelieu joins our tutelary mansion?
The girl replied with a smile: "Of course I will join your tutelary mansion."

He couldn't figure out his mind at all, he didn't want Richelieu to be so enthusiastic, and he didn't want to be so easy to fool by Utopia, but anyway, Lu Yanzhi planned to invite Richelieu to go.

It was the beginning of January, and it would take another half a month to go home, and he still wanted to go back for the New Year.

Lexington's gentleness, Yixian's thoughtfulness, San Juan's cleverness, and so on, after being out for so long, he feels homesick!
Early in the morning, he dug out his admiral uniform, and with the help of Saratoga, he dressed neatly, with a white wide-brimmed hat on his head.

"What a handsome guy who looks like a dog!"

Saratoga grinned and commented.

Lu Yanzhi gave Saratoga a white look, but said nothing.

"Tirpitz, let's go, you have to go out with us anyway today, invite Richelieu, and then buy you something, let's go home!"

Finally going home, Tirpitz was miserable during his time in Barosse, and was dragged out by the admiral several times, what's the point of going shopping, what's the point of playing.

Patting Tirpitz, indicating that Tirpitz should get up, Lu Yanshi said to Saratoga: "Pack up the suitcase, pick up Richelieu, and then we will go back directly."

"Brother-in-law, are you so sure that Richelieu will join our tutelary mansion?"

Saratoga looked at Lu Yanzhi while tidying up beside him and said.

"Of course, we are two but belong to the kind that has been in love for a long time."

Lu Yanzhi smiled.

"Be happy, when Richelieu refuses to see how you step down."

Of course, Saratoga is just talking about it. Lu Yanzhi has been with Richelieu for the past few days. She was not with him that time. The relationship between the two has progressed so fast that she can't help but feel jealous. .

When he came to Richelieu's residence, he straightened his collar subconsciously, and put the wide-brimmed hat upright on his right arm.

Gently knocking on the door, it was still Richelieu who opened the door.

Seeing that Lu Yanzhi was dressed in formal attire, Richelieu was taken aback for a moment, then he might have realized something, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, inviting Lu Yanzhi to come in and sit down.

Entering the door, Joan of Arc was still wearing an apron, but she was holding on to her imagination, thinking that the little princess must be worried again.

Lu Yanzhi walked in in formal attire, Joan of Arc seemed to have thought of it, and then said softly: "Admiral Lu, sit down first, the meal will be ready soon."

After finishing speaking, regardless of fantasy, he turned his head and walked into the kitchen. Fantasy ran over and looked at Lu Yanzhi curiously.

"I feel that Admiral Lu is more energetic today!"

Lu Yanzhi smiled, and lightly stroked Xiangxiang's soft long hair, the little princess smiled and narrowed her eyes.This is an honor he has worked so hard to get these days, a privilege that even Saratoga does not have.

After breakfast, Richelieu and Joan of Arc sat on the double sofa dignifiedly. The little princess fantasized about looking here and there, but couldn't rest for a moment.

Lu Yanshi and Saratoga sat on the sofa on the other side.

"Uh, cough, you two should have noticed that you are dressed so formally today."

It was Lu Yanzhi who spoke first.

"Richelieu, Joan of Arc, you may not have been together long enough, and you may not have fully understood me."

"However, I am really worried when I think that everyone in the tutelary mansion will not have me. Moreover, I think that I already know a lot about the two of you, so I would like to formally invite you two to join my tutelary mansion!"

Joan of Arc was silent, Lu Yanzhi looked at Richelieu, and Richelieu was also silent.

Even though there was no problem with self-confidence, at this moment, Lu Yanzhi's heart became tense in vain.

The little princess dreamed of crawling over from the armrest of the sofa next to her, and then sat next to Lu Yanshi: "Why do you only invite them and not me!"

Lu Yanzhi smiled slightly: "I thought that if I invited them, you would obediently follow me back."

"No way!"

Kong Xiang's legs were shaking restlessly: "You don't invite me, I won't join your tutelary mansion."

"In this case."

Lu Yanzhi laughed again, the tense atmosphere was diluted a lot by the little princess.

"That beautiful and lovely fantasy little princess, are you willing to join my tutelary mansion and let me be your admiral, and I will protect you no matter the wind or rain in the future?"

"I am willing!"

Kong Xiang said, giggling.


Joan of Arc suddenly whispered to Richelieu next to him: "That guy can't be a lolicon, right? Her invitation to fantasy feels more formal than us."

"Probably not."

Richelieu was not sure. For a moment just now, she really thought that the man in front of her was a lolita. The invitation was like an oath, not to her and Joan, but to a little lolita.

"I haven't seen him deliberately approaching fantasy before."

"You wait, wait until I test it out and then decide."

Joan gave Richelieu a look, signaling Richelieu not to agree too quickly.Then he looked at Lu Yanzhi expressionlessly: "I don't know how many destroyers are in Admiral Lu's tutelary mansion?"


Lu Yanzhi muttered to himself and counted: "In the beginning there were only six, and later added Xuefeng, Guogan, Clarkston, Dyson, Firefly, and Amethyst."

"My tutelary fort has twelve destroyers, what's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing, just asking."

Joan of Arc asked again: "Then how many adult warship girls are there in your tutelary mansion?"

"Adult ship girl?"

Lu Yanzhi looked at Joan of Arc strangely, not knowing what Joan of Arc was going to do, but he still said: "Adult ship girl, San Juan, Helena, Tennessee, prestige..."

"There are a total of nineteen adult ship girls."

Joan of Arc nodded, and then whispered in Richelieu's ear: "Adults and minors are close to one to one, it seems that this admiral is a bitch, not Lolicon, not Yujiecon, but all of them! "

With a blank look, Richelieu said lightly, "Is it that exaggerated?"

"Didn't you hear what he said just now?"

"Are you completely unreliable like this? Look at me!"

Richelieu said something to Joan of Arc, and then asked: "As a ship's wife, under normal circumstances, it is easier to fall in love with your admiral, right?"

Lu Yanzhi nodded: "Indeed."

"Then how did Admiral Lu handle such a relationship? The ship girl who joined you fell in love with you."


Lu Yanzhi pondered for a while, and replied honestly: "I will give her a ring, propose to her, and then promise that I will take care of her for the rest of my life."

"It's so romantic!"

Richelieu said something with a smile, and then suddenly asked: "How many marriages does Admiral Lu have?"


Lu Yanzhi answered subconsciously, and then looked at Richelieu. He couldn't understand what the two of them were thinking now, didn't they say it was easy?What are these messy, weird questions?

"The marriage rate is [-]%, not bad!"

Richelieu murmured, and then asked: "How many are the adult girls, and how many are the underage girls?"

The question was inexplicable, but Lu Yanzhi completely understood it when he looked at the fantasy.

"All my marriage ships are adult ship girls."

Seeing the reassuring expressions of the two, Lu Yanzhi said again: "You don't have to worry at all, I'm not a lolicon, I just treat them as younger sisters."

"What I just said may have been hasty."

After speaking, Lu Yanzhi stood up, with the wide-brimmed hat still on his right arm, and looked at the two seriously.

"Admiral Lu Yanshi, a subordinate of the Haikou City Ship Girl Alliance, hereby sincerely invites you two to join our big family and recognize me as an admiral. In the past, I have not participated in your life, but I hope that every day in the future, your life There is me everywhere, the peaceful life will eventually tire, take up arms again and have a duel with the deep sea, the deep sea, the endless future, let us explore together!"

Lu Yanzhi was a little embarrassed after speaking the lines that were quite a bit of a second grade, but he still stared at the two of them.

Joan of Arc smiled at first, but following Lu Yanzhi's voice, she became serious and stood up with Richelieu.

When Lu Yanzhi finished speaking, Richelieu looked at Lu Yanzhi and took out his knight sword: "Battleship, Richelieu, I am fighting to liberate my homeland, general, admiral, in the future, I hope we will go forward together. "

Joan of Arc took out her knight lance with a command flag and stood it in front of herself: "Light cruiser Joan of Arc, my lord, please join me in spreading the warm light all over the earth."

Lu Yanzhi looked at the solemn two in a daze for a long time, then burst out laughing: "I think the three of us look like the second class."

Taking back the knight sword, Richelieu continued to sit down: "Then admiral, when are you going to return to the tutelary mansion?"

"If possible, I hope to be able to board the ship tomorrow."

Lu Yanzhi said: "Do you and Joan of Arc have a lot to pack? Would you like me and Saratoga to help you clean up?"


Tirpitz's voice came faintly, Richelieu looked at Tirpitz, then at Joan of Arc, shook his head and said: "The admiral took Tirpitz to Saratoga to give to the town guard Sisters, buy some gifts, here, the two of us can solve it."

"Tomorrow, we'll go directly to the admiral's hotel." Joan of Arc added beside her.

Lu Yanzhi nodded, and left with Saratoga and Tirpitz contented.

"Finally, it's over, and I will go back tomorrow!"

 Chapter 1!Thank you for the reward of [-] coins from Rua, who has a ball and must be hard! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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