Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 381 Why Not Me

Chapter 381 Why Not Me

The fire was finally contained. However, looking at the flat black soil in front of him, Lu Yanzhi didn't know whether the fire was extinguished by everyone's concerted efforts or because there was no fuel to extinguish it by himself.

Lexington stood next to Lu Yanshi, his delicate face was black and white, like a little cat.

Turning his head to look at the people around him, whether they were adults or children, they were all similar to Lexington. For a moment, Lu Yanzhi didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

"Fortunately, the admiral's room was just blown up. If the dormitory is blown up, we won't have a place to sleep today."

Looking at Lu Yanzhi, Lexington chuckled.

"But then again, Guo Gan has grown up, and his power is really not ordinary. Nevada has no ability to resist at all!"

"This is the power of missiles. Kokang has grown up and is a guided missile destroyer!"

Lu Yanzhi smiled and said, looking at Changchun, who was sleeping on the side with Yixian covered with a thick blanket, he was very angry.

Everyone in the tutelary mansion was paying for her crimes, but in the end, she was fine, she fell asleep, she didn't have to care about anything, and she didn't have to worry about anything. The dream has been around for thousands of years, what year is this eve!
Anyone from Lexington saw Lu Yanzhi's thoughts at a glance, and comforted him: "Admiral, don't even think about punishing Changchun. You just blew up the admiral's room, and it will be rebuilt soon."

Lu Yanzhi shook his head and said with a smile: "I didn't think about punishing her. After all, I don't know what the girl is thinking. She suddenly became stronger, of course she desperately hopes to be affirmed by the admiral, and it was her who blew up the admiral's room." Unintentional loss."

Yixian came over, just in time to hear Lu Yanzhi's words, and looked at Lu Yanzhi with tender eyes: "It's so good, Kokang has also grown up, and has become Changchun."

Jianniang is an idealistic creature, and Lu Yanzhi fully believes this. When Yixian first arrived at the town guard's mansion, she had the aura of a survivor. After her own guidance, the aura of a survivor disappeared, and she became a melancholy Jiangnan girl. Now, everything is alive. What happened in front of my eyes, Changchun's powerful town guard is obvious to all, and the melancholy temperament on my body is gone.

Well, although, the widow's personality is more attractive... But!
How could Lu Yanzhi be willing to let her be shrouded in such a halo?

In particular, Yixian can be said to be one of his favorite ship girls.

Looking at Yixian, Lu Yanzhi was silent and did not speak. Lexington couldn't bear to watch anymore, and pinched Lu Yanzhi's soft waist: "Admiral~ You can go to Yixian's room to rest tonight!"


Yixian blushed, but still looked at Lexington gratefully. According to the rotation, the admiral should sleep with her tonight, but Lexington actually gave him this opportunity.

But, really, for a moment, I couldn't help it, there were so many things I wanted to say to the admiral.

Therefore, facing this good deed, Yat-sen did not refuse, but just thanked Lexington.

Everyone was exhausted. Obviously, the bonfire party was not in the mood to continue, so Lu Yanzhi asked everyone to go back and rest early.

As for himself, he naturally obeyed his wife's words and walked over with Yixian.

Bead curtains and light gauze weft tents, the boudoir can't hear the silk!
That night, Yixian and Lu Yanzhi talked a lot, but Lu Yanzhi, without any lust, just hugged Yixian and listened quietly.

The next day, everyone in the tutelary mansion got up early.

Yixian was naturally earlier.

Although it is the center of the tutelary mansion, it is only the admiral's office after all. It has been bombed and has little effect on the tutelary mansion.

Of course, there was still an impact, and Lexington went crazy: ahhh, all the documents of the tutelary mansion were burned, and everything had to be rearranged again!

This little guy in Changchun didn't have the consciousness of doing something wrong at all, or she didn't know that when she ran to Yixian's room early in the morning, she didn't see sister Yixian, but she saw the admiral.

Hey, wake up, Comrade Admiral!
Immediately afterwards, Lu Yanzhi only felt his body sink, his breathing stagnate, and he opened his eyes.

The culprit, Changchun, was riding on Lu Yanshi's quilt and giggling.

Little girl, don't use such force, it will kill you!

Changchun blinked his big eyes, and then said: "Hey—hey, the admiral doesn't know me anymore? I'm brave, heck, but my new name is Changchun, isn't it nice?"

"Is this early in the morning and came here to recognize the Lord?"

Lu Yanzhi looked at Changchun in doubt.

"Hee hee, let us enter a new era together. Missile destroyer, Changchun, report! Admiral, are you ready?"

"The admiral is always ready!"

It was rare to have a good night's sleep, and Lu Yanzhi was not angry at all when he got up, and sat up from the bed to make Changchun laugh.

"However, Changchun probably doesn't know what happened yesterday?"

"What happened yesterday?"

Changchun looked at Lu Yanzhi suspiciously.

Lu Yanshi got off the bed, put on cotton slippers, then hugged Changchun to the window sill, pointed to the previous position of the admiral's room, and suddenly there was a large area full of burnt bricks, and looked at Changchun jokingly: "You little guy, it's okay to teach Nevada a lesson yesterday, why did you launch a missile into the sky? You see, the admiral's room was blown to ashes by you!"


Changchun blinked and looked at Lu Yanzhi suspiciously: "I did this?"

"Nonsense, besides you who is drunk, who else can do such a thing."

"Is there? Why can't I remember? Oh, my head hurts, uh, what happened yesterday? Huh, admiral, my head hurts!"

At first, Lu Yanzhi thought that Changchun suffered from the aftereffects of drinking, but when he clearly saw the smile on Changchun's mouth, he thought again, even if she was drunk, there would be no aftereffects, so she immediately thought about it.

"Oh, Changchun, what's wrong with you? Don't scare the admiral, the admiral is joking with you, Changchun."

Xiao Nizi giggled: "Hmph, I knew the admiral lied to me. How could I blow up the admiral's room? I obviously fired that missile at the sky yesterday!"

"Little liar, how did you grow up and learn to be bad?"

"No way!"

Changchun rubbed Lu Yanzhi's hand affectionately, and said with a smile: "Changchun is still very cute!"

"Don't be ashamed!"

Lu Yanzhi scratched Changchun's nose, and said, "However, Changchun can no longer drink alcohol, especially vodka!"

Changchun didn't speak, but thought in his heart: "In the future, I won't drink vodka, and drink Erguotou, Moutai..."

"Admiral, comb my hair!"

After joking around for a while, Changchun suddenly said in a low voice, Lu Yanzhi was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "Okay!"

After coming out of the dormitory, after having breakfast, Lu Yanshi drove to the Jianniang Alliance. For the engineering team, I still have to ask Nelson. There are a lot of lovely girls in the guard house. Lu Yanshi doesn't want strangers to come in, um, Although it's winter, it just doesn't work, the possessiveness is so strong!

So, we still need a professional construction team from the Ship Girl Alliance. After all, they are both ship girls, they are efficient, and they are all girls.

In Nelson's office, Nelson was looking at Lu Yanzhi laughing wildly, even Rodney, who had always been a lady, couldn't help laughing.

"Haha, are you going to laugh at me to death so that I can inherit my ship girl? Haha, the tutelary mansion is blown up, you're so embarrassed to say it!"

The veins on Lu Yanzhi's forehead popped up, he dared to guarantee that Nelson must have waited a long time for this moment to laugh at himself.

"Hey, it's so funny, hurry up, tell me in detail!"

Think about it, or in order to attack Nelson, Lu Yanzhi slightly changed the story.

"You know this, the growth rate of our town guard's ship girl is very high."

Sure enough, upon hearing Lu Yanzhi's words, Nelson's laughter stopped abruptly, and he said with difficulty: "You mean your tutelary mansion has grown up again?"

Lu Yanzhi snorted twice: "Of course, Kokang, you know? It's just an ordinary destroyer, but it grew up and became a guided missile destroyer. Then, those guys from our tutelary mansion made a fuss, trying to make Kokang... oh, Kokang It grows up and is called Changchun."

"I want Changchun to try the power of the missile. No, without a target, Changchun just threw a missile directly at the admiral's room of the tutelary mansion."

"You are a battleship, and you know that although the explosive power of your shells is huge, it is impossible for a single shell to blow up an admiral's room as big as mine into ashes. Everyone didn't care at first, but in the end, who would have thought The missiles are so powerful, with one, my admiral's office was directly razed to the ground, and I even suspect that if Changchun is equipped with another missile, then my tutelary mansion will be lost!"

Nelson looked at Lu Yanzhi with a ghostly expression, and slowly spit out two words: "Pervert!"

"Oh, by the way, I'm not only here to transfer the engineering team, I also hope that Nelson can help me find missiles that the ship's mother can equip. Changchun still has an equipment slot, and she said that she can equip another missile. "

As soon as he said this, Nelson became even more angry, and said bluntly: "No, you think too much, and, isn't your tutelary mansion boasting that it will never run out of equipment? I remember that your subordinates, whether it is a battleship or an aircraft carrier , the equipment is so luxurious that it would kill you, so there is no missile?"

"Hey, that's right!"

Lu Yanzhi was taken aback for another moment, then slapped his forehead, he's a fool, I forgot, I still have a system.

"System, system, during this period of time, I have been dedicated to my career, fishing boats, and growing up. I have never left anything behind. Why don't you give me tasks? Even if you don't give me tasks, at least give me some equipment!"

This system is really sick, Lu Yanzhi didn't ask it, it didn't say a word, just after Lu Yanzhi finished speaking, the system prompt came: "Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the battleship Richelieu, reward, sister control 6* 2. Reward Type 91 armor-piercing projectile*1."

"What about Changchun?"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the first guided missile destroyer, reward c-301 anti-ship missile*1!"

Seeing Lu Yanzhi smiling, Nelson said angrily, "What's wrong? You don't need the equipment anymore?"

Lu Yanzhi smiled: "No need, just lend me the engineering team!"

"Forget it, I'm going to give you the enterprise's pike anti-ship missile. Anyway, if you put it in the enterprise, it will only eat dirt."

Nelson spread his hands, pretending to say casually.

"Yes, why not, I want it."

Don't take advantage of the bastard, Lu Yanzhi said with a white face while checking the system for the information of the pike anti-ship missile.

"Pike anti-ship missile: Firepower +18!"

It's not as good as my own C-301, but it's a benefit for nothing.

After all the discussions were over, Nelson looked at Lu Yanzhi again, and said in disbelief, "However, your tutelary mansion is really magical. I have been going around for more than 30 years, and I have experienced thousands of battles. Growing up, but your tutelary mansion is only two years old, so you tell me that you have four under your command, oh, no, five ship girls have grown up!"

"Probably luck!"

We all know his luck, but at this moment, he still shamelessly attributes it to his good luck.

 Well, I originally thought about creating a super-empty missile by myself, but after thinking about it, I think it's okay!
(End of this chapter)

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