Chapter 382


Bringing the Jianniang Alliance engineering team back from Haikou City, the working efficiency of Jianniang is really unspeakable.

In three days, the brand new admiral's room was erected, and in one day, the decoration was completed.

The engineering team went back in a hurry, and the first day of work in the new admiral's office in Lexington started in the warmth.

I specially asked the engineering team to install a fireplace. The winter here is freezing cold.

The previous admiral's room didn't have heating equipment, and Lu Yanzhi didn't even want to come in. Now, well, sure enough, it's all an excuse. Even now, he still prefers to sit on the sofa in the coffee shop, molesting San Juan, and Changchun Bicker and chat with other people.

Speaking of which, Richelieu's tavern opened in a hurry, attracting a lot of guests from San Juan, Atlanta.

Players like Nevada, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Helena obviously prefer the atmosphere of the bar.

In addition to Tirpitz, the nail-level members of the coffee shop now have Veneto!
Speaking of Veneto, the girl has been really in a bad mood these two days.

Kokang grew up in front of her.

Everything was open and transparent, a large bottle of vodka, and a few bottles of unknown cocktails. He drank violently, and then challenged the battleship Nevada with the body of a destroyer, and then grew up.

"Today's coffee is so bitter!"

Veneto was not at all in a good mood: "San Juan, did you not add sugar to my coffee?"

The appearance of the cat-eared maid in San Juan, the cafe is really warm, the floor heating alone is not enough, the heating in the restaurant on the first floor is also connected, so San Juan is not wearing thick clothes, of course, as a ship girl, even if Wearing skirts in winter is completely fine. After all, there is no need to worry about rheumatoid arthritis or anything.

"But, Veneto, you never want to add sugar!"

San Juan's cat ears moved, and then looked at Veneto suspiciously.

Veneto became even more irritable: "If I don't want it, why don't you give it to me? Don't you know how bitter the coffee you made is?"

As he said that, as if venting, he patted the table heavily.

"Wait, I'll get you candy right away!"

It is the purpose of Maoer sisters to strive to serve every customer well.

Veneto was even more annoyed: "Hey, forget it, it's really troublesome, I'll go to the tavern next door!"

After speaking, Venetto got up to leave, and San Juan looked at Lu Yanshi who was lying on the other side, and then showed a puzzled look.

In the tavern, the lights dimmed a lot immediately, Veneto frowned, feeling a little displeased.

The design of the high chair in front of the bar is definitely embarrassing her Veneto, almost reaching her chest.

Climbing up to the high chair and sitting down, Veneto looked at Richelieu and said in a low voice, "What should I drink when I'm in a bad mood?"

"Give you a glass of Eye of the Storm!"

Richelieu said that she didn't care why Veneto came here to drink suddenly, he was just a guest, except for little loli.

Of course, Veneto is not a little lolita anymore. When he first came to the tutelary mansion, he made a joke, thinking that the other party was a destroyer, and wanted to get close to him, so he brought the lollipop prepared by Joan of Arc to Xiangxiang. As a result, Although it will not be rubbed on the ground, it is not bad. The opponent is a very powerful battleship, and it is not a loli battleship like Kotaku. It is a mature battleship with a royal sister's heart and helpless reincarnation. I heard that I like it. For black silk, Richelieu couldn't understand what kind of experience it was to wear black silk with short legs less than seventy centimeters.

"Eye of the Storm!"

Veneto was dazed when he looked in front of his eyes. The gray liquid was like mercury, and somehow a vortex was created in the center. Anyway, it looked like the eye of the storm.

The mouthfeel is slightly cool, nothing special at all, Veneto frowned, and drank it all in one gulp.

"It's nothing special at all...uh!"

Veneto's eyes suddenly widened, and for a moment, a violent feeling rushed up, she was like a small boat walking alone under the storm.

Richelieu looked at Veneto with a smile: "How is it?"

"not bad!"

Veneto nodded and thought: "However, you can't get drunk at all."

After hesitating for a moment, Veneto asked, "Did Richelieu suffer a lot on the day the tavern opened? It should be serious, right?"

"It's okay, one bottle of stock solution is lost, two bottles of sake, two bottles of red wine, and one bottle of vodka!"

Veneto said: "The little guy Kokang is really messing around!"

Richelieu didn't care about this at all: "It's nothing, if you can grow up by drinking some wine, I guess the admiral can't help but let my tavern lose every day!"

"Drink to grow up?"

Veneto's eyes flickered: "How is this possible? The growth of Jian Niang is illusory, and it is too unreal to grow up by drinking some wine."

"Who says it's not? I heard that Nelson, the head of the Haikou Ship Girl Alliance, grew up in a battle with a deep-sea flagship for more than 30 years!"

Veneto nodded, and of course she knew about it as she paid extra attention to the news of Jianniang's growth.

"Oh, by the way, when I first came up, Akagi asked me to bring her two bottles of sake, the Prince of Wales and Counterattack asked me to bring them two bottles of red wine, and Yixian asked for a bottle of stock solution for cooking, which I heard was stir-fried drunken shrimp! "

"So that's the case? But, don't the Prince of Wales and the others only drink black tea in the afternoon?"

Richelieu showed a strange expression.

Veneto concealed his guilty conscience: "Who knows, those British guys are too troublesome!"

"That's true!"

Looking at the back of the tavern, as if thinking of something, Richelieu did not continue to ask, and brought out the wine to Veneto, and took an extra bottle of vodka.

"Since Veneto is going down, just take this bottle of vodka to the admiral. The admiral asked me to take it for her, but I forgot!"

Veneto was so excited that he almost laughed out loud, but he couldn't show it.

Frowning: "The admiral is as troublesome as the British department. He obviously doesn't drink much, but he likes to drink alcohol to other people."

Richelieu smiled: "Then leave it to Veneto!"

"Okay, okay, I'll take it down, it's really..."

Without saying a word, he picked up the wine and completely ignored the coffee shop, went straight downstairs, and ran to his bedroom.

At the bar, Richelieu mixed a glass of wine that looked lighter and shouted at the back next to him: "Chicheng, be careful of choking, drink some drinks!"

The back figure raised his head, with a long black and beautiful hair hanging behind him. Hearing Richelieu's voice, Chicheng turned his head, his cheeks bulging like a hamster: "Thank you Richelieu, you don't want to grab food from me in the town guard."

After taking a sip of the wine Richelieu handed over, Chicheng asked again: "Who came just now? I heard my name."

Richelieu shook his head: "Veneto, Yixian asked her to get something."

Akagi ignored it and continued to deal with the chicken legs on the plate.

In the dormitory, in Veneto's bedroom, Veneto's nervous heart was about to jump out of his throat.

Sitting cross-legged on the huge pink furry sofa, the whole person sank in, looking at the vodka in front of him: "The hope of growing up, 80.00% of the ship girl who drinks and grows up is related to you, I hope you can bring me good luck!"

Solemnly put the vodka at the end, and drink the sake first. After drinking two bottles of sake, Veneto's consciousness began to blur. How can it be practiced so easily.

The stock solution continued to drink, and Veneto's vision became blurred.


Veneto got up from the sofa unsteadily, and laughed: "Growth, only two steps away!"

"Dare to say that red wine is grape juice!"

It's hard for her small body to drink so much in one go.

Looking at the last one, the water of life in Guo Gan's mouth, thinking that so many ship girls' growth is related to this, the water of life is indeed well-deserved.


The spicy taste made Veneto cry.

Give yourself encouragement: In order to grow, there is no fear of facing the deep sea, let alone vodka?

Pinching his nose and holding back tears, a large bottle of vodka was forcefully poured into his mouth.

Afterwards, holding the wine bottle, shaking it, and without the help of the boiler, Veneto finally couldn't hold it, and fell on the sofa next to him.

Today's dinner is even more sumptuous than in the past. Everyone in the town guard mansion knows what's going on, and has grown into Changchun boldly. The happiest person in the town guard mansion is definitely not Lu Yanshi, but Yixian. He is in a good mood and the food he cooks is naturally good.

In the current town guard's mansion, who would dare not look at Yixian directly when eating dinner, and say thank you for Yixian's hard work?
Missile destroyers are watching you!

In particular, that strange warehouse equipped Changchun with the No. [-] missile, which made Changchun even more powerful, like a godsend.

"Stand in a row, eat missiles, and shoot a bastard every time!"

Xiao Changchun is now full of ambitions. Excellent ship equipment is the power of new technology. Except for the aircraft carrier, it is worrying, and the others are completely ignored!
"Why, why didn't Veneto come to dinner?"

Scanning around, Tirpitz was sitting next to Bismarck, but Veneto was missing, Lu Yanzhi asked worriedly.

"I don't know either, I've been busy in the office all day today!"

"Gaga, you know what?"

Saratoga rolled her eyes: "I don't know, I don't know her well."

Naturally, there is a reason for the girl to be so angry. Obviously, when she was outside, the admiral was so kind to her, but when she returned to the tutelary mansion, everything became the same as before. There was no progress at all, which made her anxious. In contrast, Fox spirit Akagi, shame on you!
"Probably sleep in the dormitory!"

Richelieu sat with Joan of Arc, and replied after hearing Lu Yanzhi's words.


Richelieu gave a general account of Veneto's going to the tavern in the afternoon. Of course, he didn't mention the part of ordering wine in their names, so he had to save some face for Veneto.

"It happened!"

Lu Yanzhi shook his head and smiled wryly. Veneto's obsession with growth should be clearer than anyone in the tutelary mansion.

After thinking about it, I still didn't feel at ease, so I picked up a meal, and then walked to the dormitory non-stop.

Pushing the door open, all the rooms in the tutelary mansion were not fortified against him as the admiral, and he opened it easily, and then he saw a loli who had completely let herself go.

 Thank you for the reward of [-] coins made by Unlimited Saber, and thank you for the reward of [-] coins for the ball must be hard rua!

  Thank you two big guys!
(End of this chapter)

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