Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 390 Growth Means Loss

Chapter 390 Growth Means Loss

"Sister, sister!"

In Tirpitz's bedroom, Tirpitz was dripping with sweat, his brows were wrinkled, and his expression was in pain.

Ferocious, angry, painful!


With a scream, Tirpitz suddenly turned over from the bed, his suit fully opened, and tears streaming down his face.


Tirpitz's room was not far from Lu Yanzhi's room, and he rushed over when he heard Tirpitz's voice.

"Tirpitz? What's the matter?"


Tirpitz looked at Lu Yanzhi in a daze, tears finally fell like broken beads, and he began to sob.

"Why don't you let me attack?"

"It's because my sister is worried about my comfort, right?"

"Admiral? What if my sister can't come back?"

To be honest, Tirpitz has always been heartless in the tutelary mansion, as if he didn't care enough for his sister, but suddenly, as if he lost the most precious thing, he cried pitifully, Lu Yanzhi felt a throbbing pain in his heart.

Almost subconsciously, he hugged Tirpitz forcefully: "Tirpitz is good, it's okay, it's okay, how can Bismarck not come back when he's so strong? Tirpitz don't cry, be good!"

With a sound of "Wow~", leaning on Lu Yanzhi's shoulder, Tirpitz finally burst into tears.

Sobbing intermittently in his mouth: "I, I had a nightmare, it was so scary, woohoo, shells overwhelming, sister, sister is at the very center of the bombardment, woohoo!"


Lu Yanzhi's heart skipped a beat. Bismarck and the others had been out for two days and hadn't come back yet, which really made people anxious.

Sukhbaatar also disappeared inexplicably. She was just a small supply ship, and the most common deep-sea destroyer might sink her.

Yixian went out to search with all the strength of the guardian mansion, but he searched all over the offshore waters for a whole day, but found nothing.

"Is it going to be cold?"

Lu Yanzhi was anxious at first, but, as an admiral, he could only keep all his anxiety in his heart. Now, Tirpitz had such a dream again without warning, and his anxiety was even stronger.

However, he still couldn't be pessimistic in front of his girl, so Lu Yanzhi continued to comfort him: "Don't worry Tirpitz, it's just a dream, it's just a dream, Bismarck is so strong, and everyone is so strong, we Absolutely no failure."

Tirpitz ignored what Lu Yanzhi said, and continued to mutter to himself: "What a real dream, the flagship of the deep sea, the carrier-based aircraft of Akagi Kaga in the deep sea, so terrifying, densely packed!"

After finishing speaking, Tirpitz grabbed Lu Yanshi's shoulder again, with a painful expression: "Admiral~ Why don't you let me attack with my sister? Why?"


The disturbance made by Tirpitz was not small, and it quickly attracted everyone, the yawning little destroyer girls, and the worried-looking Yixian.

Everyone has been busy looking for Sukhbaatar today, and they are already exhausted. Now seeing Tirpitz like this again, they can always hear some bad news in just a few words.

Xiao Zhai was at a loss for a moment, his expression was covered, and he looked at Lu Yanzhi as if asking, but also seemed to be talking to himself: "Sister Meow sank?"

Immediately afterwards, the eye circles were instantly red, and he ran over to grab Lu Yanzhi: "Admiral, sister Meow will not sink, right? Sister Meow will not sink!"

"I discussed it with Lexington. Regardless of whether the deep sea can be repelled or not, they will come back in three days at most. Now two days have passed, and they will come back tomorrow."

First, after talking to Tirpitz, Lu Yanzhi picked up Xiao Zhai again, wiped Xiao Zhai's pear-blossoming little round face with rain, and then said: "Of course sister Meow didn't sink, it's just that your sister Tirpitz had a nightmare." , thought that Sister Meow sank, Xiaozhai forgot? Sister Meow is a warship that claims to be unsinkable, how could it sink so easily."


"Of course it's true, the admiral will lie to you?"

After finishing speaking, he lightly scratched Xiao Zhai's nose, then smiled and said, "Xiaohuamao, I've been tired all day, and I might be even busier tomorrow, so go back to sleep, sister Miao will definitely come back safely before tomorrow night."

"Let me just say, how could Sister Meow sink, this useless person, she still cries in nightmares, I don't even cry in nightmares."

With Lu Yanzhi's affirmation, Xiao Zhai finally nodded in reassurance, then looked at Tirpitz next to him and couldn't help complaining, and ran away immediately after speaking.

Lu Yanzhi looked at the crowd again: "Hurry up and go back to rest, I will continue to look for Sukhbaatar tomorrow."

Yixian looked at Lu Yanzhi worriedly, "Admiral, are you alright?"

Lu Yanzhi smiled lightly: "It's okay, Yixian should go back and rest quickly, Tirpitz is not in good condition, I won't go to you today."


Yixian nodded, then backed out, closing the door behind him.

Tirpitz sat on the bed in a daze, tears streaming down silently, Lu Yanzhi watched with another pain in his heart.

Walked over, took out a handkerchief, then gently wiped the tears on Tirpitz's face, and continued to persuade: "Tirpitz, don't be sad, what's the use of being sad? Bismarck is on the front line now, we have no way to get it." Knowing the situation, it will be tomorrow at most, and if you don’t come back tomorrow, we will go to the front line together.”


Tirpitz bit his lips tightly, not letting himself cry out. He was obviously a lovely carefree and happy house girl, but now he looked so pitiful.

Lu Yanzhi sat quietly next to Tirpitz, persuading softly: "Bei Zhai, be good, don't cry anymore, seeing you cry makes the admiral feel bad, at the latest it will be tomorrow, tomorrow, if If they don't come back, we'll go look for them, everyone in the tutelary mansion is a whole, of course we have to be together at all times."


Tirpitz nodded, and with a wave of his hand, all the ship suits disappeared.

Lu Yanzhi said again: "Tirpitz should rest quickly."


"The admiral will always be with you, Tirpitz don't worry."


After an unknown amount of time, Tirpitz finally fell asleep again. Looking at this lovely girl, Lu Yanzhi was filled with emotion.

Gently covering Tirpitz with a quilt, Lu Yanzhi walked slowly to the window, there was no dark cloud, the stars were twinkling, and the round moon illuminated the entire tutelary mansion.

"everything will be fine!"

Thinking of this thought, Lu Yanshi went to Bismarck's bed next to him and fell asleep with his clothes on.

Originally wanted to go back to his room, but worried about what Tirpitz would do when he woke up in the middle of the night, Lu Yanzhi had to sleep on Bismarck's bed.

In the early morning, around three o'clock, Tirpitz rolled out of bed.

"Admiral, I'm sorry, forgive Tirpitz for leaving without saying goodbye, but, without Tirpitz, you still have Yixian and the others, Tirpitz can't let you take the risk to go to the front."

"What is lost must be regained with one's own hands!"

"If everything goes well...admiral~"

Tirpitz looked at Lu Yanshi who was still sleeping beside him, and gently kissed Lu Yanshi's lips.

Then, he turned his head and walked out of the dormitory building. His face was as sinking as water, even with a trace of coldness. He came out of the tutelary mansion, unfolded all the ship suits behind him, jumped straight into the sea, and rushed towards the direction of Abbys Bay at full speed. .

It was only three o'clock in the morning, and it was the time when the water surface was the deepest. The earliest Yixian was still sleeping soundly in bed, not to mention Lu Yanzhi.

 emm, there is nothing to do if your eyes hurt, this chapter is only 2000 words!
(End of this chapter)

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