Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 391 The psychological shadow of this life is the cat

Chapter 391 The psychological shadow of this life is the cat

"Well, that's right. If you can't solve the problem with ordinary deep-sea ship girls, then you really don't deserve my rescue!"

Sukhbaatar's small hands are behind his back, he looks like a young adult, and his watermelon head makes people laugh.

"It is said that the deep-sea flagship this time is Akagi Kaga? Well, should I fold the paper airplane first?"

Sukhbaatar put her fingers on her lips. Only now did she think of the most critical issue. She forgot about the origami airplane, which is the key to her flying the carrier-based aircraft.

"However, don't worry, hey, I still have the BVR Star Destroyer!"

Thinking of the scene in the dream, Sukhbaatar couldn't help laughing.

Beyond-the-horizon star destroyer, laser cannon, destroying the world with one shot, destroying galaxies with two shots, the Big Bang of the universe with three shots, and a mere deep-sea flagship.

Therefore, Sukhbaatar triumphantly walked to the final location.

Here, on the battlefield, it is almost the end.

Saratoga came up with the aircraft carrier formation, saw Prince Eugen in Bismarck's arms at a glance, and asked with concern: "What happened to Prince Eugen?"

Bismarck blamed himself: "She blocked the attack of the deep-sea battleship for me."

"This idiot, she is a mere heavy cruiser, her armor is not as high as mine, why should she attack me!"

"Don't worry, it's good that it didn't sink. As for the rest, we will avenge her."

Saratoga stood on tiptoe, then patted Bismarck on the shoulder to comfort him.

Lexington shook his head and chuckled in the formation. Gaga on the battlefield and Gaga in life are two people.

When will Gaga in life be as reliable as on the battlefield, which makes people feel at ease.

However, Lexington's fantasy can only be a fantasy in the end. If Saratoga is so reliable in life, then what is the difference with her Lexington?Lively and cheerful in front of acquaintances, mischievous and mischievous, but cold as ice in the eyes of strangers, this is the correct way to open up the world's admiral's sister-in-law.

After Saratoga finished speaking, he was the first to release all the bombers in the remaining crew.

Saratoga's equipment is the most luxurious in the tutelary mansion, none of them. The only hero plane is the bomber pbj with a theoretical bombing value of +15, plus the flying dragon with a theoretical bombing value of +12. More than 20 bombers flew to the deep sea formation. The only deep sea battleship.

Bismarck said in a flat tone: "Saratoga, you deal with those two aircraft carriers, and leave the battleship to me!"

No one knows how much anger is suppressed in Bismarck's heart now, and it may be a bit heartbreaking to say it, but, to be honest, in the tutelary mansion, she Bismarck has never cared about only Tirpitz, Xiao Zhai and the admiral, although Prince Eugen has always Call her sister, but she never paid much attention to it.

However, in this war, Prince Eugen was unconscious in order to protect her, so even Iron Man had some feelings. She felt that at least she should do something for Prince Eugen.

After much deliberation, let's start with revenge first!

Saratoga looked at Bismarck and nodded, she still understood what Bismarck was thinking.

Then without saying a word, he manipulated the carrier-based aircraft to drop bombs on the deep-sea aircraft carrier in position two.

Unavoidable, the deep-sea aircraft carrier originally wanted to release her carrier-based aircraft to struggle, but due to various harassments during the previous opening, her carrier-based aircraft were all destroyed. At this moment, only a few torpedo aircraft are left It stopped on the flight deck tremblingly.

The absolute killing effect brought by excellent equipment.

The explosion first sounded at the feet of the aircraft carrier, and then quickly spread across the whole body, as if the villain in a martial arts drama was hit by various blows, and finally the whole body exploded from a single point.

Accompanied by a puff of black smoke, the deep-sea aircraft carrier sank.

By this time, only the flagship Lily and the sixth deep-sea battleship remained in the deep-sea formation.

Bismarck was finally ready to act. First, he handed Prince Eugen to Hutten, and then aimed the guns that had already been loaded at the deep-sea battleship.

The shelling by Bismarck alone naturally cannot sink the deep-sea battleship. Bismarck obviously does not expect the shelling to sink her, so he signaled to Saratoga, please ask Saratoga and others to be optimistic about the deep-sea flagship, and then step by step. At position six, the deep-sea battleship that was almost shot down walked over.

Every step he took, the anger became more intense. When he reached the front of the deep-sea battleship, Bismarck's suit disappeared.

The deep-sea battleship is obviously not an easy person, reaching out to block Bismarck's vigorous fist.

There was a sneer at the corner of Bismarck's mouth: "Will you resist? That's the best. If it's just a living target who won't resist, how can I appease my anger."

Immediately, he twitched his arm, then whipped his leg, and kicked at the waist and eyes of the deep-sea battleship.

The deep-sea battleship subconsciously put down his hand to block, but how could Bismarck's full-strength kick be blocked so easily? The deep-sea battleship only felt a huge force, and then the whole person flew to the side like a kite with a broken string.

But Bismarck was not forgiving, he quickly settled in front of him, spun 360 degrees, and kicked the deep-sea battleship still flying in mid-air in the lower abdomen. Immediately, the deep-sea battleship was beaten and lay on its back on the sea.

Continue to move forward, riding on the lower abdomen of the deep-sea battleship, punching left and right to the face of the deep-sea battleship, the deep-sea battleship summoned the ship protection, Bismarck still ignored it and continued to punch hit.

The armor of the deep-sea battleship was deformed and distorted.

Then, Bismarck clenched his fist, with the curved part of his middle finger protruding, accumulating a blow full of anger, directly piercing through the armor of the abyssal battleship protecting his face, and then passing through the scarlet pupils of the abyssal battleship unabated.

"Whahahahaha, I'm here to save you...uh, wow~"

Hurry up, Lord Sukhbaatar, who was about to come to save everyone, just saw this scene. Before the second line was finished, he was petrified, and then burst into tears.

"Weak chicken!"

After uttering two words coldly, Bismarck got up, wiped the fuel on his hands, and then returned to the team.

Sukhbaatar was startled, cried and ran behind Lexington, hugging Lexington tightly.

The deep-sea battleship stood up staggeringly, let out a burst of inexplicable laughter, and then exploded with a bang.

A scene that was enough to cast shadows in the hearts of all the little Lolitas was just seen by her, Mrs. Su, how uncomfortable it was.

Ling Bo is not bad, as Solomon's ghost, and has become a girl after growing up. Basically, his psychological endurance is much stronger. Changchun is similar to Ling Bo. After growing up, his psychological endurance has doubled.It just happened to be Sukhbaatar, a first-class supply ship, which has never been on the battlefield. When has it seen such a terrifying scene.


Sukhbaatar put his head in Lexington's arms, weeping and dared not look at Bismarck.

Lexington is in a state of confusion, the front line is important, why do you come here with a mere supply ship?Do you really think that if you are lucky, you can do whatever you want?

"Sukhebaatar? What are you doing here?"

"I, I, I'm coming... woo~"

Sukhbaatar can't speak well. It is conceivable that, at least for a long time to come, the scene where Bismarck smashed the head of the deep-sea ship girl will always be with her, and maybe the little guy will never come to the battlefield to save everyone from now on. Such a naive idea.

Gently patted Sukhbaatar's watermelon head, Lexington didn't ask any more questions, she probably guessed what Sukhbaatar wanted to do here.

Looked at Saratoga, then at the Prince of Wales and Bismarck.

Lexington said slowly: "Let's end it quickly, we should go back, we have been out for three days."

As soon as Lexington said this, Changchun, with its missiles ready, aimed its guns at the deep-sea flagship battleships, battlecruisers, and even light cruisers. The torpedoes were ready for Lingbo, and all attacks opened fire.

Covering the sky and enjoying such an honor, Akagi Kaga of the Deep Sea has no other choice but to sink. Of course, if the human admiral is present and sees Kaga of Akagi of the Deep Sea, he will still have the idea of ​​defecting to the enemy.

After all, the plump and sexy two big white legs are more than just playing for years, playing for a lifetime, and willing to lick for a lifetime.

The war is finally over, and the tutelary mansion can spend another year or two in peace.

This is what everyone present thinks.

There is no way to clean up the deep sea completely. Every once in a while, a deep sea flagship with a fixed sea area will always be born, and the birth of a deep sea flagship means that there will be countless battles.

Ordinary deep-sea ships appeared in large numbers with the appearance of deep-sea flagships, and this rule was even more standard than the human year-round.

"What a boring battle!"

Missouri cried out unwillingly, this battle is indeed boring, although she is excited to face the deep-sea flagship, but what kind of deep-sea flagship is this?What about the powerful shelling, terrifying armor, and intensive firepower?
It was agreed to fight hard and suffer heavy casualties, but in the end, we will unite as one and break through the difficulties?Or, everyone agreed to be incompetent, and she grew up as a guided missile cruiser in Missouri, and she taught how to be a human being?
Not at all!
Compared with many times, fighting ordinary deep-sea ships is still boring. Since the deep-sea aircraft carrier is stupid, all the carrier-based aircraft have been sent to fight with Saratoga's aircraft carrier formation. Since the first shot was fired in Changchun, this battle has won The negative balance has completely tilted to their side.

In the classic battle where ants killed elephants, she actually ended the whole process of Missouri with only one round of shelling, not to mention the last round, and the last round of attacking the deep-sea flagship completely lacked her.

This is just the thought of one person in Missouri. Everyone else has joined the tutelary fort for a long time, and they are just rejoicing that the tutelary fort was protected again, and there were not many casualties among them.

At the position of the flagship in the deep sea, the thick black smoke dissipated, and a little bit of starlight gathered again.

Careful Lexington was the first to see the situation, and dragged Sukhbaatar, who was hugging his lap like a koala, and walked over.

The stars finally converged into a girl with a delicate face.

A head of soft white hair, without the slightest old-fashioned, delicate face, looked at everyone curiously.

Long black stockings, white short skirt, and a black jacket on the upper body, the girl is tightly wrapped, and a handsome bald eagle stands on her shoulder.

"็ Hello Who are you?"

"The first ship of the Essex-class aircraft carrier, Essex!"

"elder sister?"

CV-16, who had been eating melons by the side, yelled out.

 Chapter 2 Ten o'clock
(End of this chapter)

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