Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 415 Akagi Beast Super Evolved Vixen

Chapter 415 Akagi Beast Super Evolved Vixen


This was a long time after Lu Yanzhi and others left Haikou City.

To be honest, with so many people around, Lu Yanzhi really didn't feel bored.

Enjoy the prestige caring service, tease Tirpitz, or flirt with Missouri, or give Chicheng a play.

Relatively speaking, only the Prince of Wales is more difficult to get along with.

This is mainly due to the Prince of Wales' character, majesty, and pressure to be together.

On this day, after Lu Yanzhi and Shengwang had a good time in bed, the two were talking about love.

"Master, you should spend more time with the Prince of Wales. Since you brought the Prince of Wales out, but you are still in the tutelary mansion as usual, the Prince of Wales himself will be sad."


Lu Yanzhi shook his head and smiled wryly. If possible, of course he also wanted to get close to the Prince of Wales, but...


"The master doesn't know how to communicate with the Prince of Wales?"

As a personal maid, she is as careful as a hair, and can easily see through Lu Yanzhi's thoughts.

"Nothing can be hidden from you."

Lu Yanzhi smiled lightly, and then said: "I will try to communicate with the Prince of Wales tomorrow, don't worry."

Shengfu said again: "Master, although the Prince of Wales looks very serious, but if she is just a ship girl, if the admiral can take the initiative to get close, then she will definitely open her heart to you."


Lu Yanzhi nodded, and then continued to hug Shengfu tightly, and he should not be too comfortable hugging his plump figure.


At about five o'clock in the morning, Lu Yanshi was awakened by a loud noise.

"Hurry up, there is a deep-sea flagship!"

"Deep sea flagship?"

Lu Yanshi sat up abruptly from the bed.

"Prestige, did you hear? Is there a deep-sea flagship?"

Just as he was talking, the door of the room was pushed open, and Missouri and others rushed in.

"Admiral, are you alright?"

Akagi asked urgently.

To appease his own ship's mother, Lu Yanzhi asked again: "What's the situation, is there really a deep-sea flagship?"

"Helena has already gone out to investigate. There have been no deep-sea flagships in this sea area for more than ten years. It should be impossible."

Chicheng seemed to have awakened the soul of memory, and took out the momentum of the flagship.

"Admiral, even if it's not a deep-sea flagship, there may be many passenger ships with insufficient protection capabilities. We may need to provide some help."

"Of course!"

Lu Yanzhi took it for granted.

"Where is the captain, let's find the captain."

In the captain's room, Lu Yanzhi found the captain of the passenger ship who was roaring angrily.

"Damn it, Tennessee and the others quickly dealt with the enemy. This ship has been traveling for more than ten years, and there has never been an accident!"

"Mr. Captain, it looks like you need my help."

Lu Yanzhi walked out with a smile.

"who are you?"

"I'm an admiral in Haikou City, and I happened to bring a few powerful ship girls with me this time."

Lu Yanzhi smiled and said, "The ship girls who can bring up dark clouds and storms are generally not weak, and you can't be reliable just by relying on the old ship girls on your ship."

The captain nodded, and then said: "Since it is Mr. Admiral, please help me."

In this world, because of the deep-sea ship girl, the admiral is always the mainstay. Compared with ordinary people in the interior, they who often walk on the sea can understand the admiral's strength better.

"Don't worry, leave it to us!"

Lu Yanzhi nodded, and then walked out of the captain's room with Chicheng and others.

Just in time, Helena came in from the outside.

"Admiral, there is no deep-sea flagship, just four high-level battleships, plus two high-level light aircraft carriers."


Lu Yanzhi turned his head to look at Chicheng and the others: "Is there any problem? Is there any danger?"

"The danger is certain. It is approaching dawn. I have a tactic. If handled properly, the danger should be minimized."


"Yes, Admiral, Tennessee, the escort of the passenger ship, is now attracting the firepower of the deep sea. Facing this group of irrational monsters, if we sneak around and attack, my bomber should have a miraculous effect."

After finishing speaking, Chicheng spread his hands again: "Of course, the premise is that you will give me absolute command power, admiral."



The Prince of Wales immediately retorted: "Give me the flagship, and my command will allow everyone to hit the attack."

"Prince of Wales, you should still be in position three."

Lu Yanzhi said that he chose to believe in Chicheng, mainly because he suddenly remembered that in the game, Chicheng's growth skills, surprise attacks, reduce the enemy's air defense strength, so even if he only has an aircraft carrier in Chicheng, he is willing to choose to try.

After all, how powerful Chicheng is when he grows up, and, speaking of it, the relatively younger Chicheng is cuter.

Lu Yanzhi made a final decision, and the others didn't say anything.

Having experienced such things several times, Lu Yanshi is not too worried about the safety of Chicheng and the others.

At sea, Chicheng was the flagship, leading a few ship girls into the water from the stern under the dim moonlight.

The rising fog on the sea will definitely have a great impact on the ship girl's attack hit rate.

Chicheng seemed to see the worries of the few people, and said lightly: "The morning sun will disperse the thick fog for us. It is now 05:30 in the morning, and the sun is about to rise."

Tirpitz said to himself beside him: "The sun will rise as usual, isn't this a glorious line?"

"Tirpitz, shut up, you bastard!"

Chicheng looked at Tirpitz speechlessly, Fulin thought of such a passage in his heart, but suddenly lost his composure.

Everything is as Chicheng said, when it reaches the back of the deep sea ship, the first rays of sunlight cast on the sea surface, and the fog rises and dissipates.

"It's now!"

Akagi thought so, and then commanded his own carrier-based aircraft to take off silently.



Accompanied by the flames soaring into the sky, before Shen Hai could even react, two exploded at once.

"Why is your damage so high?"

The Prince of Wales looked at Chicheng in disbelief. She and Saratoga and others had attacked so many times, and Saratoga's bombing effect was not so strong.

Akagi chuckled: "Maybe it's the effect of that little guy who suddenly appeared in the hangar!"


The Prince of Wales was about to ask again, but Chicheng shook his head: "It's time for you to attack, let's make it quick!"

Akagi was unwilling to say that the Prince of Wales could only suppress the doubts in his heart, and then manipulated his fort to prepare to attack.

"Missouri, you attack the deep-sea battleship in position three, Prince of Wales, you and Tirpitz attack the deep-sea battleship in position four."

As the eldest sister of the Japanese family, Akagi has absolutely rich experience as the flagship. Moreover, in the history of the old world, she also led troops to attack Pearl Air.

"As for the two light aircraft carriers, the armor is not high, so they can be easily dealt with."

Everyone obeyed Chicheng's words and looked at the enemy in front of them. No one noticed that the image of Chicheng standing in the distance had undergone earth-shaking changes!
 Two thousand words, sorry!
(End of this chapter)

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