Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 416 If the sunset can stay forever

Chapter 416 If the sunset can stay forever

Squeeze the face, rub it, rub it, touch the ears like a fox.The ears trembled unnaturally.

Akagi grew up and became a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl with a childlike face and big breasts.

She was obviously a Japanese big sister, but she turned out to be even smaller. Lu Yanzhi thought amusedly: Like VV, most big sisters should be the face of a girly loli?


Lu Yanzhi shook his head again, correcting his mistake, the gap between Chicheng and Veneto is not so big.

Let's talk about height first, Veneto can't keep up with Akagi even if he flatters him.

emm, in terms of figure, sorry, washboard vv, Akagi feels 36D.

Hei Changzhi, a big cheongsam, a small face with melon seeds, and fox ears, um, no, Chicheng should give her a ring.

Sitting in the corner, Tirpitz suddenly couldn't help laughing.

"If the ship girl grows not only bigger, but also smaller, will Veneto commit suicide by jumping into the sea?"

"Jumping into the sea is definitely not possible, but it should be possible to vent to the deep-sea flagship."

Missouri is also sitting on malicious speculation, and has lived in the town guard's mansion for a long time. As a master who likes to watch the excitement, she knows the gossip in the town guard's mansion clearly.

Naturally, he knew about Veneto's knot problem, but it happened that Veneto himself was a fan of the authorities, and he didn't realize where his knot was.

The Prince of Wales is still sitting upright, guarding the mansion. When Bismarck was growing up, she was moved, and when Tirpitz was growing up, she was a little incredulous. Such is her personality, and she really can't say anything about her concern for other people.

Standing next to the Prince of Wales, Shengfu kept winking at Lu Yanzhi.

After thinking about it, Lu Yanzhi bit the bullet and walked to the side of the Prince of Wales: "Prince of Wales, go out with me for a walk, I want to go to the captain to see if there is any loss."

The Prince of Wales was taken aback for a moment, and then he was very happy, but his face remained calm: "Okay!"

As long as she joins the tutelary mansion, there is no ship girl who does not want to be cared by the admiral. This is what the admiral said. I don't care about it here, but it is very reasonable.

When I was guarding the mansion, no matter what I lacked or wanted, I never took the initiative to mention it to the admiral, and I always countered in the end.

The contact with the admiral became less and less, and the Prince of Wales found that he was less and less in contact with people.

It's not easy to get in touch with three-none girls, but think about it, whether it's CV-16 or the newly joined Essex in the tutelary mansion, there is no pressure to communicate with the admiral, but it's just me, is it because I'm too indifferent?Or is it too serious?When I saw the admiral, I hardly knew what to say.

The Prince of Wales also wanted to change this situation. As Bismarck's deadly enemy, she watched Bismarck use the name of training the admiral to stay with the admiral for a few hours, and she was also jealous.

"I also need to go!"

Tirpitz will definitely not take the initiative to walk around, and Chicheng has a character that likes to be quiet and does not like to move. Not to mention, she wants Lu Yanzhi to accompany the Prince of Wales alone, so the talking , could only be Missouri.

As soon as the words fell, both the Prince of Wales and the prestige glared at her.Lu Yan realized that it was okay, he thought, if there were wingmen like Missouri, he and the Prince of Wales would not be too embarrassed.

Looking at the Prince of Wales and his prestige, Missouri waved his hand nonchalantly: "I almost forgot, I'm not with you, even if I'm going somewhere, I don't need to report to you."

After all, Missouri chuckled, then passed Lu Yanzhi, the Prince of Wales, and walked out of the guest room first.

Shaking his head, Lu Yanzhi came out with the Prince of Wales.

On deck, the sailors lighted their losses, and the captain stood at the bow, his face somber.

Lu Yanzhi and the Prince of Wales wandered aimlessly on the deck slowly, like siblings.

Walking around on the deck, Lu Yanzhi scratched his head, thinking that it would be impossible to go on like this.

So, I mustered up the courage to say something.

The Prince of Wales glanced over faintly, and Lu Yanzhi let go of his aura, but he didn't know what to say.


The Prince of Wales suddenly stopped: "It doesn't matter if you don't have anything to say, it's good to be able to walk quietly with the admiral."

"The Prince of Wales..."

Lu Yanzhi's breathing was stagnant, and a certain thread in his heart was touched.

No matter how powerful a woman is, she is just a woman, and there will always be a softness in her heart, not to mention that the Prince of Wales is a daughter-in-law, who loves truth, kindness and beauty. Compared with ordinary people, those strong women who suppress their feelings, they are eager for feelings.

"Just die!"

Lu Yanzhi took a deep breath, his heart twitched, his brain twitched, and he held the hand of the Prince of Wales. The Prince of Wales looked at him with burning eyes, making his scalp numb.

If it is Lexington and Saratoga, they will definitely smile shyly, and then fold their hands and snuggle in their arms. Even Bismarck will probably blush and struggle a bit, but this is Wales. The prince, without shyness or struggle, just looked at him quietly.


He couldn't stand the gaze of the Prince of Wales, but Lu Yanzhi still didn't let go.

"Suddenly, it feels more like a couple walking hand in hand."

After all, Lu Yanzhi did not look at the Prince of Wales, and walked ahead holding the Prince of Wales' hand.

"It's a joke to say that I'm sworn to you. You're not like Tennessee."

"Hey, it's too greedy, but, in fact, if the Prince of Wales smiles often, or, don't always act so strong..."


Hearing what the Prince of Wales said, Lu Yanzhi laughed at himself: "It's true that I'm a bit machismo, but to be honest, I can't match the ability of anyone in the tutelary, so I'm actually not too macho. "

"What I mean is, Prince of Wales, if you can show your weak side occasionally and don't be so strong, I won't be under pressure when I'm with you."

The Prince of Wales said in disbelief: "Is there still pressure to be with your own wife?"

"It's okay to be with Lexington and the others, but when I'm with you, I always feel that you are like my former high school dean, unsmiling."

"Because when they are with Lexington and the others, they will show the attitude of little daughters. Anyway, with them, there is no pressure."

"The little daughter's attitude?"

The Prince of Wales sneered, she is the Prince of Wales, if she shows the posture of a little daughter, is she still the real Prince of Wales?
Even if he likes the admiral, he will not change his character because of the admiral, this is the Prince of Wales!
"That's true!"

Lu Yanzhi couldn't help laughing. The words of the Prince of Wales made him realize that every ship girl is a real person. If for the sake of the admiral's feelings, all of them showed their little daughters when they met the admiral, then apart from the difference in appearance, what is the difference with the robot? the difference.

"Perhaps the Prince of Wales should!"

Lu Yanzhi thought to himself.

"The sunset at sea is much more beautiful than that on land."

Watching the sunset, Lu Yanzhi suddenly had an idea, or rather, a momentary impulse.

"Anyway, I've already died once, and I'm not afraid of doing it again."

On the deck at the stern, Lu Yanzhi directed the Prince of Wales to stand in front, then opened his arms, and gently wrapped his arms around the waist of the Prince of Wales from behind.

The love between Jack and Rousi is short and great, but this scene has been imitated by countless lovers.

There is no other reason, James Cameron is indeed a master, and the shooting of this scene is indeed artistic.

The Prince of Wales is like a puppet. After all, she is still not used to doing these relatively intimate things with the admiral.

The sunset bloomed with the last ray of afterglow, and the sunset glow put a layer of glow on the Prince of Wales.

Feeling that the two of them had maintained this posture for several minutes, the Prince of Wales said with difficulty: "Admiral, isn't it over yet?"


Lu Yanzhi shook his head and smiled bitterly, Prince of Wales, if I am a straight man who is improving, then you are definitely a straight girl of steel.

Viewed from the sidelines, though, the Prince of Wales' look back was more fitting.

The two who were still slightly apart, because the Prince of Wales turned his head, the physical contact became tighter, as if the Prince of Wales was snuggling in Lu Yanshi's arms, and the action of the Prince of Wales looking back at Lu Yanshi was more like a couple. The look of the stare.


The sound of the camera shutter waking them up!
Missouri stepped out from behind a nearby container, swaying the photo in one hand.

"After following the two of you for so long, I finally took a suitable photo. The two of you are really free, and walked for an entire afternoon!"

 The state is not good, the pulsation is useless, and it is still less than three thousand, ashamed!

  Also, if you think it's unreasonable for the ship's mother to appear, you can go to the young gourd. Pfft, how could I know something that Newton couldn't explain clearly.

  There are not many book friends, I will definitely manage it well, but if I come to seek the truth, I will send it off to you, if I know the truth, what kind of novels should I write?

(End of this chapter)

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