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Chapter 104 I May Be Your Sister-in-law

Chapter 104 I May Be Your Sister-in-law

[Secret Chat] [Gu Yu Ze'an] Where are you?
[Secret Chat] [A Temple of Spring River Water] at the gate of the main city.

Not long after the words were sent, Gu Yu Ze'an's figure appeared not far from him.

He came directly in front of Lu Xi Temple.

[Secret chat] [Gu Yu Ze'an] Let's go!I'll take you in.

Lu Xici was taken aback, did he come here specially to follow him to the battlefield?

But at this time, Luxi Temple had the slightest thought of not wanting to go.

I don't know if it's because I don't want to see the world or if I'm afraid of staying in Qingcheng.

[Secret Chat] [Gu Yu Ze'an] Why are you in a daze.let's go!You should witness victory in this battle.

Should she witness victory in this battle?

Those unrealistic thoughts in my mind disappeared in an instant.

Lu Xici followed Gu Yu Ze'an until he entered the battlefield.

The gang battle is actually quite simple, that is, the two gangs stay on two hills, and there is a river in the middle of the hill, which is a middle line separating the hills.And what Lu Xici and the others have to do is to capture the opposite Liu Lingren's hill while defending their own hill. As long as they finally pull down the flag on the hill, they will win.

If someone is killed in the middle, you have to go back to the resurrection point on the top of your own mountain to start again.

This is still on the premise that there is a nanny to save him. If there is no nanny willing to save him, he can lie obediently in the place of death!

After entering the battlefield, they are divided into red and blue sides.

And Qingcheng happened to be the red side.Then the world of competition is naturally Lan Fang.

There was no communication between the two of them once they entered the battlefield.

Because Gu and Ze'an went to arrange tactics.Who should be sent to guard the mountain and who should be sent to charge.

While watching Gu Yuze'an's formation, Lu Xici unexpectedly found a familiar figure in the crowd.

Bloody Haze is here too.

Could it be that Scarlet Jiangnan is here at this time!

But after Lu Xici thought about it later, it was unlikely.

Scarlet Jiangnan is the leader of the Scarlet Crusade.How could it be possible to give up the position of the leader and come here to help by himself.

[Secret chat] [Bloody hazy] Hello, Xiaoci, I'm right next to you.

[Secret Chat] [A Temple of Spring River] Well?I've already seen you.

[Secret chat] [Blood hazy] I never imagined that one day I would be able to join Qingcheng to help Gu and Ze'an guard his gang.

Yes!The blood is hazy, but do you like Gu Yu Ze'an?

[Secret Chat] [A Temple of Spring River Water] Then you have to take advantage of this opportunity this time.Maybe the next opportunity does not know where to go.

[Secret chat] [Bloody hazy] If I stayed in Qingcheng on a whim, wouldn't I be able to see Gu Yu Ze'an every day? Do you think I'm very witty?

【Secret Chat】【A Temple of Spring River】.
[Secret Chat] [A Temple of Spring River] is indeed quite witty.

[Secret chat] [Blood hazy] No!I even forgot that there is still an improper relationship between you and Gu Yuze'an.He disclosed that you are the future wife of the gang leader in Qingcheng.Do you think I have fallen out of love before I started to fall in love?

[Secret Chat] [A Temple of Spring River] Hey!Don't worry!I will not be the wife of the leader of Qingcheng.

It is possible that she will become your sister-in-law.

It's just that she didn't dare to say the last sentence.

The two women just chatted in the secret chat channel.

(End of this chapter)

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