Chapter 105 Shout out
Gu and Ze'an on the other side have basically already made arrangements.

The nine-tailed fox is not a goblin, and is responsible for protecting the flag on his side from being captured by the opponent.

Young Master Qinghan was in charge of guarding the line of defense by the river.

Gu Yu Ze'an and Aunt Mengmian were in charge of leading people to capture the other side's mountain.

What about the Luxi Temple?
Lu Xici had no idea what he should do at this time.

But at this time, if you ask Gu Yuze'an, you probably won't get any answer.

Don't interrupt his command at this time.

Lu Xi Temple was standing among the crowd, and saw that the originally dense crowd quickly dispersed into three teams.

This scene looked quite spectacular.

Looking from the direction of Luxi Temple to the opposite side, you can clearly see the densely packed people on the other side, which should be even worse than them.

come on!Gu Yu Zean.

Lu Xici silently cheered them up from the bottom of her heart.

Gu Yu Ze'an led Auntie Mengmian to make preparations.Some people!Even if he was thrown into the crowd, he could still be recognized at a glance, and the same is true for Gu Yu Ze'an now.

There were so many people standing together, but Lu Xici could easily see him with the aura of the protagonist at a glance.

Gu Yu Zean stopped in the middle of the walk.

Then Lu Xi Temple received the message he sent to himself.

[Secret Chat] [Gu Yu Ze'an] Protect yourself well and wait for me to come back.

Lu Xici tightened his grip on the mouse.

Wanting to answer something, typed a lot of words one after another, but deleted them back and forth.

In the end, I could only watch him go further and further away within my line of sight.

It's okay, I know he will win anyway.

When he told her to wait for him, he was really waiting for him.

Both sides fight.There are some people who are desperately working on the battlefield, and there are bound to be some people who are shamelessly fanning the flames.

Just like the current Yuchi Yufei.

Lan Fang: Yuchi Yufei: Only this few people from Qingcheng came to capture our mountain top, I'm afraid it's a bit whimsical!

Lan Fang: Yuchi Yufei: I thought there was something special about being number one in the whole server, but it turned out to be nothing more than that.

Red Fang: Jinse Liuguang: How can I talk so much about you as a woman? When the time comes, I will be the first to rush up and hit you first.

Lan Fang: Yuchi Yufei: Come here if you have the ability!Don't just talk but don't do it there, you are so weak.

Red Fang: Jinse Liuguang: Who do you think is too weak?you bitch.

Lan Fang: Yuchi Yufei: You're a bitch, but I'm not.

Blue Fang: Yuchi Yufei: The flag is right next to me, come up if you have the ability, and see how our people who compete in the world defeated you Qingcheng step by step.

Red Fang: Jinse Liuguang: Zhulu Tianxia, ​​which used to be such a good gang, is now completely ruined in your hands.

Lan Fang: Yuchi Yufei: It should be your Qingcheng who destroyed it!
Hong Fang: Heart pounding: Forget about Liu Guang, what else do you have to say to such a lowly woman.After a while, if you meet him, you will fight directly to death.

Red Fang: Bloody hazy: Even I can't stand it anymore.Why are you so angry, woman?

I didn't expect that Scarlet Crusaders would also be in the Guild of Liu Lingren opposite after Bloody Misty said such a thing.

It's embarrassing when the two sides meet now.

Blue Fang: Bloody Beloved: Huh!Hazy, how could you be on the opposite side.

Blue Fang: Scarlet Xiaguang: Exactly!How did you get to Qingcheng?

(End of this chapter)

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