Full server counterattack

Chapter 106 Fighting side by side with you

Chapter 106 Fighting side by side with you
Red Fang: Blood-colored hazy: What's the matter, you are allowed to spend money to invite people who compete in the world, but Qingcheng is not allowed to spend money to invite us?

The crowd reacted.

Both gangs borrowed from the Scarlet Crusade respectively.

But the method of borrowing is different.

Blue Fang: Scarlet Ocean: At that moment, when we met other friends on the opposite side, should we fight or not!
Lan Fang: Yuchi Yufei: Nonsense, aren’t you sick?Of course it is a fight!And beat hard to death.Don't you forget that at least you are still competing in the world.Your purpose is to capture each other.

Red Fang: The blood is hazy: Then do as that bitch said!Anyway, in the end it is you who lose.

Lu Xici looked at the few people who were arguing on the battlefield speechlessly.

Why!This can make you argue for a long time.

At this moment, who would have thought that Yuchi Yufei would directly target Lu Xici.

Lan Fang: Yuchi Yufei: Where is the water from the Spring River?Could it be that he was hiding somewhere at this time?Is it possible to make some progress?

Lu Xici was quite angry when he saw this message from Yuchi Yufei!

When she was about to fight back, someone had already helped her fight back.

Red Fang: Gu Yuze'an: She just needs to stay behind me, and I will help her solve the obstacles in front of her.

Red Fang: Gu Yu Ze'an: My woman doesn't need to go out to fight.

Gu Yuze'an's domineering response directly won the support of many people present.

Red Fang: Mengmian Auntie: As expected of my gang leader in Qingcheng, what I say is much higher than your level.

Red Fang: Jinse Liuguang: The gang leader is the pride of Qingcheng.

Red Fang: Bloody hazy: Hmph!Obviously I like you too!Why is there no such good treatment.

Blue Fang: Scarlet Ocean: Misty, why don't you come over to our side now.

Red Fang: Bloody hazy: What a fart!Compared with what Gu Yuzean said, I want to deal with this woman Yuchi Yufei more now.

Blue Fang: Yuchi Yufei: A temple of spring river water, if you have the ability, come out and challenge me.

Red Fang: You are my queen: Ouch, you still want to fight Xiaoci with this strength, so don't lose so badly and cry miserably.

Everyone was talking there all the time, but the other main character of the incident didn't speak.

That is Luxi Temple.

Red Fang: A Temple of Spring River Water: Okay, you just stand there.I will personally pull down that flag by your side.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was surprised.

Even Gu Yu Ze'an didn't dare to say such big words.

After Lu Xici said this, isn't he just bragging?

Red Fang: Bloody hazy: Xiaoci, you must not be provoked by that woman, let's not be brave.

Hongfang: Yici Chunjiangshui: I am not joking, I am very serious in saying this.

Lu Xici looked at the people on the opposite side, looking at the people standing nearby who were getting ready.

Some were found by her, and some were found by Gu Yu Ze'an himself.

They all have one purpose, which is to defend Qingcheng.

What Gu Yu Zean said.

She just needs to stay behind me, and I will solve the obstacles in front of her for her.

My woman doesn't need to go out and fight.

Lu Xici thought for a while, and replied in front of everyone.

Red Fang: Yici Chunjiangshui: My men are all No. [-] in the whole server, so naturally I can't be so weak.It's more than enough to clean you up.

The latter sentence was addressed to Gu Yu Ze'an.

Red Fang: Yici Chunjiangshui: What I want to do is to fight side by side with you and protect the Qingcheng that you cherish and fight against the opponent for me.

(End of this chapter)

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