Full server counterattack

Chapter 111 She Marries Me

Chapter 111 She Marries Me
Red Fang: Yici Chunjiangshui: You gave up the whole world for a woman.Lost people's hearts, even if they are reluctant to keep them, in the end, they will just go to the sky.

Lan Fang: Liu Lingren: This is the end of the matter, what more can I say?

Lu Xi Temple walked to the side of the flag, clicked directly and pulled up the flag.

Qingcheng won a big victory in this gang battle with Zhulu Tianxia.

Everyone withdrew from the battlefield.

At this time, the members of the Scarlet Crusade who should leave also left.

The back of Liu Lingren standing there alone looks a little lonely.

Then a person left the main city.

No one knows whether he will stay in the game or leave next.

When Lu Xici was also about to leave, who knew that Yuchi Yufei, who played the most scenes at this time, started to make trouble in the world again.

[World] [Yuchi Yufei] Bloody Jiangnan, you got the hell out of here.

not for a while.Scarlet Jiangnan replied to her words in the world.

[World] [Scarlet Jiangnan] I don't know what's wrong with you calling me Master!

[World] [Yuchi Yufei] You have already lent people to our guild, why did you lend them to Qingcheng again.

[World] [Scarlet Jiangnan] That's right!I lent people to you, but I didn't promise not to lend them to others.I was originally a businessman, since there is a business I can do, why don't I make money.

[World] [Yuchi Yufei] I really want to know what benefits Qingcheng has given you, allowing you to lend so many people, tell me!How much did Qingcheng pay you?

[World] [Scarlet Jiangnan] Talking about money is so vulgar!The reward given by Qingcheng!That is worth more than money.

Seeing these words from Scarlet Jiangnan, Lu Xici was startled.Is he going to say it at this time!
Lu Xi Temple hastily sent a message to Scarlet Jiangnan.

[Secret Chat] [A Temple of Spring River Water] You don't mean to talk about this at this time, do you?
Wouldn't everyone in the whole server know it?

[Secret chat] [Scarlet Jiangnan] Anyway, even if they knew it earlier or later, anyway, Qingcheng won, and your result is destined to marry me.

[Secret Chat] [A Temple of Spring River Water] Can you stop talking at this time.

[Secret Chat] [Scarlet Jiangnan] It's late, no one can stop me from doing what I want to do.

Lu Xici's whole nerves were tense, and his eyes were fixed on the computer screen.

I'm afraid Scarlet Jiangnan will say it in the next link.

[World] [Yuchi Yufei] Then just say it!What is Qingcheng's reward for you, just let us have a look.

At this moment, someone in front of the computer was also staring at the computer screen. He didn't invite the Scarlet Crusade, but he didn't know who did it.

He also wondered what the reward was.

[World] [Scarlet Jiangnan] Remuneration!The reward is a temple of spring river water to marry me.

Lu Xici still sighed deeply.

At this time, he still said it without hesitation.

But this caused an uproar in the world.

[World] [Young Master Qinghan] You said Yici Chunjiangshui agreed to marry you, and then you borrowed someone from Qingcheng, isn't that the one she borrowed from you?
[World] [Aunt Meng Mian] Oh my god!What is the situation now.

[World] [Poison] This plot also reversed quite quickly!

[World] [Seven points of rogue spirit] must have been coerced by Scarlet Jiangnan.

(End of this chapter)

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