Chapter 112
[World] [Scarlet Jiangnan] You are really right, because I just want her to marry me.

Lu Xici looked at Scarlet Jiangnan's answer, it wasn't what he said it was!Originally, Lu Xi Temple voluntarily.But what Scarlet Jiangnan said was intended to protect her!
[World] [Yuchi Yufei] I never imagined that you are such a woman, so casual.

[World] [Scarlet Jiangnan] Yuchi Yufei, you'd better keep your mouth clean. It's not your turn to talk about the matter between me and her. Anyway, the competition is going to be disbanded soon, why don't you go back and be with her soon? Your family is from Liu Ling.

[World] [Scarlet Jiangnan] By the way, I seem to have forgotten one thing, now that Liu Lingren is gone, and Zhulu Tianxia is closed, you should not have to worry about finding a spare tire!After all, it hasn't been a day or two since you gave Liu Lingren a cuckold in the game.

As soon as these words came out, there was another sigh.

This is a lot of information!
[World] [Yuchi Yufei] Scarlet Jiangnan.I'm telling you, don't spout blood, and don't talk nonsense without evidence.

[World] [Scarlet Jiangnan] Is that right?You want evidence!Then do you need me to post a post and mark it, and by the way, the person you hooked up with happened to be my friend, unfortunately, I keep all the chat records?
Now Liu Lingren really lost all his money, not only his own gang was gone, but even the person he had always favored had given him a cuckold for who knows how long.

Now Ziwei Chi Yufei had nothing to say, and left in despair.

Luxi Temple felt that it was really satisfying.Just when I was about to say thank you to Scarlet Jiangnan.

Someone has already chatted with her.

But this person is Gu Yu Zean.

[Secret chat] [Gu Yuze'an] Do you feel that you need to explain to me.

【Secret Chat】【A Temple of Spring River Water】What do you mean?
[Secret Chat] [Gu Yu Ze'an] Tell yourself why you went to Scarlet Jiangnan.

[Secret Chat] [One Temple of Spring River] I thought that there were many people in their gang, and Liu Ling recruited experts on a large scale. I was afraid that Qingcheng would lose.

[Secret Chat] [Gu Yu Ze'an] So you went to Scarlet Jiangnan.

[Secret chat] [Yici Chunjiangshui] Yes, I was afraid that you would lose, and I was afraid that Qingcheng would be disbanded, so I went to him, and agreed to the borrower on the condition that I marry him.It's just a marriage in the game, not in reality, why are you so excited.

The other side didn't answer for a while, and Lu Xici thought he couldn't speak anymore.

Who knows when she was about to leave.

I saw what he said again.

[Secret chat] [Gu Yuze'an] Did I ever say that I need your help?Qingcheng is mine, not yours. I'm afraid you are meddling in your own business.

Lu Xici stared at Gu Yuze'an's words in a daze.

So in his eyes, doing so many bed attendants is meddling in his own business?

Lu Xici also replied to him without hesitation.

[Secret Chat] [A Temple of Spring River] Is that right?I was meddling.Now that I have taken care of everything, there is no other way now, so I don't need to meddle in my own affairs. I can marry whoever I like.

After typing this sentence, I clicked send and Lu Xici quit the game directly.

She was really going to be mad at her, it was all because of Qingcheng!Seeing Gu Yu Ze'an's tugging, Lu Xici will be angry, you'd better drink your saliva and be choked, hum!

(End of this chapter)

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