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Chapter 189 Love Says It Out Loud

Chapter 189 Love Says It Out Loud

Gu Yin bit her chopsticks, and almost bit her tongue when she heard what Lu Xici said.

"Actually, I'm not surprised to hear you say that."

"Then why are you so surprised that you almost bit your tongue?"

"It's just that it's too fast. I thought you still have a while to discover this problem or say this sentence."

Lu Xici kept silent, and Gu Yin looked at her.

"Actually, it's not normal for unmarried men and women to be together, let alone people like you who live under the same roof without looking up. If you spend more time together, sparks will inevitably spark. !"

"But he's a bit too good, and he's the big boss of the company." Moreover, what Jian Luo said before, Lu Xici still remembers in his heart until now, it's best not to fall in love with him.

But Lu Xici gradually got used to Jian Luo's words and enlightenment when she was confused.When she was hungry, he would quietly leave her fried rice with eggs, and he would also laugh, and Jian Luo looked even more beautiful when he smiled, and he would fight with Lucy Temple like an ordinary person, just like Good friends who have known each other for a long time, without any scruples.

But I just don't know if Jian Luo has a liking for Lu Xi Temple in the middle of it.

Lu Xici lost her mind, Gu Yin took chopsticks and tapped on the bowl in front of her to pull back Lu Xici's sight.

"Hmm, what's up."

"If I don't call you back, you don't even know where you have sent it."


"You think Jian Luo is too good, but why don't you look at yourself? In our eyes, you are also very good, okay? You also have obvious advantages in appearance. In terms of academics, you are the first in the school, and you get scholarships every year. Family In fact, your father also runs a company, so you still think you are not good enough for Jian Luo in any aspect."

Lu Xici knew this too!
"But what you're talking about are all external, visible things. I don't mean external conditions, but ideological. I always feel that he seems to be a woman. I don't know if it's a woman. His sixth sense is too strong, I always feel that he has someone he likes, and that person is definitely not me."

"Does Jian Luo have a girlfriend? If there is a girlfriend, then let's look at the others, don't hang yourself on a tree." Such a thing as stealing a boyfriend, Gu Yin will not instigate Lu Xici to go to death if he is killed. dry.

Lu Xici didn't know if Jian Luo had a girlfriend, anyway, during the limited time Lu Xici spent with him, he didn't see anything unusual about Jian Luo.

"Forget it, forget it, don't think about him, so as not to hurt your nerves, just let it be! Maybe the feeling for him is just a temporary novelty?"

"Don't get deeper and deeper at that time. If you find out that he really doesn't have a girlfriend, love to speak out."

After dinner, Lu Xici took home the packed things for Jian Luo.

It was still warm when we got home.

The living room was dark, but when Lu Xici walked past the yard just now, he saw that the light in Jian Luo's room was on.

He looked at the thing in his hand, and just took it to him directly.

What if he doesn't accept it?Wouldn't that be embarrassing.

Therefore, Lu Xici came up with a method that he thought was the best of both worlds.

(End of this chapter)

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