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Chapter 190 I Accepted My Things

Chapter 190 I Accepted My Things
He took a post-it note and wrote a few words on it with a pen.

——Freshly packaged, it is still hot, eat it while it is hot!If you have already eaten it, put it in the refrigerator.

Finally, the three big characters of Luxi Temple were signed.

Stick it on the packing pocket, and finally walked to the door of Jian Luo's room, and put the pocket in his hand on the ground.He stretched out his hand and knocked on Jian Luo's door, the three times were similar, and then Lu Xici hurriedly turned around and ran back to his room.

I was so excited about running that I forgot that the door of my room had not been opened yet.With a bang, he was hit directly, and immediately bit his arm, opened the door and got in, closing the door as fast as he could.

Lean your back against the door.

Rub your head.

Then he turned around and leaned against the door to listen, and he really heard the sound of Jian Luo opening the door.

Jian Luo, who was reading materials in the room, heard the knock on the door and knew that it was Lu Xici coming home, but when he opened the door, there was no one in front of him.

To tease him?
The moment Jian Luo was about to close the door, he saw something placed on the ground.

Crouching down, he first pulled up the note and looked at it.

Seeing what Lu Xici wrote, he couldn't help but smile.

Lu Xici leaned against the door and listened for almost 3 minutes.Finally, I heard the sound of Jian Luo closing the door.

What is this doing?It took so long to close the door.Could it be that after eating, he put all the things packed back from Lu Xi Temple into the refrigerator.

Lu Xici gently opened the door and walked to the corridor. Looking at Jian Luo's closed door, when he was about to go downstairs to have a look, he turned around and saw the note pasted on the door of his room.

Why!Isn't this note supposed to be on the wrapping bag?How could he run to the door of his own room.

It must have been posted by Jian Luo.

Lu Xi Temple tore it off and took a look, and saw that there was an extra line of words under the original words written by himself.

——It happened that I was so busy that I haven't had time to cook yet. Thank you for packing.

Signed by Jian Luo.

Lu Xici stood there holding the note and didn't know what was going on in his head.

After about a minute, he entered the room with a note, and closed the door gently again.

Holding the small note in his hand, he stomped happily in the room.

Then jumped onto the bed and rolled around.

He didn't eat, he took what he brought back.Thinking about how Jian Luo might be eating at this time, Lu Xici shyly covered her face with the quilt, and smiled softly.

I didn't expect that one day I would be so happy because a person accepted my things.

Luxi Temple was as happy as a child.

After the girl was heartbroken for a while, Lu Xici got up and sat down in front of the computer.

Thinking about it, I don’t seem to be playing dungeons recently, and I still go up to play dungeons when I have time now, so as not to be unable to keep up with others’ rhythm.

Lu Xici completed the daily tasks after playing the game.

I am preparing to see if there is any copy that can be played.

It was at this time that the message was received.

one look.The corners of his eyes twitched unconsciously.

[Secret Chat] [Seventh Brother's Sorrow] Why is Zui Huayin not online.

How did Gu Yin know why he didn't get on the line at West Temple?

[Secret Chat] [A Temple of Spring River] Maybe it was too late to sleep.

[Secret Chat] [Seventh Brother's Worrying Sang] Then why are you online.

[Secret Chat] [A Temple of Spring River Water]? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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