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Chapter 397 One Punishment

Chapter 397 Two Punishments
Seeing the two of them coming back, Hua Fairy hurried over.

"Are you all right! Boss Jane's aura is too strong, and I've tried to help hide it as much as possible, but who knew he would appear here in person, and I heard that he went to Group C to find Gu Yin."

Gu Han grabbed Hua Fairy's hand and asked excitedly.

"Jian Luo went to Gu Yin and said something."

"Oh! Why are you so excited when I said you're fine? Those who didn't know thought you were interested in Gu Yin? But I think it's just to ask where you are, but other people in this company saw the news spread differently. , are saying that Boss Jane has something to do with Gu Yin. By the way, gossip about the two of you."

Lu Xici and Gu Han glanced at each other, and they almost didn't dislike each other.

"There's nothing wrong, right! How could Jian Luo and Gu Yin be a couple, and me and Gu Han, goosebumps would rise, I'd better go to work."

Lu Xici sat back in his seat.

Start to do the task assigned by Zhang Ziwei.

Hua Xianzi left the company as soon as the off-duty time came.After a while, only Gu Han and Lu Xici remained there.

As soon as Lu Xici turned her head, she saw Gu Han lying on the table and sleeping.

In the past, I was envious of the life of pigs, eating and sleeping, eating and sleeping.Now he is envious of Gu Han's life.Work efficiency is stable and ruthless, no one cares about sleeping in the company, and the salary is directly paid by the boss himself.

The phone on the table rang.

"I know, I know, I'll come right away."

Seeing that it was Jian Luo who called, Lu Xici woke up the sleepy Gu Han.

The two looked weak and took the elevator to Jian Luo's office floor.

Looking at the elevator door, Lu Xici asked the people around him.

"What method do you think Jian Luo will use to deal with us?"

"Getting rid of them is the best answer."

Gu Han estimated that he could fall asleep standing there.

"Just so you can conclude that he will only deal with me and not you."

While the two were talking, they had reached the floor where Jian Luo was.

The Luxi Temple is ready.

He walked over with his legs.

When Jian Luo was talking to Cheng Lai, he saw two people standing there.

"Okay, this document can be done as I said, and it's time to get off work, so go back first!"

"Okay, Mr. Jane, goodbye."

Cheng Lai greeted Lu Xici and Gu Han kindly when he passed by.

Lu Xici also smiled.

He accidentally saw Jian Luo's darkened face.

"You two come here."

Lu Xici and Gu Han obediently walked over.

Jian Luo sat back on the seat.

He looked at the two people standing in front of him.

"I'll give you two choices now. Either each of you will write a [-] review letter by hand. Go home after writing. Or complete the task I assigned."

"How could this be possible? I haven't written a review paper for five thousand. Let alone five thousand, even five hundred is a difficult thing."

"Then do the task I assigned. What about you, Gu Han?"

"Both refused to do it."

"Gu Yin."

Gu Han didn't expect Jian Luo to learn this trick now, and use Gu Yin whenever he has nothing to do.

The corners of his mouth twitched a few times.

Open your mouth in a low voice.

"Speak! What to do."

So that day, Lu Xici experienced what it means to be a gentleman on the surface, and the real side of the devil beating the boss in the dark.A lot of information was placed in front of Luxi Temple and Gu Han.

"The task of the two of you today is to finish these. Come on!"

(End of this chapter)

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