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Chapter 398 Gu Han's Surprise

Chapter 398 Gu Han's Surprise

After speaking, Jian Luo went straight out of the office.

Lucy looked back at him.

"Then where are you going now? Just leave us like this?"

"I'm not as free as some people. I still have time to play games. After dealing with so many things, I naturally want to eat when I'm hungry."

Simply put, Jian Luo just left Lu Xici and Gu Han to go out to eat delicious food by himself.

"Miss, let's start! You don't want to go home after dark."

Lu Xici sighed, took the materials and sat down on a chair and started to act.

This one went on for several hours.

Gu Han finished before her.


"I've finished all my work. Would you like to do it for me?"

If Gu Han was willing to help her do it, Lu Xici would be very grateful, but after thinking about it carefully, it was arranged by Jian Luo for her, and if Lu Xici was being lazy, I would be sorry for myself.

So he politely rejected Gu Han's request.

"Well, you'd better go back and rest early! I don't have much here. I can go home by myself after a while, and Jian Luo shouldn't just leave me here alone."

Gu Han nodded, took his things and left.

When Luxi Temple saw Gu Han, they all left.The things on the table are neither too much nor too little, and it still takes some time to finish, and her stomach is starting to feel a little hungry.Originally, I played games with Gu Han at noon.

Fortunately, ordering takeaway for Gu Han earlier let Lu Xici know which foods are delicious nearby and which ones are not.

Grab your phone and start picking.

When Gu Han walked to the door, he turned his head to look at Lu Xici who was still working hard, took out his mobile phone and sent Jian Luo a message.Then walk towards the elevator.

Then the phone in his pocket rang.

Jane Luo replied.

"There will be a surprise waiting for you when you arrive at the gate of the company in a while." He said the text message in a low voice.

surprise?In front of the company?
what's the situation.

Gu Han took the elevator all the way to the first floor and walked out of the hall, still thinking about that surprise in his mind from time to time.

When he walked out of the company gate, there were no surprises waiting for him.

It seems that he was played by Jian Luo.

Just when he was about to move on, he just took a few steps.

A familiar voice sounded.

"Gu Han. You haven't come home yet!"

Gu Han was taken aback, then turned around and looked at the person not far behind him.

"Gu Yin, you at this time." In fact, what he wanted to ask was why she was here at this time.

"I forgot something, and I just came back to get it now. I met Mr. Jian on the way just now? I bought a lot of delicious food in big and small bags. I must have bought it for the small shrine. All kinds of envy and hatred!"

"Did you have meal?"

When Gu Yin was talking excitedly, he heard what he said suddenly.


How could Gu Han just let go of the surprise that came to his door?

"I just finished work. I'm so hungry now, if you haven't eaten, let's go together!"

Gu Yin looked at him and suddenly smiled.

"Can I choose crayfish?"

Gu Han was infected by her smile and laughed too.

"It's up to you to choose."

Not long after Gu Yin and Gu Han left together, Jian Luo walked to the office with her things.

As soon as I arrived at the door of the office, I felt an unusual smell.

At first glance, Lu Xici was lying there with his back facing him, as if he was asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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