Chapter 399
When Jian Luo carried her things to the door, she looked at Lucy Temple as if she was asleep.

Earlier, I met Gu Yin at the gate of the company.After the two of them talked a few words, Jian Luo was about to come back, and suddenly remembered that Lu Xici liked to eat meat, and maybe the ones he bought were far from enough to make her happy, so she switched to another place and bought them for Lu Xici. Some meat she likes to eat.

Then when I returned to the company, I lost some time.

In fact, Lu Xici was not asleep at all at this time.

Instead, after hearing the sound of Jian Luo coming home, she immediately lay down on the table, pretending to be asleep.

In fact, she still had a chicken bone in her mouth and didn't have time to throw it away?

The takeaway I ordered earlier was also delivered just now.

Lu Xici was happily eating takeaway chicken legs.

Who knew that Jian Luo would come back so soon, it was a terrible situation.

Lu Xici could only pray that he would not die too badly for a while.

Jian Luo walked in with her things.

The more you go inside, the more you feel something is wrong.

This. There seems to be a different fragrance in the room.

Being smart, he probably guessed it too.

But still pretending to know nothing.

He stood there calmly and put down the things in his hands.

"Xiaoci. Don't sleep, get up and eat, I bought you delicious food."

If Lu Xici looked up at this time, it would directly expose the fact that he was stealing food at work, so he had to find a way to get the chicken bones out of his mouth first.

Seeing that she didn't respond, Jian Luo walked slowly towards her.

Hearing the footsteps, Lu Xici was so dazed that he didn't dare to take a breath.

He quickly spat out the chicken bone in his mouth and looked up at Jian Luo.

"Hey! You're back! Why are you so fast?"

While talking, he pushed the family bucket under his feet under the table.

"Hmm! It's because I'm afraid you'll be hungry, so I thought I'd come back quickly and have a look, and I bought you a lot of delicious food by the way."

Luxi Temple wants to cry but has no tears!

Does she look like the kind of person who would starve herself?
"Then thank you so much!"

"It's okay, there is still a need to say thank you between the two of us, and we don't want to see what the relationship is, right?"

While talking, Jian Luo approached Lu Xici, and finally put his hands on the table, looking directly at Lu Xici who was sitting in front of him.

"Your lipstick looks pretty good today! It's still glowing."

Is it because the oil from eating chicken drumsticks hasn't had time to wipe it off?
Jian Luo moved her nose and sniffed.

"Today's perfume is also good, and there is a faint smell of chicken legs, which makes me almost hungry."

You are right!It tastes like chicken drumsticks.Is the whole family bucket still under her feet now?

"Actually." Lu Xici wanted to confess and be lenient.

But Jian Luo didn't seem to want to give her this chance now, so she turned around and went to get the things she bought.

"At noon, I went to play games with Gu Han and didn't have a good meal. Let's eat more later!"

But the Luxi Temple is almost full now.

Seeing that everything delicious was brought to the table.

Lu Xici felt a dull pain in her stomach.

"That Jian Luo, can we discuss something."

Temporarily stopped the action in the hand.Looking at Luxi Temple.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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