Full server counterattack

Chapter 417 Boundless Coast 5

Chapter 417 Boundless Coast 5
Perhaps no one thought how much I missed dying at this critical moment.

This is where things get a little tricky.

If there is no nanny when playing a dungeon, it is equivalent to losing a life without fighting.

And Jian Luo is facing such a problem at this time.

He can't waste his blood anymore.

Every drop is precious now.

Lu Xici also tried his best to do his best.But after struggling in the sea for a while, there was still nothing to do.

How much I miss the sudden death. A sentence uttered in the team caught the attention of Lu Xici.

[Team] [How much I miss it] It must be the tentacles of the octopus hidden under the water that killed me.

Yes!Why didn't Luxi Temple think of it before?
Wasn't Jian Luo also sent out by the octopus' feet the previous time, and then turned around and ran to the octopus with his own strength to continue fighting?
It should be possible if Lu Xi Temple grasps the timing well.

So Lu Xici really started to look for the octopus' feet in the sea.

When I saw an octopus before, I ran to the side vigorously.Now it has turned into trying to move forward.

After a while, Lu Xi Temple stood at the position where the octopus' feet were in the water.

Just ran there and swam right there.Soon arrived at the place.

All that needs to be waited for now is an opportunity.

An opportunity to help her use this power to go up.

Now, the time has come.

Watching the octopus start to move violently.Lu Xici quickly swam over.

Sure enough, the moment the other party called, Lu Xici immediately jumped out of the water.

My mind quickly filtered through Jian Luo's previous actions.

Probably what it looks like.

Then I tried to press a few skills by myself.

Then gorgeously fell into the water again.Fortunately, it was about to succeed just now, but the last step did not grasp the rhythm before it rolled down.

This time Lu Xici knew what was wrong with him, so he would not make the same mistake as last time.

Jump out of the water again with the strength of the opponent.

This time, Luxi Temple went directly to where Jian Luo was.

In the end, it landed perfectly in front of the opponent.

But this time Jian Luo was not so lucky, because the sudden appearance of Lu Xi Temple blocked his sight.

If one was not careful, Jian Luo fell into the water.

[Team] [Aunt Meng Mian]? ? ?
[Team] [Our Tomorrow] This is rather embarrassing, Mrs. Gang Leader, how much hatred you have with the Gang Leader, and you actually directly kicked our Gang Leader into the water.

[Team] [A Temple of Spring River] Unexpected accident.

The matter in front of him could not allow Lu Xici to talk to them too much in the team.

So she focused her gaze on the monster in front of her, and started to activate her skills.

And Jian Luo who was thrown into the water.Now I'm starting to find a way to get up again.

But at this moment, he changed his direction, instead of going directly to the location where Lu Xi Temple was.

at the same time.Aunt Mengmian also jumped up.

Three people attacked there at the same time, and the blood bar of the big boss was dropping.

They counterattacked successfully and perfectly defeated the boss in front of them.

And this time, our tomorrow.

[Team] [Our Tomorrow] Hey hey hey!I said, shouldn't you wait for me?I am also about to leave the sea and run to your arms.

[Team] [Aunt Meng Mian] Come on!just you.When you come, the few of us have been lying there for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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