Full server counterattack

Chapter 418 Discussing the Copywriting

Chapter 418 Discussing the Copywriting

[Team] [Our Tomorrow] is actually not that scary, isn't it.Although it was a little late, but I believe that the leader will not let himself lose.

[Team] [Gu Yu Ze'an] You are right, I can't let myself lose in this, because I want to give her something.

[Team] [Aunt Meng Mian] How short is the time?Eating dog food has already eaten so much.It seems that in the future, the Gao Leng gang in Qingcheng will mainly change their title, called Xiu Wife Gang Leader.

Show wife helper?

These are some talents!

Finally, Jian Luo got the legendary couple outfit for Luxi Temple.

So Auntie Mengmian and the other two left in a tacit understanding, leaving the space for the remaining two people.

[Team] [Gu Yu Ze'an] Go and have a look.

[Team] [A Temple of Spring River Water] Good!

Lu Xici opened the backpack and found the small box that he got just now.

After she opened the small box, what popped out was to click whether to change into new clothes.

Lu Xici directly clicked to replace it.

Then a blue and white dress that looked very elegant was worn on the game character of Lu Xici.

Although it doesn't look so gorgeous, it makes Luxi Temple feel very comfortable.

At this time, Jian Luo also changed into the men's version.

In fact, the outfit he put on at the beginning is better!But at this time, he and Lu Xici put on this ordinary-looking clothes.

[Team] [Yici Chunjiangshui] is actually just a game, there must be many people in this suit who have this outfit!The suit you wore earlier is in line with your No. [-] temperament!You don't have to.

[Team] [Gu Yu Ze'an] Huh?So you think so.For me in fancy clothes are useless things.But this is different, even if it is something that everyone has in the whole server, I don't care about others, I only care about you.Girls who can wear couple outfits with me.

[Team] [A Temple of Spring River Water] Good!I won't say much.

That's it, Lu Xici didn't say anything more.

Both of them returned to the main city.

[Team] [Gu Yu Ze'an] Go to rest early, I have to go offline to deal with some things.

[Team] [A Temple of Spring River Water] Okay, bye.

After watching Jian Luo go offline, Lu Xici stood there by himself quietly admiring the characters in the game in front of him.

What Jian Luo meant was that what he cared about was not the precious clothes he was wearing, but the person who wore them with him.

Lu Xici looked at the time and prepared to go offline first.

In the next few days, Luxi Temple was busy with the things arranged by Zhang Ziwei.

And Jian Luo has been in a relatively busy state since the game that day.

I just occasionally make a phone call and send a message to Lu Xici.

In particular, Gu Han also changed from his usual idle manner, and started to work seriously.

On the other hand, Gu Yin, ever since Lu Xici accidentally saw her in the hospital that day, she has been mysterious and mysterious for the rest of the day. When she got off work and waited until Lu Xici went to look for her, no one was there.I don't know what she is doing.

Could it be sick?
On this day, Lu Xici saw that everything in his hand was almost finished.

He got up and took the documents and came to Gu Han.

"Gu Han, please help me to see if there is anything wrong with what I did. I have to hand it in tomorrow. I'm afraid of making mistakes, so I'm here to ask you."

(End of this chapter)

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