Full server counterattack

Chapter 503 Feng Yang

Chapter 503 Feng Yang
I really have no eyesight, obviously Luxi Temple is more suitable for Jian Luo.

"Hurry up and go back to rest after eating! Didn't you say that you have to report tomorrow morning?"

Luxi Temple went to a toilet on the way, and accidentally bumped into a person when he came out.

"I'm sorry, are you okay!"

When he looked up and saw the other party, he was stunned.

"Hey! You're not"

Was Lu Xici's former high school classmate?
Call. What's the name?

I really can't think of it.

"Lu Xi Temple." The other party recognized her first. "I'm Feng Yang. Why don't you remember me so soon?"

Lu Xici smiled and remembered.

"That's right, Feng Yang, at that time, you were sitting behind me, and you often passed notes in class. I can't meet you here yet."

Feng Yang nodded, and looked carefully at Lu Xi Temple.

"I haven't seen each other for so many years, you are still the same, you are still so beautiful, except that you are a little more mature, you haven't changed much."

Lu Xici bowed his head and smiled.

"Actually, I've grown quite a bit taller."

"Are you working in Z City now?" Just as Feng Yang finished asking, Gu Han and Wang Yi on the other side came over.

"Didn't you say you went to the toilet! I thought you fell into the cesspit and planned to find someone to catch you?"

Lu Xici subconsciously reached out and patted Gu Han's shoulder a few times.It was originally an action between friends, but in Wang Yi's eyes, it felt a little different.

"Really, can't you expect something better from me? You actually say that."

Gu Han's eyes were on the person next to Lu Xici, his eyes were a little wary, Jian Luo specially greeted Gu Han when he set off from City C, and looked at Lu Xici when he had nothing to do.It's not that he is worried about Lu Xi Temple, but mainly because he is afraid of the rest of them.After all, sometimes the daughter-in-law is too beautiful.It is also a kind of trouble!

So before Gu Han had time to speak, Wang Yi became excited.

"Manager Feng, you are here too."

Feng Yang looked at the person he was talking to, and roughly got an impression.A person who has studied under his own hands before.

"Hmm! I'm here to have a meal with my friends." After finishing speaking, he turned to Luxi Temple. "Xiaoci, I still have a few friends there, we will meet again next time we have a chance."

Lu Xici nodded and asked him to accompany his friends first, and then leave with Gu Han and the others after finishing the work.

It was said that it was the next meeting, neither of the two parties left anyone's contact information, but when Feng Yang saw Wang Yizhi standing beside them, he knew that the fate between him and Lu Xici should not stop there.

After walking a few steps, he stopped, turned around and looked at the place where Lu Xici left.Watching her fight with another man and leave.

Gu Han walked and asked Wang Yi.

"Do you know the guy just now?"

Lu Xici thought that Gu Han was asking her?Instead, he answered first.

"I know you! That man is my high school classmate. What's the matter?"

Gu Han knocked on Lu Xici's head.

"Am I asking you? It's pretty quick to grab the conversation. What about Wang Yi?"

"Hey! So it was me who asked the question! I know that person! It is our company's manager, Feng Yang. Maybe you will meet him tomorrow when you report for duty. He is a very strict person."

severe?Then when Lu Xici talked to him just now, I felt that this person was quite kind!
(End of this chapter)

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