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Chapter 504 Gu Yin Was Bullied

Chapter 504 Gu Yin Was Bullied

Lu Xici and Gu Han returned home, and Wang Yi also returned to his own home.

Gu Han watched helplessly as Lu Xici hurried back to his room, and then hurried out again.Then there is one more thing on hand, the computer.

"What are you going to do?"

Put the computer on the table, and press a power button by the way.

Then wait for it to boot.

"I took out my computer, what else can I do. Of course it's playing games."

"Then play slowly by yourself! I won't go online, so as not to see Gu Yin in time."

"tsk tsk"

Lu Xici slept and woke up, and ate and was full. At this time, there was nothing to do.What else can you do if you don't play the game.

It wasn't until she logged into the game that she realized that there was a fierce quarrel in the world at this time.

It just happened to be a wonderful part.

[World] [Eagle Roaring Kyushu] Gu Yu Ze'an, you don't mean what you say, you agreed to start a gang war after my combat power surpassed yours.

[World] [Gu Yu Ze'an] So now your combat power surpasses mine even for a second?no!Since none of them exceeded, why should I start a gang war.

【World】【Eagle Roaring Kyushu】You
[World] [Eagle Roaring Kyushu] As long as I increase my combat power every time, you will follow suit. If this is the case, when will I be able to surpass you?

[World] [Gu Yu Ze'an] That's your question, why do you come to ask me.

[World] [Eagle Roaring Kyushu] You did this on purpose, because you are afraid of us scientific lunatics.

[World] [Gu Yu Ze'an] Then you can say whatever you want!Anyway, I didn't say that I couldn't increase my combat power when you chased me.Besides, as long as you spend more money than me, your combat power will soon be higher than mine.Could it be that money is a concern.

Some of them are not a matter of distressing money or not, but that some materials are extremely difficult to obtain, and even if you have money, you may not be able to buy them.So when Ying Xiao Jiuzhou watched that he was trying hard to catch up with Jian Luo's combat power, but the opponent's combat power was getting higher and higher day by day.

Then get angry.

[World] [Aunt Meng Mian] What's the matter, maybe it's because she can't afford to lose and she looks like this.In that case, you are too much of a failure!

[World] [Bai Yue Lin Lang] We will not admit defeat, people of Qingcheng, just wait, one day, your guild will be expelled.

[World] [Gu Yu Ze'an] Even if you get delisted, it won't be in the hands of your scientific lunatic.

After typing these, Jian Luo found out that Lu Xi Temple was also online at this time.So after switching the channel, I found Luxi Temple.

Not continuing to pay attention to what those people in the world have said.

[Secret Chat] [Gu Yu Ze'an] is here.

[Secret Chat] [A Temple of Spring River] Huh?It's just that you don't even need to answer those people who are looking for you in the world?Can the people of the scientific madman be so lively right now?
[Secret Chat] [Gu Yu Ze'an] You are the most important one.

Lu Xici smiled and played with Jian Luo.

Aunt Mengmian and the others all withdrew after seeing it.

He didn't continue to talk too much in the world, so the originally lively world was suddenly left with scientific lunatics singing one-man shows there.

At this time, a word from the world caught the attention of Lucy Temple.

It happened to be Gu Yin who sent it.

[World] [Drunken Flower Yin] Rib Goddess, are you sick?I was meditating here, but you beat me to death without saying a word.

[World] [Goddess of Spare Ribs] Am I just a momentary mistake?
[World] [Drunken Flower Yin] Do you think I believe it?One or two mistakes, three or four?
 (Thank you, buddy, for the reward of our youth, meh!)

(End of this chapter)

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