Chapter 534
Lu Xici put his hands on the keyboard, still a little nervous.

Come on!
【Nearby】【A Temple of Spring River Water】Successful!Let's get started, but I have one request.

[Nearby] [Eagle Roaring Kyushu] There are so many demands for a fight.Speak!
[Nearby] [A Temple of Spring River Water] My combat power is the lowest among several people, even Bai Yue Linlang and I.The difference in combat power is also relatively large.So I asked me to make the first move first, and then officially start, even if I make a big move first, it shouldn't have any impact on you, right?
【Nearby】【Baiyue Linlang】Success!I'll just let you do it first, so what, you're still bound to lose.

Lu Xici turned to look at Shen An'an.Seeing the self-confidence in her eyes, that's exactly what Lu Xici lacked.

Taking Lu Xici's skills as a signal, as long as she has done her first hand, it will be considered a formal start.

After adjusting the position, Luxi Temple was aimed at Baiyue Linlang.Widen the distance from Eagle Howling Kyushu.Because I was afraid that Kyushu would attack her first if the eagle roared close to her.

"I don't believe it, I'll fight with you tonight."

Pressed a skill with medium damage.Released at Bai Yue Linlang, it hit her body in an instant, and her health bar dropped a bit.Everyone started to act.

After sending out this trick, he was close to giving a fixed body skill.It is possible to temporarily control Bai Yue Linlang for a few seconds.

Then when it was time for Lu Xici to run, run back.

Sure enough, the person Yingxiao Jiuzhou wanted to hit was Lu Xici, so that the two of them could kill Lu Xici first and then they could concentrate on dealing with Gu Yuze'an.

At this time, Shen An'an sent several big moves to Bai Yue Linlang.The blood bar dropped a lot after two swishes.

The frightened Ying Xiao Jiuzhou hurried back to help.Before leaving, he gave a big move to Lu Xi Temple.

Luckily, Lu Xici had been prepared and dodged perfectly.

This is just great.It takes more than ten seconds for the skill adjustment of the big move.In other words, at this time, Yingxiao Kyushu has no big moves to use in a short period of time.

When Ying Xiao Kyushu returned to Bai Yue Linlang's side.He just cast the skill on Shen An'an, but the moment he released it, the number that Shen An'an was operating had circled behind the two of them.

God!Even Lu Xici, who was sitting in front of the computer, was stunned.

The speed of that movement just now, so fast?Go against the sky!

This movement speed is too scary.

Shen An'an fired two skills in a row, and Ying Xiao Jiuzhou's blood bar was suppressed a lot.

Probably also a little surprised by the other party's actions, Ying Xiao Jiuzhou and Bai Yue Linlang began to bite Lu Xi Temple tightly.Anyway, if you can kill one, kill one.

The Luxi Temple also needs to get someone to do it.

The strong attack of the two people in front of you.Luxi Temple beat Bai Yue Linlang wildly.And the same is true for Shen An'an.

But it was still Lu Xici who died first, after all, two people were beating one of her.

However, just a few seconds after she was lying on the ground, Bai Yue Linlang hit Shen An'an hard because of the double attack between her and Shen An'an earlier.He also fell beside Lu Xi Temple.

All of a sudden, there were only Shen An'an and Yingxiao Jiuzhou.

Anyway, it's not much different from what they thought at the beginning.

Lu Xici sat there watching the battle.

Instead of looking at his computer, he looked at Shen An'an's hands.

The operation speed of those hands was too fast.

And she got familiar with so many skills so quickly.I also memorized the positions of Jian Luo's skill keys.

Lu Xici really looked at her with eyes full of stars and admiration.

(End of this chapter)

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